
Lionel's DownFall

Lionel Hall. A seemingly ordinary boy, in a world far greater than him. Then, The unlikely involvement of a wannabe gang leader costs him near everything, even his humanity. Only Magnus has hope of saving him. Can he do it? ____ He believes that the world around him is perfect. Ordinary. How couldn't he? He had a loving mother, a great school with an amazing best friend. But this superficial world soon crumbles around his feet as the reality of his past and future break light. Now he must Wade between light and dark. What's wrong? What's right? How does one survive in a world of insanity and brutality. All because of her. ------ Still in editing. If you see this book anywhere other than on here or wattpad it is COPYRIGHTED please let me know.

ChickenSunset82 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Misty Inferno-Final Chapter

10 years ago -Alexander

"Eren... Sarah... What do you think will happen to us down here?," I asked, my eyes fixated on the ceiling.

"The same thing we go through every day... Until we're expendable," Eren murmured, curling up into a ball in the corner.

"That wont hapoen," Sarah whispered and a trembling voice. I glanced at her, her slim frame that of a young girl who's been starved. We all look like that these days.

. " And what are we gonna do to stop it? All we can do is sit back and take it," I retorted. I stood up, brushing dust of my torn pants.

"Well escape one day... You'll see,"

Eren- Present day

I wrap Ryan's burnt arms with massive amounts of bandaid and burn cream. the Newbies dat outside, waiting for more information.

"Eren... Is what we're doing right?," Sarah asked from the corner of the room, her eyes lowered. I thought about it for a second.

"No.. Think about it. These two have trusted us for a while.. We got an opportunity to take down Flare through their expense. So one of two things can happen. We fight against them, and there are casualties. Massive ones at that. Or we find a way to remind them that we care, and shut the damn FBI mission coordinator the fuck up," I warned, leaning back and admiring my handiwork. I've learned quite a bit about taking care of burn wounds. It is my power after all.

"I prefer option two," Sarah murmured. I looked at her, feeling serious all of a sudden.

"What will we do if we come face to face with Flare. I have no doubt he will kill us... But.. Can we return the favor if we had the chance?," We both fell silent for a long moment.

"Honestly Eren... I dont trust it. I dont trust us. Weve been to caught up.. too involved for a long time," She exasperated. She turned to the window.

"I think we need to get Tara involved.. Again," She whispered under her breath, probably hoping I couldnt hear it.

" Hasnt she been dealing with her grief over Michelle?," I demanded, hoping to get her mind away from Tara. The puppet Master who still holds control over Ryan.

"Yeah... But she has answers. About this situation. About Lyra. About Michelle even. She might even know how to save Lio," She retorts in return, turning on her heel.

"She has been searching for Flare for months now.. If she had found him, we wouldnt be here right now. In this situation. We know where they are. We know where they've been hiding. I'd we get her here, she can kill them. Every last one of Flares groupies. Steal them and use them as puppets," She tries again walking over to me.

"Sarah no-," I shut her down again, but she snapped throwing her arms out.

"You think the group of noobies sitting outside can do anything? Huh!? And if we could get rid of Flare, we would've done it a year ago... Dont you think Eren? The only reason he is still alive is because Tara cant find him... And if we got Magnus here-,"

"Magnus burnt Ryan's arms substantially!! He can never use them again! Why should we trust that traitor!"

"Who wre the real traitors here? In fact... Who's the real enemy! Tell me!! Because from where I stand, it seems like the FBI are trying to kill a problem. Not deal with it. We threw Lionel in jail, and look how he reacted! He killed people! Then the FBI authorized his immediate death... What the hell else would Magnus do! You and Ryan are so blinded by your self righteousness that you cant see the truth. Reality is, Eren, That we caused this. You and I. We should never have fled and left Flare there. Alone to add on!,"

I snarled.

"He was dangerous! His power was bbn almost overwhelming-!,"

"We treated him and his powers like a bomb before he ever became one! He just wanted love.. Because none of us ever had anyone or anything to love besides each other. and We abandoned him! What does that say about us Eren?," She demanded, her eyes brimming with tears.

"He was dangerous! We couldn't stand back and watch!,"

"No. we did something worse. We left hin to become the monster we thought hed become. and that's unforgivable," She murmurs. The door slams open, and Archer busted through, his golden eyes wide with concern.

"Umm.. Sorry to interrupt. But I think Lio is here...," He pants heavily, looking between us. I clenched my fists, reaching down for my gun on my belt.

"How..." I demanded with gritted teeth. He crackled his knuckles, looking almost fearful.

"Hes downstiars.. trying to kill the others,"


I enter the FBI building in my home town, my arms at my sides. They know about me... They know what I can do. But they've never experienced it.

I grip my eye patch, looking into the entirety of the lobby, seeing some recruits I met on the first day. I smirked. I felt my body go cold, pressing the eyepatch to my right eye and latching it with ice. I look up.

"Who's first?," I asked. Too late, they all leaped from their seats, going for their guns. I twisted my foot, a wave of ice slamming into them, throwing them backwards, pinning em to the wall.

"Flare!," I called. Flare walked in with the rest of his goonies, the exception being Ben and Rain... I wonder where they're at.

"Kill them," He ordered. I gulped, looking at the newer ones. They dont deserve it. I glared at Flare.

"They're recruits. They're only following orders from the more experienced. Let them live, and we allow a better, more efficient FBI. ," I answered. He snarled.

"Let them live, and theyll work towards our destruction. This is a very, very small branch of the FBI. Killing the experienced ones wont change anything if their successors remain alive... So I say...," He smirks, touching the wall closest to him. I watch in familiarity as it starts to melt.

"Let it burn," He cackles. Damion looks at him with disapproval. I glanced at all his recruits.. They agree with me... But they're so loyal to him that theyll stand back and watch a bunch of innocents die.

"I DIDNT SIGN UP FOR THIS!," I roared. Flare snapped, turning around and grabbing my shirt. He leaned in close, his dark eyes boring into mine.

"You want a better world that will accept a serial killer like you? You have a higher body count than even I do... You're dead without me.. This world will never accept you... Only us!," He gestures to the criminals surrounding him.

" You already killed thirty. What's a hundred more...," He growled. At the worst possible moment, I heard his voice again... Familiar icy chains wrapped around me, scarred arms and fingers clenching my throat.

"Let's do this Lionel," He whispered.

I closed my eyes.

What's a hundred more...

I froze. Michelle... I could see her smile just now. Her warmness... Is this what she wants me to be? Is this what she made me?

Or is this Maria... My cruel.. twisted mother who couldnt accept her failings as a mother... No... her failings as a human being.

Lyra did this to me. Over a year ago Lyra turned me into this monster... With each finger she took, she took a piece of my heart. With each toe, she a took a piece of my will to live.

But Magnus... Magnus and Sarah and Ryan... And even Michelle... They gave me my heart back... They made me want to live again.

I reached up, grabbing Flares arm.

"The difference is... I'm not a killer...," I looked up, square into Flares eyes.

"Flare... I wont let you kill these innocent kids," I whispered. He smirks.

"And what will you do about it," He growls... I look down. Hes expecting an attack... His guard is up. I'll never get a hit in.. I look into his eyes once more, my gut boiling with disgust.

Then... I kissed him. He froze, in that moment. He didnt stiffen. He just remained there. But the second he kissed me back, I released my breath. His body froze over, turning to ice.

I stepped backwards, gagging. I looked at Charles, who stared at me.

"Please... Save them," I begged. He looked at Flare, and then at our teammates.

"Save them... The boss too.. No one will die here tonight," He ordered. I watched as Damion started blowing up my ice, and carried the recruits to safety. I looked at the melting walls.

Im stronger than Flare... My ranking is almost twice his. I dont stand a chance with the FBI on my tail... However... I'll do this for them... This one time I'll spare the FBI.

I screamed, and a wave of pure frost ripped from my body, coating the walls. Colder! It needs to be colder!

"Come on Lionel. How many times do we have to go over this.. You're fighting with half your strength. Accept me as a part of you... and we'll be.. extraordinary.," He whispered in my mind, his icy white hair falling into his blank eyes. I dont want to be the heartless monster he is... But... I dont want to be weak either.

But I'm not weak. I dont need to be heartless and cruel to be strong. Magnus is strong without being a killer. Michelle was strong too. But Flare... My whole idea of weak and strong is built around him. He took everything from me...

He killed Lyon... and Michelle. He took my home. My world.

But I'm to blame as well. I thought I had a choice in the faults this world gave me. I chose to change for the worst of myself and hoped for the best. But life doesnt work that way. That's where I've been wrong. All this pain.. Couldve been avoided if just tried to see the good... The good in everyone. Even this twisted world can be beautiful sometimes!

My eyes burned, the walls freezing over. Pain erupts all over my body. Magnus... I can see him now. Cheering me on... Michelle's here too... and Lyon... And Ryan, Sarah, Eren... All my friends and family I've made and cherished over the years... Dead and alive....

"Lio!," Someone screamed.. But it was too distant. My cry grew louder, the ice getting colder, the walls slowly cooling down.

"THIS LIFE... THIS WORLD IS WORTH FIGHTING FOR!," I cried. I looked over, seeing beautiful blue eyes locked on me in fear. I reached out to him, giving him all the fractured pieces of my heart... of my twisted love.

"You... You were worth fighting for...," The walls solidified under blue. I couldnt move... I can only see from one eye.

"You made this world.... You made my world beautiful! And it's a shame... It has to end so soon... I... I love-," And I couldnt speak... Couldnt hear... Couldnt see. Michelle reached her warm arms out to me... It was so cold out there... I wonder why...

She wrapped me in her arms, and took me to a place where pain was no more.


I sat, staring in awe at his death hardened body... How could this happen... This couldnt have happened... This isnt real... He isnt dead... He.. He cant be.... Lionel is too strong to die....

"Hey... Lio...," I touched his ice cold cheek... It would be a lie to claim he is alive... Hes not.

I thought of his last words... Why... Why Lio. Why did he have to die. Why couldn't it be me!

I clench my teeth together, burying my head into his cold chest. And I cried. I lied there and cried as the building was evacuated. I stayed and cried through the hands struggling to pry his body away from me. I cried as I watched them roll him away. And finally, I was taken too... Eren and Sarah dragged me away from the crumbling FBI base, away from the dust settling on the world around it. Away from the last place, I'd ever see Lio again.

A few weeks later, it's his funeral. I thought no one would show up... Because he didnt have anybody that I knew of. But I was wrong.

The new recruits... Jeffory, Archer, Tiana, Mia, Ashton, and Leona sat down in the back row, their heads low. According the report, he froze Flare and saved their lives. In shackles, sitting away from them, was Ben, Evie, Damion, Jackson, Jordan, and Rain... Flares recruits. Its said they saved the FBIs recruits on Lios orders. Charles was admitted into the hospital. His whereabouts this last year unknown. The masked man with Flare was now AFK. I have a feeling of where he went.

Sarah and Eren sat in the front of the rows, tears in their eyes. Other people whom I didnt even know was here. Just barely arriving was Mrs. Jones and a baby in her arms. I sat down, looking at the casket... Who paid for this.

I watched as a strange man stepped up from the corner of the chairs, walking up onto the pedastool and looking down at Lio.

"My name is Dave Valdez. Director of the FBI, and the father of the body in this casket. I am here to announce Lionel as a hero of the people. He selflessly gave his life to assure the lives of every FBI agent in the precinct of the attack remained alive, and civilians in the area as well. In this attack there was only two casualties. Lionel, and Flare. Or otherwise found out as Alexander. Let this be an example to us all... Let's be brave like Lionel, and stand up for others when they need it. Let's be the protectors our country asks us to be," He yelled. I gritten my teeth, lowering my head... Lios biological father... Hes only using his death to rally morale... Not honor his death... Its a grap for power. Around me, Sarah and Eren are glowering as well... I assume they came to the same conclusion. I opened my mouth to speak, but someone else did.

"Where were you?," A small female voice demanded. I turned, seeing a hooded woman wielding double daggers, under the hood, blue eyes glowed with fatal rage.

"As that boy suffered harm... Suffered from this world... From the woman you left to raise him. From the world you are trying to reinforce!," She gestured to the crowd.

"Notice something director... None of your agents are here. ," She smirks, ripping off her hood.

"Tara.." Sarah whispered. Tara storms closer to him, raising her blades.

"They're dead... I've spent the last year cleaning out the majority of your offices. I've had certain amounts of my followers remain and put up the facade of livelihood. You're the last one remaining. ," She cracks her neck.

"Concider this your coup d'é·tat. The President is under my belt... Literally," She glances under her blood stained blade.

"Ryan... I call you," She roars. Out of thin air, Ryan materializes, completely healed. I growled.

"Your finished," She whispers. Dave growls under his breath.

"I created this world!! By leaving this boy to die! I invented the Vaccine you have taken for Granted!! I have gathered all the intel on organized crime and movement! I made it to where we could get here in this world! YOU WONT KILL ME!," He exclaimed, laughing maniacally.

"That ignorant wench shoulda put this boy out of his misery years ago!!! He was destined for death anyways what would you know!," He continues, running his mouth. I stood up, the world around me darkening. I can see his eyes.... His beautiful eyes as he reached out to me..

"This world you created... It killed my boyfriend," I growled. I reached up with both hands, grabbing his head. Within moments, there was nothing, a headless corpse at my feet. I looked at Lios casket. Together, Tara, Eren, Sarah and I lowered my dead boyfriend into the ground.

Tara turned to the recruits, and the criminals, raising a steady fist.

"Join me... We will scour this world and kill evil doers.... Recreate a world where we humans deserve to live. Become a warrior... Humanities saviors. Join me, and become my angels!," She encouraged. Without second thoughts, they all nodded, almost unanimously. I looked at my hands. So they have their mission... I have mine. I looked up, thinking of Charles. I have another monster to face.

"Magnus...," Eren whispered. I turned to him. He looked down.

"Sarah and I... We wish to stay with you... We should stick together... ," He asked subtly. I nodded, rubbing his head.

"Theres something I need to tell you anyways,"

Later that night, I enter the hospital room, seeing Charles sitting on the bed.

"How long," I demanded. He looked at me, almost catlike.

"Two years.," He responded. He looked over at me, a smile on his face.

"Your power... Its to transform into anything you've read before... You gain their powers as well... Am I wrong," He shakes his head, waving me on.

"Theres more to it isnt there. Lio froze Flare.... but it didnt stick. He shattered. Real things dont just shatter. It melts. Defrost. Unless theres nothing underneath it. And it falls off and breaks. So... When did you kill Flare?," I demanded. He grins, rising and clapping.

"Bravo! In all reality... I killed him this morning. Before your boyfriend came home from his booty call. When I killed Flare, I was using the form of a legend I read that can steal and erase memories. I stole his memories, then killed him and took his powers too. Here's something you should know about them. Alex, and Lio. And this so called "Vaccine" That gave us powers. All the legends are true. This vaccine we've been distributed to has been the bone marrow of various beings... Sirens. See Sirens can sing a song according to the man they're trying to lure in. Our powers can be anything!!! But it's what we want them to be.

Lio wanted to be cold.. Because he felt that he was a murderous, crazy, cold human being. You got fire because you believed you were hotheaded. Like fire. That's the beauty of desire. But the most powerful, are those in tune with nature... Like me. We sense changes in the world around us. And we adapt. I could sense the incoming doom of this so generous called Vaccine," He monologues. I step away, glaring at him... What is he talking about!

"Lios right eye... That's the Sirens curse. The more powerful your ability becomes, the more dangerous it is to you. It's like a drug addiction. You get hooked. You need more and more and more until you consume to much. And you die. That's exactly what the Sirens curse does. It gives you what you desire the most. Power. Love. Control. And little by little it give you what you want. The first sign is the glowing eye. Flare had it. Sarah and Eren have it. Lio had it. Then the extreme amounts of power. Your power hurts you in small increments at first... But the more power you use, the more it hurts you. And then poof... You die. For example.. Lio freezing over saving everyone. Or the small bits of frost everytime he stopped time. Unnatural power has unnatural consequences," He grins. I shook my head. Hes a liar.

"You're lying!," I growled shakily.

"That's right! Everyone kissed with the sirens curse is destined for death... And the more doses you have of it, the worse it gets for you! You and Lio double dosed... So your powers are twice the power than normal peoples, which means half the time to live!," He cheers. He reaches out, grabbing my chin.

"That's the charm of being greedy little brats huh!," He exclaims. He turned, running a hand through his hair.

"I'll stop it! I wont let you win!," I yelled. He smirks, turning around.

"Oh you've got it all wrong. No one wins this game. Humanity is dying. Right now as we speak, hundreds are dying because of their powers. Not enough to be noticed... Yet," He raises his arms.

"Even I will die soon enough. When I figured that out, I realized I wanted to live in a better world before my gruesome end. Flare was an incompetent fool, but he was right about one thing. Power is all humans care about. They kill for it. I want to change the world for the future generations, for however long Humanity has left. And it means killing off brats like you," He gives me a sinister look.

"I assume Sarah and Eren know your conclusion as well, so it's a good thing I marked them too. But the thing is... Even with all your glory.. You'll never escape me and the fate you've earned," I turn on my heel, storming out the door.

"Hear me Magnus! You're all doomed!," I leave the hospital to the sound of his sickening sadistic laugh.