
Lioness Cub

While fetching water by the river, Mareoleona's ears perked up as she heard the cries of a nearby baby, catching her attention instantly. Driven by instinct, Mareoleona immediately pursued the source of the baby's cries and discovered an infant nestled in a basket, snugly wrapped in a blanket. "Eh? So you're abandoned, huh?" Mareoleona, filled with concern, decided to investigate further. She carefully examined the basket and noticed a handkerchief with the name "Asher" embroidered on it, catching her attention. "Asher... Interesting. Well, taking care of a brat is not bad, right?"

SALTANDPEPPER_1 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

A Talk With Noelle

"Eh?" Noelle was dumbfounded when a fire paw suddenly gripped her head.

"See you at the ceremony," Asher bid farewell, and with that, he took off into the air, soaring away, dragging Noelle with him.

"Waitt! I didn't agree to this! Let me go! I am royalty, you know?!" Noelle pleaded, attempting to free herself from the firm grasp of the fiery paw, but her efforts proved futile as the grip remained unyielding.

"BAKASTA! EVERYONE! HELP ME!" Noelle shouts, begging for help.

"Don't worry, Noelle! Asher is a good person!" Asta said, waving at Noelle.

"Good luck, Noelle!" Mimosa said with a smile on her face.

"What are you guys saying?! I'm getting kidnapped! Help me! BAKASTA!"


Noelle found herself riding on the broom behind Asher, feeling uncertain about his intentions. They had never met before, and she had no idea what he had in mind for her.

"Why have you taken me with you? What do you intend to do?" Noelle questioned nervously, her voice tinged with apprehension.

"You're so noisy," Asher muttered.

A visible tick mark appeared on Noelle's forehead as she retorted, "This is all your fault!"

"You... how do you train your mana control?" Asher suddenly asked, catching Noelle off guard with the unexpected question.

"I... I've been attempting to practice my mana control by casting water projectiles at targets. However, no matter what I do, they always curve and go in different directions. It's incredibly frustrating," Noelle confessed with a hint of sadness, her gaze fixed downwards.

"If that's it, then you will never improve your mana control," Asher said.

"What do you mean?" Noelle asked Asher.

"You may already be aware that as a person evolves, so does their magic. You're not merely attempting to control your magic powers; you're casually throwing them out without truly understanding their nature. Remember, you and your magical powers are intertwined. To truly master your water magic, you must establish a deep connection with it, treating it as an extension of your own body," Asher advised, emphasizing the importance of understanding and forging a profound bond with her water magic.

"T-Then how can I do that?" Noelle asked.

"Try to change yourself first; perhaps then it will work," Asher suggested.

"Change myself?"

"Due to the neglect you've endured, it's likely that you've questioned your own abilities and whether you can grow stronger or gain acceptance from others. It's time to change that mindset," Asher advised.

Noelle expressed her frustration, saying, "It's easy for you to say... I've always yearned for my brother's recognition. I've longed for acceptance from them," as she clenched her fist.

"You're an idiot," Asher muttered harshly.

"HEY!" Noelle shouts.

"You mentioned earlier that you are of royalty, correct? Well, then, should not a royal carry themselves with such confidence? Rather than worrying excessively about gaining the acceptance of others, consider whether they are truly deserving of your attention. That's how a royalty should think," Asher said, looking over his shoulder.

Upon hearing Asher's words, Noelle was taken aback and looked at him with astonishment. His perspective resonated deeply with her. She realized that she had been preoccupied with seeking acceptance from others. As a member of royalty, she should exude confidence befitting her status. This realization sparked a newfound determination within Noelle to hold her head high with self-assurance.

This made Noelle remember her first mission experience, where she found the strength to cast a defense spell by believing in herself and cultivating a strong determination to aid others. It served as a reminder that her self-belief and unwavering resolve could unlock her true potential and enable her to make a positive impact.

Her sibling doesn't deserve her. If they did not appreciate or accept her, then she would not waste her affection on them either. She recognized the significance of the important individuals she wanted to protect, who truly deserved her attention. To her, the Black Bulls were her only family, and they held a special place in her heart.

"Asher... thank you." Noelle blushed shyly.

"I haven't done much myself. The choice to change or not is entirely up to you," Asher remarked, closing his eyes and relishing the gentle caress of the wind.

"But Asher... Why are you helping me? We've never met before."

"Hmmm... because of your mother, I suppose," Asher said.

"My mother?" Noelle said curiously.

Asher nodded in understanding before sharing, "The second person I hold in high regard is your mother, Acier Silva. She was a rival to my own mother. I had always longed to witness her formidable fighting prowess, but sadly, she is no longer with us. That's why I see in you a chance to fill that void. You bear a striking resemblance to your mother, and watching you in battle is akin to witnessing Acier Silva's spirit come alive once more."

"I understand... My mother has always been my greatest inspiration as well. I made a vow to myself that one day, I would become just like her. That's why I continue to train tirelessly, even when progress seems elusive," Noelle revealed, a soft smile gracing her lips.


"Oh, you're here, my nephew! You came just in time!" Leopold said, running towards Asher.

"Yeah," Asher said.

"Let's go inside! Everyone is waiting for the Wizard King there!" Leopold holds Asher's hand and drags him along.

Asher, observing Leopold's unrestrained enthusiasm, decided to let him be and allow him to do as he pleased. However, he couldn't help but wonder about the potential noise level if Leopold and Asta were to become friends. It was really a total hell for him. Noelle was no longer accompanying him, as he had dropped her off near the location where they would meet the Wizard King for their report.

Upon entering the venue, Asher's gaze fell upon the familiar faces of his squad members from the Silver Eagles, Blue Rose, and Golden Dawn. He noticed Nozel, Charlotte, and Fuegoleon engaged in conversation with each other on the opposite side of the room.

"Leopold, I'm going to Uncle. Do whatever you want," Asher said, looking at Leopold.

"Huh? Oh, Okay! I'll just go chat with the others," Leopold said, telling Asher that he could go.

With that, Asher started making his way towards the trio of captains. Charlotte, spotting him, beckoned for him to join her with a wave of her hand.

"Auntie, Uncle, Captain Nozel," Asher said, greeting the three captains.

"Asher, I heard about what happened. Are you feeling better now?" Charlotte inquired, expressing her concern for Asher's well-being.

"Yeah... I am currently grounded, though," Asher admitted, his gaze shifting towards Fuegoleon.

"You're still upset about that?" Fuegoleon remarked with a slight sweatdrop.

"I'm not actually; you don't have to tell Mother what happened."

"Well, you see, I have no other option. Your mother would most certainly have my head if I didn't inform her," Fuegoleon explained, acknowledging the necessity of his actions despite Asher's dissatisfaction.

"Here, Asher, my squad members made you cookies again," Charlotte said, giving Asher a bag of cookies.

Asher took the bag of cookies and said, "Thank you."

Nozel, with his eyes closed, remarked, "Wherever you go, you seem to captivate the attention of women. Some female members of my squad have taken an interest in you."

"So annoying," Asher said, taking a bite of the cookie.

"I can certainly relate. There are countless men who persistently seek my hand," Charlotte stated with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"The Wizard King is here!"