
Lionel's DownFall

Lionel Hall. A seemingly ordinary boy, in a world far greater than him. Then, The unlikely involvement of a wannabe gang leader costs him near everything, even his humanity. Only Magnus has hope of saving him. Can he do it? ____ He believes that the world around him is perfect. Ordinary. How couldn't he? He had a loving mother, a great school with an amazing best friend. But this superficial world soon crumbles around his feet as the reality of his past and future break light. Now he must Wade between light and dark. What's wrong? What's right? How does one survive in a world of insanity and brutality. All because of her. ------ Still in editing. If you see this book anywhere other than on here or wattpad it is COPYRIGHTED please let me know.

ChickenSunset82 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 30


"What do you mean Foster Care mom! You cant just throw him back into that system!," I cried, waving my arms around like a bat. It's been several days since the previous attack on our home, where Michelle Hall was fatefully killed. Lio hasn't said a word. He just sits in my room, day in and our. He hasn't eaten, barely slept. Now hes about to have the news broken to him that hes going to be sent away. Again.

"I dont have a choice. I'm on thin ice, especially now that the feds are involved. They've taken complete control over the case. They ordered us, your friends and their families, to enter witness protection. They cant do anything for Lio since hes Gaurdianless," She responded with a sigh. She ran her fingers through her thick hair. It was clear that stress has been eating at her too. The bags under her eyes have been just as bad as Lios'. That's saying something.

"This isnt right mom! Cant we just take him until he turns eighteen! It's only a few months away-," I protested, almost ready to beg my mother. She looked down.

"I'm sorry Magnus. My hands are tied.... There isnt anything I can do. I suppose hes old enough to be emancipated, but even then he couldnt come with us," She rasped, locking eyes on me.

"But... Mom... I love him," I whispered. She went to grab my shoulder, but I slapped her hand away, my eyes burning.

"I dont care what I have to do, but I wont lose him. Even if it means turning my back on you," I growled, wiping my eyes furiously. I turned to go back to my room, to figure stuff out with Lio.

"Magnus... Please dont do this... There'll always be another!," She begged, grabbing my wrist. I looked down, His amazing smile burning in my mind like a tapestry, beautiful and magnificent. Just waiting to be exposed to the world.

"Not for me mom... He is the only person I could ever love. Hes the only person who could understand me, even when I was at my lowest.. He taught me how to deal with emotions I didnt even know I had... I gained control of my temper... My hatred... No one will ever bring anything better than that to the table," I whispered, my voice breaking off at the end. I dont want him to go.

I dont want him to leave me.

"Magnus-," She tried again, clasping my hand in hers.

"Baby please listen to me!," She cried. I pulled my hand away from hers.

"If you're not willing to help me, Then there is nothing left to talk about," I muttered under my breath. I climbed the steps, stopping at my door. My hand hovered over the door, shaking violently.

I need to tell him... He deserves to know.

I took a deep breath and shoved the door open, seeing his slim frame curled up against my wall, the shadows casted from the lights turning his black hair almost golden in the light.

"Lio-," I started, taking a seat next to him. He didnt answer. Didnt move. Just stared out the window.

"My mom said everyone involved with Flare these past few months or the SilverClaw gang are going into mandatory witness protection... But you-," He stopped me with a single glance.

"I'm going into foster care. I dont have a guardian... Or a home anymore...," He whispered, looking down at his hands.

"When I first got my power... All I could think about was beating you... Being better than the almighty Magnus Branwell. I only have my power because Michelle... She bought my vaccine. She knew my past. She knew my struggles, and she never judged me for them. Not even once... She looked past it, loved me anyways and tried to save me every single day... And the one time she needed me, this damned power fails me!," He cried, his eyes filling with tears. He looked up to me.

"How the hell am I supposed to go on living happily as She gave up any chance at happiness for me... Magnus she didnt deserve to die," He clenched his fists, a sob breaking out of his throat.

"It shouldve been me... I deserve what's next...," He cried, before crying heavily. I moved closer to him, wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug, squeezing my eyes shut.

"No you don't... Lio you've been through hell... Abused your whole childhood... Bullied all through middle and highschool... Kidnapped, tortured. Judged, harassed constantly. You always saved other people before yourself, including Michelle. You died for her at one point Lio... Then you lose everything trying to save me from my own damn weakness... And when you needed me most I betrayed you... And by the time you finally found yourself again, you lost your mother... Not the witch who tormented you as a child... But the one who made you the amazing guy I know today... Now you're being tipped away from your only friends... Lio you never deserved any of this... and I know half of it is my fault because I couldnt accept how I felt about you," I clenched my teeth, my eyes burning.

"Please dont go.... Dont leave me Lio... I-I'll get a job... We can get emancipated together! I-Il will make sure that we have a home! We can live together!! Be together for as long as we want!," I pleaded, grabbing his face in my palms, forcing him to look at me.

"We can do it together! ," I added desperately. He leaned forward, shakily putting his forehead to mine. He laughed sadly, touching my cheek.

"You know it doesnt work that way... We have to have lawyers, and court and everything.. We arent in any position to do that right now..," He responded with a tinge of sadness. I shook my head, looking at him with wide eyes. This cant be happening.

"Then we'll runaway!!! Change our identities!!! Lio please!," I begged, grabbing his hands. I give him one last hopeful smile, offering him the last bit of hope I held inside me.

Without a response, he slowly pulled his hands away, avoiding eye contact. With that, the hopeful smile I was wearing cracked. Along with it, any hope I had to be with him again.

"Maybe in another life.... We'll be together again... Maybe in this one too... Maybe our paths will cross in the future... But all I know... With Flare on the loose we are all in danger... All because of me.. ," He whispered, turning away and standing up, grabbing his bag from off the floor.

"Lio please dont go... I- I-," I faltered, reaching a hand out to him.

"I love you Lio... I've only ever said it once... But I mean it with every fiber of my being... Without you I'm nothing anymore!!! You're all I've lived for these past few years," I exclaimed. In my head, I could see an angry blonde, his eyes dark with rage. I could feel his punches to the gut. The glass that pierced my shoulders for months, or years to come.

"What am I supposed to do Magnus... Huh? You think this is easy for me?," He demanded, trembling. He turned, reaching up under his shirt. From it, a necklace I never noticed he had was produced.

"When Michelle brought me home I was scared and alone! My mother was arrested! Wanna know my dirty little secret about that Magnus? She was a Serial Killer! When she couldnt get her kicks out on victims in the streets she would do this to me!," He peeled his bottom lip out revealing a silver scar. I took a step back as he grabbed the chain around his neck.

"Michelle gave me this that day... Told me never to be afraid... To always hold onto it! But I didnt! I just threw it in a closet! I found it in an old box of clothes at my old home... The day she died, I went there to investigate. I took your mother's files on me and Went to the only address listed. That's how that Damn witch Claire got me!," He clutched it, his eyes lighting up with a righteous fury I've never seen in his eyes before.

"I dont deserve this necklace! Just like I didnt deserve her!," He screams with a finally, yanking the chain off his neck and tossing it off to the side. He turned to me, his eyes almost glowing silver.

"So... Magnus Branwell... No matter how I feel for you, and I feel alot for you...I wont rest until Flare plays for what he did.. No matter what Foster home I'm sent to... No matter what country. I will hunt him down until my very last breath," He stormed up to me,going to jab me in the chest, but froze.

"So... Magnus... I love you too," He whispered instead. He pressed a soft kiss to my cheek before turning away from me.

"You have my number... Call me whenever you feel like it. I'll have my phone ready anytime," He grumbled, stepping out the door. I waited for him to go before opening my closet, seeing a familiar outfit from my days with the SilverClaw gang. Ryan made it for me.. I grabbed the braces with it, applying all the tech to its designated places on my body. I turned and leapt out the window to the ground below.



"Eren... How did you know where he was?," I demanded. He looked side to side, before leaning in close.

"I've been watching him for a while... Seeing how his power works. See, his lava is actually very simple. It's just liquidated fire. If Lio can freeze his lava to a point so cold that any normal person would die, them hed be all set to defeat Alexander once and for all," Eren answered honestly. I crossed my arms.

"Lios torn up about the whole Michelle thing... Its awfully sad... I think we should do it," I whispered as quietly as possible. He raised a brow at me.

"Why?," He demanded. I scowled.

"Because, We're the reason hes like this. We left him there to get stronger remember...It wasnt our intention, but it still happened. Had we taken him with us-,"

"He was a ticking time bomb. He couldnt even keep track of all his abilities. A body can only handle so much!,"

"It doesnt Matter Eren. We could've found someway to help him...," I finished the arguement with a growl. Wren scowled, scratching the back of his neck.

"Fine, Maybe we did screw up leaving him there. But Lava is his only power... Isnt it?," He grumbled. we both froze.

"We'll find out soon enough I guess,"


I entered the building with absolute silence, storming down the hall. I turned a corridor, noting two guards off to my left, and two kore all the way down. I presumed that he should have even more on the way. They're probably even stronger than most of his goonies.

I let my hands heat up, smirking as the smoke clogs the fire alarm. Only the one near me goes off, alerting the guards instantly. The two closest to me stalked down the hall murmuring, holding up their weapons anxiously.. They've clearly never fought before.

As soon as they turned into the corridor, I grabbed one by the throat and slammed him into the wall face first, knocking him out cold. Before the second one could make a noise, I round house kicked him to the side of the head. I dragged them out of sight and melted a large hole in the wall, thrusting them in and walking steadily down the hall.

"Hey, what was that?," One if the men pondered, scratching his chin. The other one shrugged unenthusiastically. When I got up behind them, I rose and bashed their heads together with as much force as I could muster, turning and throwing their unconscious bodies aside. I hid against the wall, turning my head out and taking count of the guards. There's double the amount of normal guards in this corridor. This must be Flares personal hideout... Only his best can stay and protect him while he works.. I presume this is one of the groups he selected Diego, Claire and Lyra from. It's about time I made myself open. I let my palms heat up to extremely intense heat, even my sweat evaporating and turning into a source of fuel for my flames.

"Hey guys," I called cheerfully, stepping out into the open, all ten of the men saw me instantly, and started charging straight forward.

I cracked my neck, watching as my flames went from a brilliant gold to a shadow black color. I tilted my chin with a smirk.

"How adorable!," I shot the ground five meters away from me. The men stopped in confusion, raising their weapons. One pulled out a gun, pointing at me. I waved. At that instant, the ground erupting, tearing itself apart from the inside out. The debris smashed walls, and slammed into several of the men, and who weren't hit bely the debris were tossed back into a wall, equally devastating. The clamps on my wrists turned ice cold, cooling down my skin. The door opened, and Flare stalked out, a look of fury flashing across his face.

"How did you find us?," He demanded. I smirked, letting my palms blaze with black fire, wings tearing from my shoulder blades like they had been with Claire, however there was one clear difference

They were black.

"So... You're going rogue huh... It must be hard for Lio to live without a precious Mommy!," He howled. I sgritted my teeth, crouching low.

"Dont talk about him like that you Bastard!," I screamed, sprinting forward. He stood still as I approached. Something is off about him... I looked at his shirt, noticing the white bandages through the thin black clothe. I thought back to the blurry remnants of his and Lios fight months ago. Lio shit him with bullets of his own frozen blood. Is it still affecting him?

"Now you die," He growled, raising his palm. I've seen the way he fights... I laugh and make fire erupt from my feet, propelling me through the air. His eyes widened with shock as I reached him, wrapping my arms around his neck from behind him, kicking his legs out from under us. We both go down. For a split second out weight smashed into my chest, but I rolled backwards , bring him with me. I slammed his head into the floor and wound up sitting on his back, my hands a blaze with black flame.

"For someone so 'powerful' You really arent very hard to beat! What, your little fight with Lio still hurting you!? Oh well! Let me burn you a little," I slammed my flame fists down onto his back, repeatedly striking him and burning him in unison.

"GET OFF OF ME!," He screamed, before his whole body turned into lava. I lunged backwards, watching him slowly reform into his body, his right eye glowing. His bare chest revealed a very similar marking to that of Lio...

"YOU ANNOYING BRAT! I'LL END YOU!," He cried. He sprinting at me, his hands flat out spraying lava. I lift up my hand, taking a deep breath, before shooting my fire bullet into the ground. I turn and do the same with the wall. I clench my aching wrists, but look up at the confused Flare with a smirk. He looked at me.

"What did you do?," He demanded. I laughed, grabbing my shaking hand.

"Exploding Hell Star.... My most powerful move yet," I murmured. In front of me, everything exploded. The walls seemed to cave in, and the floor tore itself from the ground, flinging in all directions. I kneeled to avoid getting hit, covering my head.

When the smoke settled, He was gone.

"Oh? Confused Magnus?," I yelped and turned backwards, seeing wisps of violet smoke coming from a single point in that area.

"I dont have just one power, if that's what's going through your head this whole time.... Anything you can do... Or anyone can do. I can truly do better," He opened his mouth, and a very familiar sonic scream threw me back. All around me, walls seemed to lift itself up and slam itself into the wall, rebuilding everything I destroyed. I gulped back my fear as the shadows started floating towards me, going into my nose. I gagged, suffocating on shadows... Diego.. Lyra... Claire... He has their powers!.

"Oh and let's not forget Lios little power!," He called. Suddenly a wave of ice launched towards me

I lunged backwards, raising my aching palm. My fist ignited into flame... All this time I've been being safe about this... Its time to give it my all! Just like Lio would!

"3 MILLION PERCENT... EXPLODING HELLSTAR BULLET!," I screamed, my body erupting into flames. Rapidly, all the flames sped down to the palm of my hand, glowing brighter and brighter. As the ice got near, I screamed and released the bullet. Almost immediately, my entire arm burnt like lava touched it, the muscles tearing under my skin, my wrist bone shattering.

The bullet slammed into the ice, going straight to the center.

Then, the entire building imploded.


"Breaking news today! Five minutes ago, a large scale explosion rocked out streets. The source of the explosion, an abandoned warehouse, is unknown. The building has collapsed in upon itself. The cops are looking at security footage now. Witness reports claim that a young male in his teenage years entered prior to the blast. We will inform you of anything else we may gather on this shocking incident," I shut the tv off, going up Magnus's stairs. I left him there after some heartwrenching things were discussed.

He doesnt understand... I tried to make him understand but... All he wanted was to keep me with him... Maybe this will be good for me.

"Magnus, I'm about to leave-," I pushed open the door, seeing the window right open. Magnus, nowhere to be seen. A young teenager entering a building prior to an explosion.. If that was Flares hideout, and Magnus somehow found it and went out there alone....

I turned, sprinting down the stairs and tossing my bags aside, opening the front door and bolting. They didnt say and address... Follow the smoke!

I ran as fast as I could, breathing heavily.. Last time I ran like this was that day... The day I first started having dark thoughts about Magnus... I'm more built now... I can go faster!

As I went on, slamming into people and tripping over myself, I started to worry.. Why... Why?

I arrived at the building, shoving past the police in my way.

"Hey Kid! You cant be here!," One yelled. I turned on my heel, and a wall of ice shot from my feet, encasing them all head to toe.

"Stay out of my way!," I roared, before climbing the pile of rubble. Where is the most optimal point for collapse... I looked over, seeing a pile of rocks.

"Magnus!," I screamed, running over and digging at the pile. After a moment, there was a hand. I kept digging, tears filling my eyes as worry clenches my chest.

Is shouldve said yes.

"Magnus!," I cried, pulling him out from the rubble. I pulled him into my arms, brushing the dust out of his hair.

"Please be okay!," I whispered. I touched his cheek and reached down to get a pulse, but a wet feeling under my hand warned me otherwise... Slowly, I lifted my hand in front of my face, seeing blood... A lot if it... I turned Magnus over, seeing his back bruised, torn, shredded even. Small pieces of Debris linger in his wounds... I froze his entire back, turning him back over. He fluttered his eyes open slightly, tears building in them.

"I did it... I got him.... We beat him," He whispered, gripping my hand. I smiled sadly, touching his warm cheek.

"Dont talk.. Save your strength... I'm gonna get you out of here... Magnus I wont let you die! Here me!," I cried. I turned screaming for help.. But I knew... Nothing would help.

I froze them over in a moment of rage.. Now they cant get free.

Suddenly, Eren and a wave of police officers arrived, a stretcher handy. I looked up at Eren with a thankful smile.

"Lio... I need to tell you-," Magnus rasped. He gripped my hand, pressing something inside it.

"If I dont make it... I want you to have this...," He whispered. I opened my palm, seeing a dark black ring with an amulet inside.

"I had it encased with a mass majority of my power... just in case I ran low on my own power... Its an unlimited source of my fire... If you wear it... you can use my power all the time... Lio... I love you," He muttered in my ear softly. I nodded and leaned down, kissing him for the first time in months.

I pulled back with a tearful smile.

"I love you too... Come back to me..

Please...," I begged. They lifted him away from me and onto the stretcher. I sat there, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Flare...," My eye burned, Mark's covering my body from a sole point in my chest.

"Lio dont do this," Eren warned. I turned, looking at him with rage.


"Because Magnus is still here... I may not know alot about you two... But if you do this... You'll never be able to look at Magnus the same again.. I know that," He promised. I looked at him, my eyes losing the burning feeling.

"You may have to face Flare again... Especially since hes gone... But this blast will most definitely had a sever affect on him... Next time we face him, hes as good as ours,"


I slam the door to an old SilverClaw gang hideout, walking to one of the rooms. I kept my right eye shut, covering it with one hand.. I limped over, opening the door and going inside. I looked at the mirror. I dropped my hand.

My right eye is missing... My leg is shattered in several different places... My wrist bone is broken... I screamed in rage, slamming my fist down on the table.



I look behind me. Ryan and Tara stare with me as our hideout goes down in flames. I looked at Tara.

"Where are we going that's so urgent," I asked. She looked at me with a scowl, a fierce look in her eyes.

"We have an unspeakable evil to hunt down... Flare. Otherwise known as Alexander Gray.... The murderer of many people, including my best friend, and the severe injuries of one boy at the hospital... He will burn in hell for his sins,"


I walked into the hospital with my head down in shame, Eren right behind me. We got directions from the nurse and walked down the hall, going to enter his room.

Were cut off by several nurses and doctors rushing into the room on our right. I froze.

That's Magnus's room... I turned, seeing a very distinct hand clenching the bed, a loud shaking noise coming from the room.

Then, the taunt hand went limp...

1 month later

I walk down the road in silence... Where am I going to go next.... What am I going to do... I looked down at my palms. Eren was already sent into witness protection. Ryan and Sarah fell off the board. Charles was never seen after he went missing at the fight where I went into the coma. Sarah said he was with them, but one day he just.. disappeared.

Maybe I'll try to find him.. Wherever he is... By now I've realized there is no place for me anymore... Not until Alexander Gray is dead...

I enter Magnus's old house, climbing up the steps. After what happened, Magnus's mom and I had a falling out.. She demanded that I take my stuff and leave her house for good... Said it take Magnus's stuff too.

I entered the room with a soft smile.

He sat in there on his bed, throwing his clothes into bags, boxes, whatever he had around him.

I was a little Vague about Magnus... Let me explain. After his fight with Flare and the explosion that injured him, Magnus experienced weeks of seizures. He was in and out of conciousness, and usually extremely feverish. It was terrifying. In his fight, he overused his power and almost destroyed his arms. Luckily, using my ice power I managed to heal it up pretty quick. He just barely got out of the hospital a few days ago

Magnus's mom blamed me for what happened. Saying if I never got involved with Magnus he wouldnt have gotten injured. When she ordered me to leave and Magnus refused.. Well.. she told us both to leave. So here we are. Packing to go into witness protection.

Following the incident, Magnus and I were granted our emancipation. Mainly for the sole purpose of keeping us away from the Alexander case once and for all.

But knowing Flare, hes not gonna stop until one of two things happens.

A, He dies.

Or b, Were dead and hes in jail. Either way, I'm not too eager to ever see him again.. Especially after Michelle.. I glanced down at the ring on my finger, and reached up to fiddle with her necklace... I miss her more and more every day... and honestly I dont think it will get any better. But I'll get through it. One day at a time

Part 1- The end.

Part 2- Synapsis.

It's been three years since Couple Magnus and Lio were attacked by Flare. They've been living in witness protection all this time, but a new face of evil threatens them all. Following the disappearance of one of their friends, They must all come back together again to face what they endured together in their hometown, where they must face old enemies, and new. Stick around to read more