
Lionel's DownFall

Lionel Hall. A seemingly ordinary boy, in a world far greater than him. Then, The unlikely involvement of a wannabe gang leader costs him near everything, even his humanity. Only Magnus has hope of saving him. Can he do it? ____ He believes that the world around him is perfect. Ordinary. How couldn't he? He had a loving mother, a great school with an amazing best friend. But this superficial world soon crumbles around his feet as the reality of his past and future break light. Now he must Wade between light and dark. What's wrong? What's right? How does one survive in a world of insanity and brutality. All because of her. ------ Still in editing. If you see this book anywhere other than on here or wattpad it is COPYRIGHTED please let me know.

ChickenSunset82 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 1


It's been a month since Lionel Hall died. He used to be everything to me. We had grown up together. And I had taught him everything I had known, and learned everything he had to offer me.

I live in a world where powers exist. A scientist, over a year ago, created a serum to give us powers based off our personalities. The directions to the replication of said serum was vague, So only people in direct contact with the scientist were trusted with the replication process.

Lio, along with many others had been involved in illegal experimentation with earlier versions of the drug, and inadvertantly caused Lionel hall his life.

After his death, I started researching every angle possible. I looked into his past. His mothers history. His father's. I traded some of my most prized possessions for information off the black market. Without the FBI around anymore, It wasnt all that difficult.

Though the FBI is off the board, other organizations are not. The police, the CIA, and minor militia groups all took up arms. The country was split in the chaos. The rumor spread of Lios death, and similar deaths of under controlled powers raced across the globe. So the question remained: Save the men and women who took the vaccine and discontinue the vaccine. Or to modify it to lessen what many call the Sirens curse.

Tara has taken up charge of the pieces left behind by the coupe' performed in the previous months. Some reject her. Some do not.

I became a police officer. The day I found out of the Sirens curse, I went and joined the Police academy. I worked hard, and made it to police officer. With the right cards, I made it to detective level, but only this week.

When I'm not investigating the vaccines and the underground human experimentation, I'm investigating Lios death. There was something odd about his death. When I became an officer, I paid a coroner involved of his autopsy, and they revealed that his cause of death wasnt hypothermia, or easily explained as being frozen to death.

In fact. His body didnt have any signs of death. He didnt decompose. His blood still circulated. And his skin never turned ice cold. However, They could never get him out of the ice that covered and clung to his skin. When they cut the ice, they cut through him. Their blades would frost over at touch, so they could never get a true reading. Some even wondered if he actually died.

I know the truth. Hes dead. Charlie, dubbed as the 'Masked Man'', Confirmed as much himself.

I walk into my house, throwing my keys down on the table. I open the fridge and grab leftovers from lunch. I walk down to my basement, where Charles remains chained. He smirks at me as he sees my arrival.

"Finally. I'm starving" He exclaims, rubbing his shackled palms together.

Yes. I kidnapped Charles. It's against the law, yes. But with the civil unrest within even our own county has everyone distracted.

The Sirens curse is real. I know it. Mainky because in the time I've held Charles, I've watched it affect him. His skin is paler, even when I let him stay in sunlight. His eyes have bags underneath them. And his hair has hints of silver in them. But it's nothing like how Lio looked.

"Here," I scowled, setting the container down and sliding it to him with my foot. He opened it and scarfed it down. He also eats alot more. Another difference from Lionel.

"Awe... What's the deal Cap'?" He demanded, sliding the empty container back to me. He leans back, pressing his head to the wall.

"I need another sample," I ordered. He sigh, offering out his arm. I look at him with wary.

"Come on. You've had me down here for how long? Add to the fact that These cuffs, wherever the hell you got them, prevent me from using my powers. What's the worry?" He taunts. I give him a grim look.

"You weren't ranked about Quadruple S by the FBI because of your powers. And the shackles used to hold you were made by none other than our mutual buddy, Ryan" I retorted. He gives me a mocking smirk.

"Oh? Hes still alive?" He chuckles, leaning forward. His skin glistens in the light, his dark eyes gleaming dangerously.

"That's a surprise." For the first time in weeks, he stands to his feet. He walks as close to me as he can before the shackles stop him. He grins maniacally, staring at me. Hes gotten taller.

"What about Sarah? The curse got her yet?" He demands. I step forward, despite the fact that he could very well attack.

"Oh... Wouldnt you like to know" I mumbled. I reached up, tracing his jaw. He looks at me in confusion before my hand combusts. The channeled energy of heat being expressed and compressed at the same time caused a mini explosion on his jaw, sending him stumbling backwards, his jaw instantly bruising. He grunts and spits out blood. He chuckles.

"Magnus... For a second there I was actually turned on... You still swing that way right?," He taunts. He looks at me. I let out a breath and push him against the wall, tightening his chains. I dont need him standing up to me again.

"None of your damn business bastard," I answer, grabbing a syringe. I draw blood from his neck and walked back to the workbenche in the corner. I remove the blood from the syringe and pour it into a vial. I go to the mini fridge and grab one of the vials of blood in there. It reads "Lios blood". I then grab another vial, this one of my own blood. I put all three under a microscope, observing the blood.

The DNA sequencing is different. But between my blood and Charles, that's the only difference. The vaccine has the same effect. However Lios, wherever there was vaccine, there were small chunks of crystalline. Ice was infused with his DNA.

I look at Charles. Hes grinning at me like a Cheshire cat.

"You... You lied to me..." I breathed. I stormed forward, grabbing him by the shirt. He smiles.

"I looked into his blood samples when he joined Flare and his team. I looked into his unnatural power. That ice was in his genes. I hacked into the software in the FBI database using one of my forms. It revealed to me, he always had this gene..." He laughs.

"He had his powers before he got the vaccine... And his powers werent what killed him... Isnt that a real punch in the gut for ya!," He laughs. I spam my fist into his gut, and a mini explosion explodes around my hand. He cries out in pain and slumps over. I leaned back and brought my knee up, slamming his head into my knee bone, and a satisfying crunch follows. I bring his head up by the hair, and note his dripping nose, blood spooling around his jaw. With another breath I throw him down and yank his hair, kicking him across his already bruised jaw, knocking out several teeth.

"That's right Magnus! Get angry!!" he cries. I yank him up by the hair.

"How did he die!," I screamed. He cackles.

"I dont know.... I never did! And niether does anyone else. His death was under unknown circumstances. Here's another thing for you to think about! Flares DNA wasnt found in the ice that was claimed to be him. When he was shattered by Lio. But you wouldnt know that would you? Because you dont know what you're dealing with. Otherwise you would let it be," He warns. I kneeled.

"What am I dealing with then Charles! Tell me that and I'll let you go!," I huffed. His eyes widen.

"Something.... Something that runs deeper than corruption in the government. Something dark.. Something dangerous. We all serve a purpose in this world Magnus... And when we fulfill that purpose... Well... Let's just say this: She takes us away..." He smiles. She?

"She?," I voice. His smile turns into a grin.

"This land has no room for the man you call god. This land has no mercy for the men and women that worship this "God". This land is cursed be her Majesty... And it has no room for you... And what you consider justice," He rises to his feet.

"But... What can I say... The time is nye," He leans back. I yank his chains, grabbing him by the throat. I feel his pulse beneath my fingertips. Every breath. Every gulp. Hes scared.

"Tell me her name... Tell me what I'm dealing with... Or I'll blow up your throat. Lie once... If I cant feel your heartrate increase or decrease, I'll blow up your throat. Got me?," I demand. He nods.

"Her name is Mewt... She is the true goddess of death... And she wants to return...," As soon as he said that, he started to choke. I stepped away, my heart dropping. Red mist floated from the earth and clung to his body, his eyes start to glow red.

"What... the hell?," I gasp as his skin starts to cling to his bones. Then his body started snapping, and oozing, Skin and bones deteriorating. Within the next minute, Charles lay as nothing bust dust beneath me. The energy retreats into the earth, and with it, I watch as his ash takes form, and the energy from within it starts to glow red and go into the ground with it.

I stare down at the gauntlets I recovered from Lios body. I never knew what to do with them... Until now. Lios death is unknown. Flare didnt die the way the narrative explained similarly... Charles died shortly after telling me of the true threat... What the hell is going on.

"Hey... You called?," A familiar voice asked. I turned to the sight of Ryan. I smiled and stood, giving my old friend a hug.

"You were the one who built these right?," I asked right off the bat as soon as we pulled away, gesturing to the gauntlets that lie on the table. He looks at them, and his eyes darken.

"Yeah. When Tara first had me kidnap him, I started the designs. I was worried about his control over his powers, or his lack thereof. However... I guess it didnt help, considering the fact that his powers are what killed him," He mutters, a look of guilt crossing his face. I close the blinds to my office and shut the door.

"He didnt die because of his powers," I start. I locked the door and turned to Ryan. His face was covered with a look of aghast.

"Magnus-" He starts. I grab his shoulders.

"Look... I did research.... The coroner's autopsy.... His death... And Charles...," I tried to continue, but Ryan stopped me.

"Ryan disappeared after he was released from the hospital. No ones been in contact with him...," He murmurs. I stepped away. I shook my head.

"Magnus... What did you do?," He asks fearfully.

"It wasnt me... I kept him at my place. I gave his food every day. He had a bed. He was safe... But This person... He died... It was awful.. He just.. Turned to dust in front of me," I tried explaining.

"Magnus you sound insane!," He cries. I growl, clenching my fists.

"How many times do we have to play this game Ryan! You thought Lionel was insane! And now I am too?!," I hush yelled. He points at me, jabbing my chest.

"Lionel was ill Magnus... He was a psychopath... and easily a sociopath," He grits his teeth. I stop.

"No... I know the signs of both those things... And Lio wasnt one of them. He did the best with what life handed him. The people he killed... He didnt want to kill them. That guilt haunted him every single day. But you live in a world so black and white you cant see the difference... You cant make your own opinions. You're content with living with what people tell you. But that's why you're Tara's puppet isnt it?," I demanded. He froze.

"O-Ok.... I'll admit. Something about Lio was never right. His killing... It was always quick. He never let anyone suffer. He never resorted to torture like most serial killers. And his death. Magnus I was there. I saw his body too. He... He looked so... alive even in death. And his ice didnt melt when he died. I looked into it, and anything he froze should have died with him. Yet the FBI building remained in tact. Same thing with Flare amd Sarah... Their powers were not normal. I didnt want to think of it any way other than what I thought... Because this world is already scary enough as is. If its possible that there are more people like those three... ," He didnt finish. He fell silent after that. He sat down and closed his eyes.

"Ryan.... Do you think hes alive?," I asked warily. The one question I've been waiting to ask. He looks up at me.

"We buried him.... Magnus... There isn't anyway he is still alive. No... He isnt alive Magnus," He answered. I nodded and leaned back. I reached down and touched my chest. Not so long ago, I felt his hand there.

"Good. Now that weve ruled out the impossible... Whatever left remains. It isnt possible he died because of his powers. It isnt possible he was murdered. It isnt possible that he was alive when we buried him.... So how did he die?," I whispered. I looked at his file.

"His gauntlets?" Ryan whispered, almost question like. I turned to him. He opened a panel at the wrists.

"Ok.. So this is gonna sound crazy but... Back when we were all in highschool, Charles and I did something. With a combination of his power and my smarts, we developed something... Something that could've been huge if people found out. The plans disappeared from my office after Lio moved in with us at the Silver Claw Gang... I didnt think it was possible... " he whispered. I looked at him as he pulled out a small microchip.

"Ryan... what are you talking about?," I asked. He looked at the gauntlets. He pulled a small microchip.

"It might've malfunctioned... It simply isnt possible," he growled. I looked at it.

"Look... Magnus. We shouldnt look into this anymore. Let's just chalk it down as this... I know how Lio died, and I dont think you want to know," He grumbled. He dropped what looked like the microchip on the floor and crushed it. He put his hands into his pockets.

"How did he die Ryan... I need to know," I pleaded. He looks down.

"His gauntlets were designed to help him. But if someone messed with the circuitry, and something went wrong, It has been known to do the opposite affect. It causes mass amounts of adrenaline. By sending minor shocks through the body that are unnoticeable. If theres a continual flow of energy, and this person is constantly using adrenaline... Their body overflows.... It builds too much... It can cause a heart attack... Cardiac Arrest. And it wouldve been like electrocution... Instant kill. But they couldnt tell because they couldnt find anything besides the ice..." He looks down.

"Its my fault hes dead.... I'm so sorry," He whispers. I shake my head and hug him.

"Its not your fault... You said it yourself. Someone messed with it.," I look at the gauntlets. There is more to it. Break it down...

"Can... You modify it? The gauntlets. For me... If he didn't die a horrific death... Then I want to honor him in the only way left," I ask. He pulls away and nods.

"Easy..." He sits and realigned the circuitry. Then, he hands them to me.

"As long as you dont mess with the circuits, then you can do whatever you want with them. They werent very specific for just Lio. Anyone can use them in all reality. So... Just personalize them.," He informs me. I nod and slip them on. They fit just like gloves. I cant even tell there is any tech in them. I raise my palm, feeling my hands start to sweat. Instantly, the air in front of my palm heated up effortlessly. That's useful. I look at Ryan.

"Thank you Ryan.," I say with a smile. He stands up and grabs my shoulder.

"Of course. And remember... You always have a place with Sarah and I.... " He murmurs with a sad smile. Before long he leaves. I look around and sit. Picking at the gauntlets, I find nothing. With frustration, I give up for the day.

I walk home, passing the former FBI homebase building where Lionel died. I froze. His gauntlets... What's he wearing them? I think he was... What am I missing....

His mask.

I look at the FBI building. It was never recovered. I walk up to it, seeing tape covering the entrance. I walk in, looking around. I look at Lios gauntlets.

All of a sudden, They start to hum. Then, they glow. I walk forward,scouring the ground, listening for the hum. When that failed, I noticed the glow. Right where I held his body. Slowly, I walk over there. I kneel, grabbing it from the rubble.


My heart drums in my ears. I'm reliving it again. His cold body... His outstretched hand... His last words.

"Even this cruel world can be beautiful sometimes"

Slowly, one by one, tears streamed down my cheeks...

"Oh Lio," I sobbed, holding his glowing mask to my chest.

"Hello Magnus Branwell," A distorted voice said behind me. It was deep and eery, Like knives scraping stones. I turned, seeing a woman. Her veins were filled with red. Her skin was ashy gray, and her hair black as midnight. Her eyes were a solid red. Just like Charles before he died.

"W-who are you?," I demanded. She smiles, all light seemed to bend away from her, her naked body cloaked in darkness.

"I am Mewt.... I am eternity.... I am death incarnate...," She chants. I step forward. Charles mentioned her.

"You killed Charles,"

"His own incompetence killed him,"

"You used him"

"He was useless in the end"

"You're a monster"

"Youre right," She giggles, and takes a step towards me. I raise my palms, a large wave of heat bursting from my palms, burning away the darkness around her."

"Stay away," I panted. My chin dropped sweat.

She smiles.

"You're almost ready....," She concluded. I stepped back.

"One day very soon, Magnus Branwell... You will die. You will join me as we take the reins on this disgusting world... I knew... Patience was the key...," Her smiles shifts into a look so mortifying it takes my breath away. It's the look of a predator as they catch its prey. It's a promise of death.

She reaches over and touches my cheek, and I'm so paralyzed with fear that I cant move... But surprisingly... It was comforting.

"My precious creation.... I'm so proud of what you've become," She sings. I scream and slam my fist into her gut, but it just passes through. In an instant, her fist shot through my gut, shattering my spine and going through my back. I coughed up blood and collapsed. Almost instantly, it healed. I gasped amd turned.

"That's a warning... Attack me again... And death will be permanent... Enjoy your time left in this world... Because soon, you'll be mine"