

boy meets earthlings

Natsuz_nimas_3228 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Dive Thirteen

Waking up when miles wants us awake and jogging about fifty laps was how we started our day at kittnev, then from there we warm up ready for hand to hand combat. Its tough because well I hate to admit it but Mile's a scary instructor. And I totally don't know how he knocked me up in a single hit its why am putting my all to the training. Thankfully we do magic training too ours came early because according to Kim she couldn't use any magic till after three good earthly weeks but for this mission in order to keep up with her we were granted magic and permission to use it under Miles watch. So we pretty much do the zen thingy like Buddhist, to relax our minds and body and channel the magic power throughout our bodies. This is when it gets real, this is where you believe kittnev ain't earth and it definitely exists.

So in staying at kittnev I noticed time flows slower in here and what's most disturbing is that we've come to terms with it and are casually living a normal normal life which is not normal. Well that's not the only disturbing thing , recently I've been feeling a hateful glare from Yvonne, of course we hadn't had a chance to talk about the whole Kimberly back thing so its still weird but at least its not affecting our training. Its been three days since we arrived at kittnev making it nine earthly days meaning 144hours, 12960minutes and 777600seconds and thanks to miles I get to count days and staff. And today everyone's practicing using their powers as a weapon, Linda can strengthen her legs and use them however she wants, Ethane can strengthen his fists he's got the strongest punches, Hazel could strengthen both her legs and hands making her the super in the group all their powers are cool because their proportional with the physical training it could come in handy. Back to my lad Yvonne as sexy as she is , she can just thing of any weapon and it appears in fact she can even turn a human to a weapon but Miles told her that will take a lot of her she could probably die so she should stick to using the non living for now like trees and tables something like that, that brings Norman to the picture, he's glasses ain't just for nerds they are for the coolest nerd in history of nerds because using his glasses to optimize his eye power of controlling living things meaning human , animals , insects and all that have life, since he's at his early stage we don't know the extent of his powers and he never takes his glasses off so we don't know how far it can go but Miles said if Norman is trained by sir Nevis he'll probably be able to control a continent , yep pretty cool but Norman's a scientists so he said he's physical strength is enough I mean plus the training he could focus his magic energy into just combat he doesn't need to control things unless its really necessary. Brings us to Me (Taylor) , all am good at is using blades that's the kind of power I specialized in, when it comes to Martial arts am pretty much the next Jack Chan , just taller and more handsome , and we all know about Kimberly who can burn anything at command , her powers extent is also unknown for now she can pretty much do anything and everything. That's a summary of our powers but the Kitts family's powers are a mystery they can do pretty much everything and they are faster and immortal, pretty much strongest amongst earthlings if they existed in earth.

On the fourth day at kittnev we started taking on little monsters , we called that field training because we were still growing both physically and mentally, we were still learning how to use our powers. After some time we graduated being trainees to warriors and sir Kitts and sir Nevis prepared for us a congratulatory celebration and it was a must to wear the garments they prepared, I hate to break it to you but we'll look creepy if we're all in white! But they are the masters orders so us the guys appeared in white leather jacket, white pair of pants, white boots, like we're doing a cos play of sort. As for girls at least some skin was left for us to see because yes they had white leather jackets but with a white hot pant and boots that's like the hottest cos play ever! By this I concluded kittnev has a thing for boots and whites, and people are too quiet

"We look like amateurs "

Finally , the nerd Norman never disappoints me

"Come on Norman its just a kittnev thing...we'll be okay..its just white its all"

Kim barely convinced Norman cause she pretty much looked like she has her share of comments

"I know what you kids are thinking...but its something we've wanted for a long time just be good and play along" Sir Nevis requested

To be honest I do think sir Nevis is cool, I mean sir Kitts is cool too , like the coolest but he's always joking around I guess its why sir Nevis is there to balance by getting serious when he needs to. So the Kitts have long silky hair falling on their right eye and they are unbelievably hot , its a little bit embarrassing saying this myself as a guy but damn! There's a reason why they don't live in earth otherwise it'd be war.

"Thanks sir Nevis.." Ethan's gratitude is in order

Right I was busy admiring their beauty and not the conversation we are currently having

"By the way you look hot Miles!"

Kimberly commented as I was spacing out

"Only if u had the small smiles and large serious you'd be the hottest in the world"

Linda added as she analyzed Miles

"Wait! what do you mean? Miles the hottest with or without the smiles Linda!" Kim argued

"Well yeah..but he could use a little calmness and less easy going aura" Linda argued back

"Do you wanna say that during training?"

Norman interfered girls fight by making a point

"Well I surrender! Master miles you are the best"

Linda bailed! Surprising how they can just talk about a guy in that manner and in front of him and everyone

"Why does someone have to have a beautiful face to be good looking!" I thought

"What are you even saying Taylor.."

Haze stated! And crap I just figured I had said that out loud

"No...I mean must you have a cute face?"

I tried getting myself out of the embarrassing mode

"Well...what do you think made you the coolest back in highschool?" Yvonne asked

"Well good face and tall figure..?" I guessed

hell I didn't even know I was the coolest at school cause its a school of the best students and all

"Do you still not get it?"

Linda asked staring straight at my face

"Okay am sorry....that was a stupid question!"

I said to avoid prolonging the topic any further

"So...who would you pick among the Kitts?"

Linda asked me to vote, its definitely out of the blue

"What do you mean?"

I asked confused why would I be the one to so any of that

"Well you hit the top at school, so we give you the priority to choose who's the coolest Kitts'"

Linda added, and she's seriously serious

"Right...what happens if I don't pick?" I grumbled

"You'll have to go and be trained by master Nevis!"

haze blurted out the most dangerous penalty

"Sir Nevis is the coolest!"

and I shouted so fast on a wimp of course I heard he's tougher than Miles and I ain't ready for that

"Well...although it was on a wimp you gave us something...so you off..what about..."

"Me.?" ethane interrupted Linda

"Not you...your easy...how about you Norman?"

Haze chose someone else to get the real answer and of course I doubt he's gonna be helpful

"Well...I I had to choose.." he paused and stared at all of us for once

"all of them are pretty much the same! they got same features so I choose Kitts' family all of them"

he added and smiled for the first time in a long time and he left to sit out of embarrassment.

"Hey Kimberly does your cousin have a girlfriend..?" Linda started her games

"Well your not his.."

"Even if he does I want him, what can I do?"

Linda said sharply after interrupting Kim

"Just give up...Miles married to computers"

Yvonne told Linda what she needed to hear. Honestly its surprising how Linda can be all flirty and not be shy

"Well be sure to tell me when he's ready to marry an actual human!" Linda teased

"its never gonna happen bro"

Kim strongly rejected Linda. Talk about overprotective cousin

"Party people!!!Its not battling time its a party!"

ethane strongly announced his presence

"Well party is for kids, we'll be out in case you need us..and by the way we prepared drinks from earth ...please I trust you guys will handle it just fine and Miles too"

Sir Kitts informed us and him and Sir Nevis disappeared, but what was that about miles sir Kitts said again?

"Well that's also my cue! You guys have fun!"

miles said as if he's trying to Escape something or someone

"Do you have somewhere you gotta be?" Kim asked Miles

"No..just out to get some fresh air.." he muttered

"Then I'll come with, you can't be alone there's a lot of us here.." Kim insisted

"Me too" Norman offered

"Well I'll join you too!" Linda added too

"I guess all of us will join you outside then.." Yvonne concludes

"Guys...I really appreciate it but I can't stay" Miles gently rejected their offer

"But why?" Kim did her thing with her eyes man she's evil sometimes

"I can't drink" Miles said Embarrassed and of course we were all puzzled by his reasoning its hilarious

"That's it?" Linda asked and added a laugh

"Well I just don't Wanna ruin this for you guys.."

he replied concerned, I might have major issues with this guy, I hate to admit this but he's too nice , like genuinely nice

"Look..we all peers here...we just wanna spend time together is that too much to ask?" Haze aksed

"But am twenty three!" miles said shameless

"We all look like we're of the same age!" Linda added

"Oh I Definitely don't look like am twenty much less three!" Yvonne corrected and Linda gave her a 'what's wrong with you look'

"Can't we just agree this one thing! For miles!"

Kim said to cut the tension between

"okay...so miles you gonna stay?" Yvonne concluded

"Sure I can't say no after you guys have had a sequel" he surrendered and party began

Of course we drank , people got drunk a lot but I didn't! it felt like one of us shouldn't in order to be able to take care of everyone, of course Miles and Norman didn't drink either , Kim was having a blast except she's got insanely high alcohol tolerance so no matter how much she drinks its very unlikely she'd pass out just from drinking. The party was fun people danced and of course Linda gets much hotter and flirty when she drinks , she's technically a bomb right now, if you mess with her she gone blow you. Drunken people were escorted to their rooms to rest and of course I was stuck with Linda

"can't Miles do this?" I complained

"Oh...I have to take care of Kim" Miles defended himself, I bet he just doesn't wanna deal with drunk Linda

"Well I can take care of Kim...!" I argued

"Taylor, just take of Linda since Kim and Miles share a house its logical that he takes care of her" ethane said

"Okay...wait share a house? Does that house have two rooms?" I asked concerned and jealous

"Of course Taylor...at kittnev we only have that one room that has two rooms in it...since Kim and I used it before she's technically been sleeping their ever since she came back too"

Miles cleared it up. But its still unsettling , I mean

"Why not get her a single room like us?"

I just had to ask and I had a feeling I would regret asking

"Well...she said she doesn't like it...being far from Miles.." Norman's answer made me even more worried

"She doesn't like it?" I asked puzzled

"Its nothing personal...and she definitely doesn't have romantic feelings for Miles we both know that ...so just let this go man...We gotta put everyone to bed" Norman explained

I mean its true Kim still loves me but, its not impossible for feelings to change, I mean who doesn't like Miles right? I kept being doubtful but I had to postpone that for another time. For now I had to take care of THE Linda who's definitely wasted, she doesn't hold back at anything I honestly respect that . I took her to bed and covered her with a sheet and as I was leaving her room something unexpected happened, it was all dark for the first time in history of kittnev the source of power was tamed cause its never dark, we only get fake stars and dark clouds for us to sleep but its never dark so it worried me and o wondered what's attacking kittnev?

I don't remember what it was cause from there I couldn't see nor hear anything! I was knocked out!
