
Listless Traveler

Elias Kennith finds himself in a new world as a baby. With a cheat-like power he indulges in his slothful character and becomes a playboy loafer. One piece? Who cares, let me sleep. Admirals are attacking? Can you just go away? Pirate hunting? Ugh, maybe later. However, his sweet degenerate life comes crashing down. At his door is a beautiful woman who he had a one night stand with. With her she brings some terrifying news! Goodbye playboy Eli. Now the listless strongman has taken a dangerous decision. What will the future hold for him? And can he hold onto what he wants to protect? I don’t own the rights to anything in this story. Please support the official release.

ReinAndHalos · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 3 Home Sweet Home

Walking through the forest it wasn't long until I made it to the local village. I got a few strange looks because I was carrying a sleeping Robin on my back and a large backpack on my front. However, strange looks or not I should first find out about where I am and where I can go to rest for the night or early morning, I don't have a watch to tell. Luckily I found a villager who was willing to talk to me.

"Never seen you round these parts young man, you're not up to anything nefarious are you? The only ones awake round this time are the fishes and the fishermen. Can't blame a man for being cautious right?"

"Haha no offense taken old man. My wife and I just landed on this island after a long journey. Could you point me towards a local inn so that we can rest?"

"Hmmm, well you seem like a decent young man so I'll give ya the benefit of the doubt. Just down the road is the only inn in this village. The old lady who runs it will help ya out. Welcome to Cocoyashi Village young man."

After thanking the old man for his directions, I took my tired body and made my way to the inn. There I was able to get settled in for the night. I tucked in Robin who managed to stay asleep through the whole transition. After setting our stuff aside and dressing down I lay in the bed next to Robin who slept like she had no worries in the world.

Now that I've finally stopped moving I can start thinking about what comes next. I seemed to find myself in Cocoyashi village, a place that I never expected I would end up in. In the start of One Piece, Cocoyashi is the hometown of a certain orange haired navigator, Nami, for the straw hat protagonist, Luffy. According to the story this village was taken over by the racist Arlong Pirates and that's where Nami's tragedy began. However, judging by the mood of the villagers it would seem that it hasn't happened yet.

Now the bigger question is, Should I just leave and find a less problematic island to settle down on? Even if I intervene, what if there's a higher power at play and fate will soon try to correct the changes? Ha, what a joke. I've already started messing with the so-called fate of this world. There are those who struggle against fate and yet achieve only an early grave. There are those who flee fate, only to have it swallow them whole. Then there are those who embrace fate, and do not show their fear. These are the ones who change the world forever. I won't just sit idly by and live in mediocrity forever, it's about time I start doing something with myself.

If I just run away from all the troublesome things that come up, I'll never be able to protect what I care about. So, I'll settle down in Cocoyashi until the Arlong Pirates come and then move along to my next destination with Robin. Now with that settled I think it's time for me to finally get some well deserved sleep…

-3 Weeks Later-

After a long stay in the inn we can finally move into our new home in Cocoyashi. I had commissioned some local builders to make a small cabin on the outskirts of town. More importantly the relationship between Robin and I has slowly started to get more intimate. It started on one fateful night when me and her were both awake in bed. I had asked her what her dream was.

She told me that at first she wanted to continue uncovering the mysterious history of the void century, a subject that has been prohibited by the World Government. It all began with her hometown of Ohara, where she grew up and learned about archaeology. With great difficulty she told me how she lost her home and the people she cared about. With nothing left in life she wanted to continue the final wishes of the scholars of Ohara, which included her mother. Her mother had left her behind to study the void century, and so she could go with her mother when she returned she learned how to read the poneglyphs. However, she met me by complete coincidence as she continued to look for another place to hide and search for the Poneglyphs which hold the forbidden history. She told me how when she met me, she was able to see another life. One which she had always wished for as a child. One where a family could be together and hold hands in the street, talking about the simple things in life, like what's for dinner.

Tempted by that different life, she shared her first time with me even though I was a notorious playboy. After waking up beside me that fateful night she had come to realize that her circumstances as a wanted criminal would never allow her that happy life, so she left. However, she couldn't find the strength to leave behind that hope, so she stayed on the island and would follow me from time to time. When she saw me single handedly take care of notorious pirates she began to have hope that maybe things might go differently this time. Until one day she began to feel ill and found out that she was pregnant. At first she was terrified, afraid that she would be the reason her unborn child would die. She began to cry like that day her home was destroyed by the World Government, but she was secretly happy she would have a chance. A chance to give her child the family she had always wanted. So like that she grew the courage to take a leap of faith and came to my door.

That night she fell asleep comfortably in my embrace as I wiped away her tears. After spilling her heart to me, she began to be more comfortable with being intimate. I also secretly made a vow in my heart to make her dream come true and to protect my family. Our relationship might've started in the wrong steps, but the short days together I've come to appreciate having her in my life.

Leaving the inn we made our way to the cabin that I had built, which only cost me 3 million berries. The house had a small porch with some furniture, the walls were made of wood and had a basic roof with green shingles. The inside had a small living room that connected to an open kitchen. There were only two rooms, the bedroom that already had a neatly made bed, and a second room that could be a study. After putting away the small things we brought with us we sat together on the porch with some tea. We spent a few moments just enjoying the small breeze and the landscape around us. Turning my head towards Robin I saw her lost in the scenery with a smile on her face.

"What do you think Robin? I know it's small but it's our temporary home for now."

Scooching closer to me until we're side by side, she leans her head on my shoulder while closing her eyes. "I love it Eli. Thanks for not abandoning me, I hope we can just stay here in peace."

She had her hair tied up in a ponytail, and was wearing a green and white striped v-neck sweater which reached her thighs. She had a happy glow around her that made me satisfied with my choices. "We can only hope. But even if we have to leave this place as long as we're together, that'll be our home no matter where we end up. Don't worry so much, believe it or not your husband is a pretty strong guy."

She gave a soft chuckle to my antics, "I think someone flying across the Grand Line to the East Blue isn't just strong. It's reassuring to have such a reliable guy as my husband."

Feeling the pink mood in the air as we stared into each other's eyes, we slowly moved our faces towards one another. Our lips were just moments away from each other, but came to a stop because of a sudden cough from an unexpected third party. Making me curse for not keeping my observation haki up so we wouldn't be interrupted.

Awkwardly turning towards our visitor, we see a woman with two children by her sides. The woman had long fuschia hair tied in a ponytail and a unique mohawk style, and gray eyes. She had a presence that really shouted "GUTS". There were two little girls shyly holding onto her jeans, probably not accustomed to seeing adults showing affection. The younger girl had short orange hair and brown eyes and was wearing a small white dress. The older one had blue hair with a red ribbon and green-blue eyes, while wearing overalls and a dark blue shirt.

The older woman gave an apologetic smile that soon turned into a teasing one, and brought forward a basket with tangerines. "It seems you young couples are so daring, kissing in public. We saw that you guys just moved in and wanted to bring a welcome gift. I'm Bellemere and these are my daughters Nojiko and Nami."

Robin took the initiative to respond, and completely ignored Bellemere's teasing. "Thank you so much for the gift, as you can see we just moved here. Your children are so adorable, I hope they can be good friends with my child when they come."

"Hahaha yes Nami and Nojiko are my pride and joy! But oh my goodness you're expecting? Do you know when? You'll have to tell me more about it!"

Meanwhile they got lost in their own conversation, I on the other hand was completely dumbfounded. Because I just met the people I decided to save from their fates so soon. Well it doesn't matter, since Robin is enjoying herself…