
Limitless reincarnations

Leon was a man who had a difficult life as he faced hardship after hardship and when he finally reached the top he found out that he had an illness that cannot be treated but that wasn't enough to destroy him, as he decided to uses the rest of his days to help humanity. And after he passed away he found himself in a strange place facing a man that offered him incredible abilities for a rock paper scissor match.

sword_katana · Fantasy
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11 Chs

the survival phase

This notification didn't appear only for the people in the hall but for every human being on planet Earth. All across the globe, they fell frozen, unable to make any move.

In the sky of Earth, a star appeared. Its light was strong enough to be considered a second sun. From that light, a man started speaking, his words entering the mind of every human.

"Hello, inhabitants of planet Earth. I'm the representative selected by the system to explain to you what's happening, so please focus on me as I won't repeat my words. It's not like you can do anything else anyway.

Somewhere on your planet, there is a door. That door determines which stage your planet is in. And to those who are wondering, it's not just a door; it's a metaphor. It's more like a giant gate closed with three giant chains, hidden in a place unreachable by any normal human.

When touched by humans, it triggers the second phase because humans are now able to reach it, meaning their strength has reached the limit for the survival stage. But that is only in the ideal scenario. In the second scenario, the survival stage will be triggered due to the haste of a stupid strong minority who want to know what is behind a giant closed gate in the middle of nowhere. And as far as I can see, this describes exactly your situation as I can see what seems to be the strongest people on your planet are next to the gate.

Anyway, what will happen next is that spatial cracks will appear in every part of the planet, and their number will depend on how big your planet is. From what I can see, it will probably be hundreds of thousands to millions.

These cracks will be colored black and will continuously release monsters. Your goal is to kill all of these monsters. But be careful because these monsters will be higher in level than you as there is ranking for the cracks going from F to SSS.

and in the F class dungeons monsters will be around 4-5 levels higher than the average level in your planets and with each rank it will add 10 levels . Moreover that's just a general rule for normal monsters as there are elites, bosses, leaders, etc.

After you kill all the monsters from a certain crack, it color will turn white meaning you can enter it, and you will be able to enter a dungeon. The dungeon will have different floors that you need to clear, and it will restart after you finish it.

After you clear all the dungeons on your planet, another spatial crack will appear, and that's a portal to another planet where you will need to clean every single monster.

After that, you will be given a key, and you need to use it to open the first chain. Then I will be back.

In return, you will be given access to a system by your thoughts. This system is similar to the one in video games where you get stronger by leveling up, and you level up by getting exp, the easiest way to do that is by killing monsters. Of course there are other ways to gain exp and there are different skills, classes, and even more, which you will need to explore alone.

And you can get help from the towers that will appear after I go. The tower's numbers also depend on the size of the planet, and I estimate there will be a few hundred.

Now it's time for me to go. Good luck, earthlings, and I hope I will see you again."

After saying these words, the man and the star disappeared, and every human regained the ability to move.


Inside a jail hundreds of meters under the earth, a man with broken chains stood in a security control room. Body parts of the jailers were scattered everywhere, and blood stained the room.

Approaching one of the screens streaming a man suspended in the air by dozens of chains covering his entire body, the man in the room pressed a button to enable communication with the suspended man via the microphone.

"Geris Numavon, the heir of the mythical being Hydra. The man who planted terror in the hearts of all the ancient families in the world. My name is Cane, and I have an offer for you. I will give you your freedom, and in return, I want you to become my subordinate."

Geris raised his head, looked at the camera, and only said two words, "Fuck off."

Cane was taken aback by Geris' reply, not expecting such a straightforward rejection. After a moment of contemplation, he responded, "What about this, let's skip the typical bullshit. I want your help. What do you want in return?"

Geris looked at the camera and replied, "I want to be liberated, and I will help you, not as a subordinate, but as an equal person. After I help you, I will not owe you anything."

While Cane felt that Geris' terms were unfair, his desire for revenge took precedence as memories of what the Rothschild did to him came along, and he quickly agreed, saying, "I accept your offer. Now, do a blood oath," he demanded.

After hearing Cane's words, Geris initiated the blood oath, utilizing his bloodline as a source of power. Violating the oath would mean facing death by his own blood. In return, Cane also swore a blood oath. He then proceeded to free Geris.


In the institute hall, Leon stood up after the representative finished speaking, and he noticed everyone else doing the same. The common thread among them was a confused look on their faces, except for four people: Marcus, Jairus, James, and Noevem.

They exchanged a glance, and as if they had the same idea, they said together, "Let's go to an empty place."

"Huh? Why?" asked Leon, confused about their request as he was still contemplating what had just happened.

"Just follow us; I will explain later," insisted Jairus.

"Okay, okay, fine, but don't blame me if we are left behind because we didn't start exploring the system soon enough." With these words, he started following them as they already began walking.

It didn't take long before they found an empty class. Leon quickly entered, and James was the last of them to stand up. After they all entered, James broke the iron handle with his hand in a way that made it impossible to enter.

At the same time, Marcus and Neophem smashed the cameras on the roof as they both jumped five meters in the air with ease.

Leon stood there, unable to say a word, as he just kept looking at each one of them.

"Don't worry; we will explain later," said Jairus.

As the three men returned, James immediately started speaking, "The notification is real; strength decreased by around 90%."

"Fuck, this will put us under a lot of problems," cursed Marcus.

"We should go back to a safe spot quickly. Those worms would definitely take advantage of this opportunity; they are probably on their way," said James.

"Okay, then let's start moving," added Jairus.

"What about Leon?" inquired Neophem.

As he said these words, they all stopped talking and turned to Leon, who only smiled and waved his hand at them in a comedic way.

"The quickest fix would be to eliminate him, considering our limited time," James remarked, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Upon hearing James' response, Leon opened his eyes in fear and took a step back.

"What the hell, James?" he shouted.

"" Sorry Leon, Survival rules. We are gonna miss you," Neophem said, taking a step closer.

"You too, Neo? I thought we were friends!" shouted Leon in terror, trying to think of a way to run away but couldn't find any solution.

After a few seconds, the whole group burst out laughing, except for Leon, who stood there not knowing how to react.

"Chill, man, no one is gonna kill you; we were just joking. Let's go; we will explain on the way," reassured Jairus.

"Man, you are all assholes, using your powers to terrify me," said Leon as he headed to the door.

With a kick, James broke the already broken door, and they went out of the class.

After that, the group started running out of the institute, using isolated ways as they did so.

While running, Jairus asked, "So, Leon, who do you think controls the world?"

"Huh? What kind of question is this? Well, probably politicians, wealthy businessmen, and maybe some generals."

"And why do you think they control the world?"

"Money and power, of course. Why else would they control the world?"

"Well, you aren't wrong exactly, but let me explain it in another way. Do you know what Marcus's full name is?"

"Huh? Of course, I know he is my dear friend. It is Marcus, umm, Marcus the ummm, Bartholomes the third junior, or something like that?"

"It's Marcus Rothschild."


"You are a Rothschild??!"