
Lionel's DownFall

Lionel Hall. A seemingly ordinary boy, in a world far greater than him. Then, The unlikely involvement of a wannabe gang leader costs him near everything, even his humanity. Only Magnus has hope of saving him. Can he do it? ____ He believes that the world around him is perfect. Ordinary. How couldn't he? He had a loving mother, a great school with an amazing best friend. But this superficial world soon crumbles around his feet as the reality of his past and future break light. Now he must Wade between light and dark. What's wrong? What's right? How does one survive in a world of insanity and brutality. All because of her. ------ Still in editing. If you see this book anywhere other than on here or wattpad it is COPYRIGHTED please let me know.

ChickenSunset82 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 36

Magnus- 6 months ago

I carried the last box into our brand new apartment. Lio sat on the couch, doodling on a sketchpad.

"Alright... That's the last one!," I called out to him. He turned and smiled at me over his shoulder, his eyes warming up at the sight of me. I set it down on the floor and sat next to him, tenderly wrapping my arms around his lower back and pulling him backwards into my chest. I pressed my chin down on his shoulder, inhaling his ever so familiar scent of mint. He always smelt really good.

"Finally," Lio groaned, leaning backwards and closing his eyes. I smiled, running my fingers through his dark hair. He opened his eyes again, giving g me a weird glance.

"Whyre you staring at me like that?," He demanded. I raised a brow, tightening my grip on him.

"Because... I love you-" I reminded him. He smiled, turning around and kissing me. Something about it made me feel safe. Like I've never been safer than being here in this moment. Holding him. I kissed him back.

"So," He clapped, pulling away, leaving me utterly disappointed. I cleared my throat, looking away.

"Whatre we doing for dinner?," He asked, giving me his puppy dog eyes. His eyes have always been so pretty... Their greens almost as bright as the light reflecting off the sea.

"Your choice for tonight," I granted. He grinned, leaning backwards.

"Let's do tacos," He said, closing his eyes again. A sad smile crossed his face.

"Michelle used to make tacos for us every other tuesday, if she was at work," He whimpered. I think that's when I first realized he wasnt ok... In fact, I dont think he ever got over what happened the previous year. Why didnt I ask him?

"Are you ok?," I asked. I shouldn't have asked that. It's the wrong question...

He nodded sadly.

"Yeah... I'll be fine," He promised. He took a shaky breath, hiding his face into my shirt. I nodded, rubbing his back solemnly. No... I should push it more.

"Then... Let's go grab dinner?," I asked. He nodded, standing up and walking to the door. I shouldve questioned him harder.. I shouldn't have let him ignore those feelings that day...

That's why our relationship is done


I rub my scarred side. Magnus got me... He tried to kill me.

"Care to explain yourself?," Decay demanded. He, Flare and the weird masked guy all stood, facing me. The only one seemingly unfazed was the masked man.

"He was a threat to the mission. I tried to exterminate him. I guess I was too weak," I responded. I looked down. He broke the ring he gave me... Shattered it. He got away...

"So it wasnt just a personal vendetta against a man you love?," Flare demanded. I looked up st him, rubbing my eyes.

"It wasnt a vendetta for anything. I made a calculated risk and I acted on it... I take responsibility for the concequences," I retorted, bowing my head.

Before I could respond. I got a hard knee to the face. Someone grabbed me by the hair and threw me into the wall, kneeling down and beating me. I just laid there and took it.

This world... it's a wretched existence. I'm not allowed happiness... Ehy should I be allowed life to.

Numb from the pains I glanced up, seeing a pissed off Flare heaving, clenching my hair in his fist.

"Make a risk like that ever again and I'll kill you. Understood?," He demanded. I nodded lifelessly. He let me go and stepped away, pulling a coat on over his shoulders.

"I'm going out. Watch him," He growled. He left the room.

"So... Poor Lionel Hall finally snapped huh? Everybody finally stopped pitying him and look where he scuttled off to," The masked man grumbled. I froze. That voice... No. it couldnt be. He went missing years ago..

"I wonder Lionel. Do you know what it's like to be forgotten? For the people who claim to be your friends just label you as missing for no other reason then they had a traitor in their midst?," He demanded in a slow, callous tone. I crawled backwards as he stalked towards me.

"N-no... It cant be true," I whispered, clenching my hands.

"Well it is... Sweetheart little Sarah and her boyfriend left me to burn in a fire they created," He growled. He kneeled in front of my, yanking the mask off his face and throwing it to the side. His face was severely burned, almost indistinguishable...

"Charles....," I breathed. He twisted his lips into a sneer, leaning down and brushing his fingers across my lips.

"Maybe now you'll understand what it means to be forgotten. As your beloved Magnus drifts away... Falls in love with another. Maybe starts a family. and never looks back on you... His tedious ex with abandonment issues," He grinned, an ugly look on his burnt face.

"And what will you have to show for it.... Hmm?," He demanded. I looked down.

"Nothing," I whispered. He smirked, wrapping a heavy arm around my shoulder.

"Now you get it... The people we called friends and family, are liars, traitors, and homewrecker. Magnus ruined you at a young age... Turning your admiration for his strength into a sword he could slowly kill you with. and Sarah and Ryan? They sent me and the entire house of bodies they lay waste to up in flames! I hope they all get what they deserve... Every last one of them,"


It's been a few weeks since the incident with Lio. My wounds are mostly healed up, however they arent perfect. I stood, looking in the mirror. I'm gonna have to face him again. I know that. I just wish... I shouldve listened.

I looked down, opening my phone. Lio still has his. I looked around my hospital room, before shooting a quick text.

"Can we talk... Please," It read. My finger hovered over the send button.. What if he doesnt want to talk to me. What if he hates me.

I bit my lip. Who cares. I have some things to say too.

I pressed send. Almost instantly, I got a response.


I scowled. Why is he so stubborn.

"I'll come alone... and unarmed if you promise to do the same," I replied, sending him another message. He opened it. A minute later, his response came in.

"Fine. Meet me at the old PD," It read. I stood up from my hospital bed, yanking the tubes out of my arms and wrapping a robe around me. It's so cold in here. I looked around me. they arent going to let me just walk out of here... I steadily stalked to the windows, slipping out. I stared down at the 80 feet drop below me. One mistake, and I'm dead.

I scaled down the building rapidly, finding grips in places i didnt even know could exist iij n these walls.

I dropped down the last 3 feet, and continued my stroll down the side walk. I need to make it.

I need to see Lio. Even if it's one last time...

The world around me seemed to get fuzzier and fuzzier. Just a little more.

I turned the last street, seeing a blank lot and a familiar figure in a hood leaning against it.

"Lio," I panted. He turned, catching my as I collapsed. He looked down at me, his eyes wide with confusion.

"Magnus you're freezing... Are you okay?," He asked. I shook my head, clutching his shirt.

"I-Ive been selfish... I didn't... I didnt," I struggled to make out the words. He clapped his hand over my mouth, lifting me up and walking into the building.

The area around me faded in and out of black, his face coming in and out of focus.

"Ok Magnus... I uh... I'll set up a fore," He whispered. He left me on a cold surface and left. A second later, I'm being cradled next to a huge heat source.

"What happened to you..," He demanded. I trembled, my teeth chattering.

"Lio.. Let me talk... Please I need to say this..," I started.

"No... Magnus open your eyes," He muttered. I fluttered my eyes open, struggling to hold them open.

"I never asked you... How you were feeling... I shouldve made sure you were happy...," I whimpered. I grasped his hand, pulling it up to my face.

"I just wanted you to be happy... I wanted to be with you... Only with you," I ran out of breath, clenching my throat. It burns like someone poured hot lava down my throat.

"Magnus... save your energy.... I'll heal you," He whispered. I chuckled softly. I reached up, touching his cheek.

"You... You're the one person I love... The only person I ever loved... I - I," I stammered ,struggling to focus. A tear streaked my cheek.

"Magnus... I wont let you die," He cried. Before I knew what was happening, something pressed up against my lips. It retracted almost as fast, his arms wrapping around me tighter.

"If I'm going to die... This is the only way I want to go... that I'll ever want to go," I crowd, coughing. Copper filled my taste byds, cool liquid trickling out of my lips... What happened to me... Again?

"Here... In your arms... That's the way I want to go... T-that.. makes me so... profoundly.. happy," I broke off with a whisper. In that moment all my pain fled my body, and my body was weightless like never before.