
Eating Tatoes With Wizard King

Upon hearing Mimosa's words, Salim fell silent, refraining from further discussion. Klaus, too, chose to withhold his thoughts, despite Mimosa's evident lack of respect towards him. The members of the Golden Dawn found themselves witnessing an entirely different side of Mimosa, one that they had never anticipated. The stark contrast between her usual gentle and nurturing nature and the dangerous aura she now exuded left them astounded. It was a revelation that opened their eyes to the hidden depths within Mimosa, forever changing their perception of her.

However, Klaus was wise enough not to provoke Asher further. He had heard countless tales about Asher's strength and exceptional abilities. Rumors of Asher's remarkable feat of earning twelve stars on his very first mission had spread far and wide, amplifying his already growing reputation. The astonishing part was that he single-handedly vanquished all the bandits, leaving no room for doubt about his prowess. Klaus knew better than to underestimate someone with a four-leaf grimoire, especially one as renowned and accomplished as Asher.

"Annoying pest," Asher muttered under his breath, his words causing confusion among those present.

"What's the matter, Asher? Is something troubling you?" Mimosa inquired, her voice filled with genuine concern.

"Someone is about to attack us," Asher declared. Without hesitation, he swiftly opened his grimoire, preparing for the imminent threat.

"Huh? But I don't see anyone," Klaus voiced his confusion, scanning the surroundings in search of the unseen threat.

"You're too weak, that's why," Asher retorted mercilessly, his tone dripping with disdain.

Inferno Blaze Magic: Inferno Barrage

Asher conjured ten fiery fireballs, their red glow emanating intense heat. With a swift flick of his hand, he launched the blazing orbs towards the cloudy area, their path marked by scorching trails as they streaked through the air with remarkable speed.

A thunderous explosion reverberated through the air as the adversaries, who were on the brink of ambushing them, found themselves struck by the barrage of fireballs unleashed by Asher. Five men, engulfed in flames, plummeted from their brooms, their bodies writhing in agony.

"This... how?" Klaus utters in disbelief, his voice trembling with shock. If it weren't for Asher's swift and precise response, they would have already been attacked.

The two remaining men, filled with fear and awe, hastily retreated, their faces pale with shock. They had witnessed firsthand the overwhelming display of power from Asher, a newcomer to the Crimson Lion Squad. His formidable abilities far surpassed their expectations.

"Should I chase them?" Yuno asked.

"No, you will not chase them; we need to carry on the mission."

Klaus's firm tone resonated in the air, his decision final. He understood the importance of staying focused on their primary objective and not getting sidetracked by the fleeing enemies. With a composed demeanor, he directed his gaze towards their original path, urging them to continue their mission without any further distractions.

"Why don't we go to Hage village? I heard Yuno was from there, and it's also nearby. We will definitely be at a disadvantage if the enemy returns with a group of stronger mages." Salim suggested

"We cannot entertain that idea. The mission must proceed without interruption! I am confident that the enemy has been sufficiently deterred and will not trouble us further. We cannot afford to squander any more time," Klaus asserted firmly.

"But I've always wanted to see the demon skull that the 1st Wizard King defeated. I've been hearing stories about it since I was a child," Salim expressed.

"But..." Klaus didn't finish his sentence as Asher interrupted him.

"Let's just do what he said." Asher agreed, which surprised Salim.

"Klaus-san, I also share the same sentiment. I would love to see the place where Yuno grew up," Mimosa concurred.

Klaus sighs in defeat. He can't possibly force all of them. With that, he just agreed to visit Hage village.


Upon reaching Hage village, they made their way to the church where Yuno grew up. Klaus couldn't hide his disdain as he laid eyes on the dilapidated building. As a noble, he felt a sense of unease being in such a run-down place. However, he reminded himself that their mission took priority, and he would have to endure the discomfort for its sake.

"Wow, such a cute church! Now I see why you are a great person, Yuno san," Mimosa said with a smile on her face.

"I couldn't agree more; this place gave me a warm feeling of family," Salim said, looking around.

Yuno gently rapped on the door of the church, patiently waiting for someone to answer. After a brief moment, the door creaked open, revealing a startled nun who widened her eyes in surprise at the unexpected visitors.

"Yuno?! Oh, and you brought your friends here!" The nun said.

"We just paid a visit, Sister Lily," Yuno said with a slight smile on his face.

"Oh, please enter. I'm sorry I didn't prepare anything," Sister Lily said with an apologetic look on her face.

All of them entered the church except Klaus, who volunteered to guard outside.

"Indeed, it's a serene and inviting place. I wouldn't mind visiting here more often," Salim remarked, taking in the peaceful ambiance of the church.

"Thank you, sir..."

"Just call me Salim," he said while smiling at Sister Lily.

"Right, I forgot to introduce myself. How rude of me. I'm Lily, the nun of this church. Nice to meet you, Yuno's friends," Sister Lily said with a warm smile on her face.

"Nice to meet you too, Sister Lily. I'm Mimosa Vermillion. This is my cousin Asher Vermillion," Mimosa said while pointing at Asher, who was looking at the potatoes at the table.

"Asher?" Mimosa glanced at Asher, her eyes filled with curiosity. However, as her gaze shifted towards the potatoes laid out on the table, a sudden realization dawned upon her.

"Are you perhaps hungry?" Mimosa chuckled.

"Yeah," Asher answered.

"You can eat it if you want; tatoes are the most famous cuisine here in Hage village," said sister Lily to Asher.

"Pack me some; I will go somewhere," Asher said, which confused everyone.

"Where are you going, Asher?" Yuno asked.

"Stroll around."

"I'll prepare a lunch box for you right away," Sister Lily offered, starting to pack tatoes for Asher.

Earlier, Asher had detected an immense amount of mana, piquing his curiosity. The sheer magnitude of the mana surpassed that of an ordinary mage and even exceeded that of the Magic Knight captains. Asher's heightened sensitivity to mana compelled him to verify the presence of such controlled power not just once, but twice, before fully believing it.

If it was an enemy, then he would have to call for backup. A power of that caliber is out of his reach yet.

With the lunch box now prepared, Sister Lily handed it over to Asher, "Here's your lunch box, Asher san."

"Thank you." Asher said and took the lunch box from Sister Lily's hands. He walked out of the church and looked at Klaus, who was guarding the door.

"Hey, go inside, weakling. I'll guard the door."

"B-But Asher Sama, I volunteered to guard the door," Klaus said to Asher. He didn't understand why Asher wanted to guard the door.

"Just do what I say," Asher said with a chilling tone, causing Klaus to involuntarily flinch.

Be careful; the enemies might still be there. " Klaus said and reluctantly went inside.


Asher was eating Tatoes on top of the Demon skull while looking at the sky. He already sensed the enemies around him; he just didn't finish them off because he wanted to see Yuno's strength right now. But... He just takes down one assassin who was now lying unconscious beside him.

"You suck at hiding, or perhaps you let me find you," Asher muttered.

"Oh, hehehehe, I've been found out. Hello, you're Asher Vermillion, right?" The guy said.

Asher looked at the guy and immediately knows his identity.

He is the current Wizard King of Clover Kingdom, none other than Julius Novachrono.

"Of all places, why are you here?"

"I came here because of your magic! Hey, can you show me your Inferno Blaze Magic?! Please!" Julius said with stars in his eyes. Twinkling in excitement.

"You're too noisy," Asher said harshly.

"Sorry, I was just excited to see such powerful magic. Forgive me. Can I perhaps eat those Tatoes with you, Asher Kun?" Julius said with a smile.

"Here," Asher said, offering one Tatoe as he extended his hand towards Julius.

"Thank you, Asher kun." Julius takes the tatoe and sits beside Asher.

"You're here to witness Yuno's improvement, right?" Julius said, taking a bite of the tatoe.

"Yeah." Asher also took a bite.

"Well, Yuno kun is truly fascinating and has tremendous potential, but I firmly believe that you, Asher kun, also possess the same. I have high expectations for your future endeavors," Julius said, his smile filled with genuine warmth as he looked at Asher.

I'm too sleepy. If there are any mistakes, I'll edit it tomorrow.

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