
Lionel's DownFall

Lionel Hall. A seemingly ordinary boy, in a world far greater than him. Then, The unlikely involvement of a wannabe gang leader costs him near everything, even his humanity. Only Magnus has hope of saving him. Can he do it? ____ He believes that the world around him is perfect. Ordinary. How couldn't he? He had a loving mother, a great school with an amazing best friend. But this superficial world soon crumbles around his feet as the reality of his past and future break light. Now he must Wade between light and dark. What's wrong? What's right? How does one survive in a world of insanity and brutality. All because of her. ------ Still in editing. If you see this book anywhere other than on here or wattpad it is COPYRIGHTED please let me know.

ChickenSunset82 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 15


After Lio left, I collapsed, falling to my knees. I kissed him. And he ran... I bit my lip, clutching my chest. I chased him away.

I thought back to the way he blushed when he found out I gave him CPR. To his amazing smile. No... I wont let it end like this. I stood, taking a deep breath. Then I stormed outside, finding he hasn't gotten far. That limp really isnt good. I storm after him silently. As soon as I catch up, I grab him by the wrist and turn him, and then whilst ignoring his complaints, I throw him over my shoulder. I keep my head down as I storm back towards my house.

"MAGNUS PUT ME DOWN NOW!," He cries angrily, his face contorted with rage and co fusion. I ignore him stepping inside and throwing him onto the floor, turning and slamming my door. I press my head to it, breathing heavily. He rejected me...

"Magnus... Why did you bring me back here. I thought you though I was a psycho-" I turned, my fists clenching.

"Shut up! I never said that! I said, I cant stand by you knowing what you've done... But can you promise me..," I move closer to him, kneeling next to him.

"Promise me you wont kill anyone ever again... Swear to me on your life," I demanded. He looked up, staring at me with shock and confusion in his eyes.

"I thought you were scared of me," He demanded, his voice almost a whisper. I shook my head.

"I'm scared of what happens when you get that emotionless look on your face... You had that face when you killed Lyra.. You had that face every time we fought. Every time I insulted you. I'm scared of being emotionless," I tried once more. He kept his head lowered.

"You kissed me... Why? Is it because you were trying to trick me to stay?," He demanded. I shook my head, falling onto my butt.

"No.. I did it because I wanted to. Because for the very first time in my life... Someone means something to me... You mean something to me. A-and I cant explain how I feel I can just tell you that I do feel something. I already told you once.. Seeing you turn your back on me is like a stab into my back... And I would rather die than see that ever again," I expressed, trying to formulate words that would make even a shred of sense. He looked up at me, his eyes wide with confusion. He stood and walked into the living room, plopping onto the couch and grabbing his food.

I followed silently, feeling helpless. I should be the silent one. He should be the one groveling st my feet. Why am I doing this.

He cut up a piece of the steak before taking a bite. Then in that instant, he seemed to sparkle with happiness.

"Oh my god! This tastes so good!," He exclaims, turning to me his eyes seeming to glow. Wait.. His eyes... I never noticed earlier, but his right eye that usually has an eyepatch on, is open. I stared into it with awe. Where his eye should be, is a chunk of glowing blue ice.

"Lio... Your eye," I whispered, barely loud enough that he could hear me. His hand instantly shoots up, covering his eye with surprise.

"You saw that huh... Lyra took it... Of course shortly after Ryan mimicked her power and reconstructed it in my eye, but until it fully heals, I have to keep it surrounded in ice. Once I can see through it again, I'm supposed to go see Ryan... I didnt want you to see it," He turned away, his eye casted downward.

"No.. Its ok. Im happy you'll have it back... But if you want, I'll cook for you again sometime.," I told him. I stood with a yawn, stretching. I looked down at him. I grabbed the blanket from off the couch top, laying it down on the couch side, fluffing the pillows.

"I'm gonna crash.. If you wouldnt mind staying here at least until your mom gets back I'd feel better... If you need anything I'll be in my room," I cut our time short. I walk up the stairs, entering my room, ignoring his half cut off plead for me to stay.

All I could think about is one thing.

He rejected me.


After Magnus left me alone on the couch, I just sat there, feeling confused and conflicted. I reached up, touching my lips which still tingle from his kiss. A kiss that ended too soon. That I wish I could have again. But I dont deserve it.

I could feel a ping of sadness go into me. I know he said he doesnt think I'm a cold blooded killer.. That he said he isnt scared of me.. But does it really matter? He called me a murderer... Hes right but that doesnt mean it doesnt hurt.

I finished my food, setting the plate down on the desk before standing, going to leave.

I stopped. He asked me to stay... But how can I... What am I supposed to do? I closed my eyes, going and shutting off the light and lying on the couch. If he wants me to stay.. I'll stay. Almost as soon as I hit my head on the pillow, I was fast asleep.

I woke up the next morning to the smell of breakfast. Breakfast that smelt so good I couldnt resist.

I rose, steadily limping into the kitchen. At the stove, Michelle and Magnus worked together, adding the finishing touches to the magnificent smelling food. I sit down, my mouth watering.

"Morning sweetheart," Michelle cooed, turning to greet me. I smiled.

"I tried to get someone to watch us, but were outside jurisdiction for any Police Department. So were on our own," Michelle informed me. I nodded. Magnus remained silent, keeping his back turned to me the entire time.

"Breakfasts ready," Magnus grumbled, sitting down at the table ahead of me. He eats in silence, never once giving me a single look. He wants to play that game... Fine! I glare down at my eggs, eating my food angrily.

"So... Theyve began rebuilding our house, and the Police Department," Michelle says trying to lighten the mood, but falls silent. We finish our food in silence, and quickly we all evaded the table.

About an hour later, Sarah and Charles showed up at Magnus's door, coming inside almost instantly.

"We heard about your house!! I'm so sorry!," Sarah cried, hugging me. I smiled, scratching my neck.

"Its cool. I'm lucky that Magnus let me stay while I was harmed. As soon as Mom finds a new apartment we can stay in temporarily, We're staying here," I could feel Magnus's icy stare on my neck as Ibspoke to her. Now he chooses not to ignore me.

"Hey... Lio... I know we arent close but, We are friends right?," Charles asks, his expression shifting almost instantly. I freeze.

"Yeah of course.. Why?," I asked, leaning forward. Charles shrugged, his eyes casted downwards.

"Because... When you were in trouble, you went to Magnus... Every single time you turned to him. You never tell us anything going on with you until after the fact. How are we supposed to help you if you dint let us?," He demanded, glaring at me. I opened my mouth to speak, but Sarah cut me off.

"Hes right. You could've come to us... Any day. At any point in time. We even put our lives on the line for you.. But you couldnt trust us even in the most dire times," Sarah added onto what Charles said, her expression also shifting.

"I did what I thought was right in that moment of time. I knew where Magnus lived, I didnt know where you lived. But tell you what, we'll hang out together sometime. Us three and Ryan. Just the four of us. As soon as I'm rested up and healed, and have a place of my own once more," I promised. They nodded, their expressions changing to a happier one. I smiled.

Then it hit me... A pain in the chest. An instinct... A feeling. I stood up.

"MOVE!," I roared leaping infront of Charles and Sarah, stomping my foot. A wall of ice split between the windows and us. Slowly, my ice started to melt. Charles and Sarah's eyes widen, glowing with fear.

"DAMMIT WHAT NOW!," Magnus exclaimed, exiting the kitchen. I watched as Flare jumps into the window, his heat instantly melting my ice. I stumble backwards, remembering his speed and the extreme heat he could use.

"Magnus!," I whispered. Before I could blink, Magnus slugged Flare, launching him backwards.

"I remember you bastard!! YOU BURNT ME AND INJURED MY MOTHER!," he roared. He lunged down, slamming his fist down on Flare in a flurry of rage.

"Magnus... Magnus STOP!," I yelled. Magnus turned for a split second, giving Flare time to throw him off and retreat, his eyes wide with surprise.

"I underestimated you.. Magnus Branwell," He exclaimed, a smirk growing on his face. Then he turned and ran.

Magnus went to follow him, his eyes almost black with rage. I rushed forward, grabbing him.

"Don't... Its a trap... Please calm down," I tried. He still struggled, still seeing red.

"MAGNUS!!," I roared. I wrapped my arms around him holding him back as I struggle against his brute strength.

"Please calm down...," I tried again. He struggled once more before relaxing, falling backwards into my arms. I panted, feeling breathless and worn out.

"Charles, Sarah.. Please go," I asked them. They nodded without hesitation, leaving almost immediately after I said so.

"You let him go... Why?," He demanded. I pressed my head into his shoulder.

"Because... I realized something... About his power.. Its acidic, but it only spreads if it touches an object. He can only do close up damage, so he relies on one touch one kills... Which means up close, hes stronger than us.. But from a distance, hes powerless against us together... If you followed him you would die, I guarantee it," I answered him honestly. He relaxed, leaning back against me.

"How long are you gonna hold me?," He demanded, his gaze focused elsewhere.

"As long as you need to calm down. Or in other words, however long you want," I answered. He shrugged me off, standing up.

"I'll clean this uo," He responded. I watched as he walked away from me, and in that moment I understood how he felt. The fear of him turning away from me. Of him leaving me. And that prospect was unlike anything I'd ever felt before.


I storm down the street, rage filling my bones. They lied to me. They said Lio was the more important boy. That he was stronger. But compared to me, Hes nothing.. Its Magnus I worry about now. I never stopped to think about it, but his fire is more powerful than my lava, and it can travel through the air... If he wanted back there he could've killed me.

I dont like that Idea... I dont like that Idea at all. I forgotten the rules of this game. Use your pawns... Not yourself. When he killed Lyra, I went off the rails. I was having too much fun. I need to let my pawns deal with that Magnus boy.

I want him dead.