
Meeting the children

...So miss Mary this is Andrew, he is eleven. Elizabeth, she is nine; Jason, he is six; Simon, he is five; Rebecca, she is four ;David, he is three and, on my hips is little miss Tristen just two months old" The nurse concluded and turned to me"Now Nanny Mary take it away". She said then walked away.

I think it was because of I had never nannied anyone's child before that I nervous, their stares were just devilish "Now let's go out for some sunlight" I said and then the middle child Simon as I learned began to cough violently and I panicked and rushed him to the kitchen to fix him a hot glass of lemon juice, which calmed him down but, he pouted his lips and turned his head away from mine.

However I was yet to discover the dark secrets of Simon. The same servant who took my bags tugged on my sleeves and announced that the master would see me now.

I was nervous as I heard stories about the master Authur, his dead wife and his cousin in law that was also dead.

So as I opened the door to the study, I prayed that my first impression of the master would be okay. The door gave way as I opened it and a deep voice addressed me. "Nanny Mary, I take it that you've heard about me and rumors of my dead wife".

I jumped as I heard his thick voice. I shut the door and he stood up for me to sit and I declined. "Eh no Mr Authur you are kind".He frowned and his features turned dark."Well since you are scared of me, I'll get straight to it...