

boy meets earthlings

Natsuz_nimas_3228 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Dive ten

There's a saying that goes 'the silent voice usually tells the right thing' I've never believed in it , I mean even ghost speak in a silent annoying voice. But yesterday I receive a text it said

^^spend your night with your family peacefully you never know what tomorrow may bring^^

As anonymous as it sounds , it was sent by an anonymous person , but I listened to the person either way , talk about troublesome texts.

Of course I ignored the the text just to receive another weird one today

^^meet us at a shade beside the sycamore tree at Malcolm highschool^^

That's our school so yeah I know the place , but no one's hardly there making it more weird as to why am supposed to meet mean how can I not be suspicious. But I still played along because am curious so I went to they sycamore shade first thing after I arrived at school and guess who I found, yep its Yvonne, Hazel , Ethane and Linda.

"Hey yvy..." I hugged Yvonne hello

I mean things are still awkward between us but we haven't figured our relationship yet but before that we've always been friends so we try to keep it that way

"Taylor..what's up? u got the text?"

Yvonne asked me after our awkward hug

"Yeah..about that...is that why everyone's here?" I asked confused.

"Yeah.." they said in a sync

"Do we have a lead?" I asked.

"No one's showed up yet.." Linda replied

We then stood there in a weird silence and just before I wanted to say something to break the silence someone came in

"Hello everyone"

a familiar voice a perfect appearance , of course its that Miles guy from Kim's place last time , of course this time we don't see the real him its like a mirage of sort

"Wait...who is that cute and yet handsome lad?"

Linda asked shocked on the perfect appearance

"Well ...introductions later...for now I have to dive you guys to kittnev and everything else will be cleared once you're here.."


Before I could even finish questioning him a rectangular shaped hole was opened up and bellow us followed by a great glow and suddenly we were not there. We appeared somewhere so different from our world ,hanging lake , purple trees , literally purple from the ground, blue and perfect green grasses they look so artificial!

"Just where on earth are we?"

I exclaimed admiring the view. It has everything nature has to provide, except it lacks houses

"Welcome to kittnev everyone!"

The so not human looking carefree guy invited us! I knew its that miles guy! But what I don't get is why Kim and Norman are with him,here makes me wonder if they are in it together and if Norman's the one who texted, I mean he ain't into that kinda thing but may be?

"Okay am going to kill someone if I don't get an explanation on what's going on!"

hazel the tough girl ordered for an explanation

"Relax haze..isn't it obvious that we ain't on earth no more? I've read it in stories but kittnev does exist!" ethane said and left everyone puzzled

"Its in stories?" Linda asked curious

"Of course not L..that was a joke! but what I meant is we're in some other universe and that guy knows ..and clearly he doesn't look harmful"

Ethane said, I mean he does have a point , I need to calmly and accurately examine our situation right now

"So...the unrealistic beauty..why are we here?"

Hazel asked holding back the fact that she's freaking out.

I mean I never wanna mess with her she literally can hold herself against a mob no one bullies her or her friends

"First u guys calm down and let's talk..deal"?

My real beauty Kim said, and she definitely is almost running out of patience

"oh so the dumped princess knows something.."

Linda said and that provoked Kim, first I didn't dump her she dumped me, I think and second she is on fire she might really close Linda

"On shit she's really on fire!"

I exclaimed after I saw her burning or not, I mean the flame's not affecting the grasses either.

" Enough with the narrations Kim.."

Miles touched Kim and the flame disappeared

"What was that ?" Ethane asked still shocked

"Wait are you okay Kim"

and finally Yvonne said something I was beginning to worry maybe she hates Kim now

"Don't worry its just magic...and hey Linda...I wasn't dumped and Taylor and I didn't break up yet...I am thinking of how to better explain our relationship so give me sometime..."

she replied casually and winked at Linda, I mean I totally thought she was mad but it was an act

"who ah! am proud of you girl..u grew up the past month .." Linda replied back.

"oh you have no idea, but you'll get to find out soon" Kim's gotten more sassy than I knew

"Okay girls...am Miles sorry for the late introduction.." miles said smiling

"What about we guys..." ethane asked a so not necessary question

"You know I meant to say that to all of you"

Miles unexpectedly replied, its weird how humble he is, so weird

"So long story short..?" I incurred

"Right that's your cue Norman"

Kim asked Norman to explain what's been going on and why we suddenly appeared to a place we don't know.

So we are here on a millennia mission or saving all universes or whatever that was and to so so we have to be trained in kittnev and also there's a Kitts and Nevis masters of this whole place that we will get to meet when they want us to meet. I mean its too much to process but everyone seems so okay and they don't seem to be panicking

" I mean guys we'll be missing for who knows how long.." I told them

"Well at least everyone knows we'll be gone right?" Haze cleared

"Yeah but .." I hesitated to argue more, "I mean how do we even trust this guy?" I added

"Cause the Nerd Norman's here.." Linda replied like Norman's super man

"I mean that guy would survive any apocalypse alone so I say we trust him and see where this takes us" Yvonne added on her knowledge of Norman

"Look am not asking you to trust me...just complete the mission and you'll be outa here"

Miles clarified and made it clear he's got no hidden agenda

"I just wanna ask something.." ethane interrupted

"Sure ...what is it ethane?" Miles asked kindly

"Can we go back before completing the mission"

he asked a very important question

"Well depends on sir Kitts and Nevis...but for now..No you can't" he said

"Then where do I sleep?" ethane asked so out of topic

"Am I'll take you there.." miles replied puzzled

"Guys we want out we deliver...its just a mission let's be positive and finish it so we can go back home...who's with me?" ethane suggested

And obviously everyone's with him and they followed miles to a certain city like house. so I had no other choice than to be in it, I mean there's no other way out of here anyways I might as well let loose

"Yvonne I have to talk to Kim" I told Yvonne so that it wouldn't be weird if she sees us together

"Why are you telling me that?"

she replied coldly and left , I mean I understand where she comes from but damn she makes it look like am the only one at fault. But back to Kim , she has magic am sure she didn't before and she seems to be a host at kittnev rather than a guest, that's a lot of all I wanna ask but first things first, what are we? Is what I'd love to ask her not that I'll give up. So I asked her if we could talk and she told me to meet her at a unique sycamore so its like I had to look for her or the unique sycamore but its still hard cause every tree here is technically unique so I thought what are the chances that a sycamore doesn't look like one? Being in so much doubt I shouted her name



she popped out of nowhere and called me back like she's been there

"What..? How'd you do that?"

I asked dumbfounded and curious at the same time

"Teleportation...you'll also be able to do it too in no time" she replied still casual

its like she's forgetting am a stranger to magic and kittnev's everything

"Forget it...let's focus on why am looking for you first aye?" I begged cause I seriously don't need a magical lesson right now

"Who ah! look at the sycamore! beautiful right?"

she replied totally ignoring what I said. So before I debated I looked at the direction she's staring and wow! that's some shinny rainbow sycamore ,

"How's that possible?" I asked in awe

"I know right? I thought of the same thing the first time I saw it.." she said admirably

"You came here?" I inquired

"Yeah...like you guys ..I had been summoned and dived to kittnev .." she explained

"You mean the time you've been missing.."

I replied regretful , I mean its a place that you don't get out just cause you want to, it might've been excruciating for her to not be able to come back home.

"Well it wasn't that all bad...I used to relax here with Miles.." she added

"With Miles?"

I asked totally jealous! I mean why a beautiful place like this and with that not so humane Person.

"Yeah...after training he'd let me relax here..prepare the dark sky for the sycamore to shine more brightly .." she explained excited

"Yeah...shine huh.." I asked still annoyed

"Well I couldn't afford to be all gloomy just because I missed you guys a lot so I had to be strong so that it won't fell far...home I mean.."

she narrated cheerfully, I totally fell for her again, I mean while I was weeping day and night she worked hard to get back just to find me with Yvonne

"I am so sorry...I didn't know.." I said apologetic

"Of course you didn't..no one did...not even an clue.." she replied sadly

"Look Kim you must know there's no second I didn't think of you... I.."

"clearly...you had to sleep with my best friend"

she interrupted me, clearly she'd been holding back and putting the tough girl attitude

"Look about that..." I tried explaining

"it was an accident.." she guessed

"Yeah...I was drunk and things kinda got out of hand..." I narrated relieved cause she seem to be kind of understanding which is also confusing

"Out of hand huh...its weird how you went out of control in just a month Taylor..." she said sarcastically

"Yeah I know...I was messed up that you disappeared...nothing mattered anymore.."

I tried defending myself I mean I didn't lie either

"You know that's not the point Taylor....its just painful that it took you less than a month to wanna move on from ....four weeks Taylor...four!"

There my worry came to light, she's finally behaving like how she was supposed to

"I didn't ...I just did ivy a favor and never put my feelings in it..." I muttered

"You know what I am not doing this! I am not going to cry either....let's just postpone this talk!"

she suggested and wiped her tears

"Postpone ...but till when?" I asked desperately

"In a month! oh but clearly you might've moved on right? Mr I got messed up!" she replied pissed

"In a month! I mean of course ...if it'll make you feel better" I surrendered, I don't wanna piss her more than necessary cause I know her better

"No dating any girl in that month!" she ordered

"Totally..." i agreed confidently "but what about guys?" I added a joke

"Do you want me to kill you!" she didn't take the joke so well

"Okay...I'll do whatever you want just please don't be mad anymore..." I begged

"Are you kidding? Who's mad? I was just expressing myself...am done with that kinda thing.." she. said in denial

"That kind of thing?" I asked

"Am not doing this either.." she said meaning there's no way she's going to explain herself

"Yeah sure...But what are we...I mean in that month...what will we be?" I asked worried

"What we were before dating..." she said coldly

"Before dating?" I asked disappointed

"Unless you wanna do the 'we're strangers' act.."

she asked trying to ignore the fact that we both don't feel like just friends anymore

"No..I mean friends huh.." I replied in a dilemma

"Yeah...and we can't be more cause well first all Yvonne's not happy....second cause am still figuring this out.." she said

"Yeah..totally I mean...just don't leave me.."

I begged desperately, I mean I finally have her back but its like am loosing her all over again

"Well that's not up to me Taylor.." she replied uncertain, I mean am starting to wonder if she really wants us back together?

"Can I ask you something?" I am gambled

"Sure.." she became welcoming

"Do you still love me?" I finally said it

"Yes Taylor...I love you..and I probably will for a long time.." she smiled sadly after her confession

"Good...cause I love you too and I really need you back so please..."

"Taylor...don't..its not a month yet.." she said and started walking away

"Okay...am where are going..?"

I asked following her also to change the subject so as to lighten her mood. I mean I don't know how serious she is about the month thing but I just gotta work hard to earn back her trust

"We going back to where everyone is..." she said

"Yeah? So where's that exactly?" I asked wondering cause I see no houses around

"Well its down there!" she pointed on a small city

"You mean there's other people apart from us living at kittnev...in that city?" I asked shocked at the massive beautiful house am seeing

"What do you mean? its just Miles and me when I dived in" she replied

"You and Miles...alone...in that humongous house?" Yep am still not over the Fact that she'd been here alone with that not so humane lad

"Of course...just before you keep on being the overly jealous ex...Miles a different being so he's not exposed to feelings like love and hate...he only knows the love he's taught by sir Kitts" she definitely saw through me

"Oh...who's this sir Kitts anyways" I inquired since all Miles said is that he and Nevis are the owners of kittnev

"He's Miles grandpa" she said

"Oh...and Nevis.." I asked

"His dad..." she added

"Making Miles a young master aye?"

I said as I walked down the valley towards that city like house

"Well...you can say so.." she replied

"So is everyone like him in here? you the too good type" I asked curious of what kind of guy is Miles dad and gramps

"Well ...they all seem to have a carefree attitude but with variations.." she explained

"That explains your tough girl attitude aye.?" I made a point

"What?" she asked sarcastically

"I mean you've changed" I paused and approached her "but... in a good sexy way" then I whispered to her

"Is this your way of winning some points.." she teased in a very flirty way

"Well depends on how much I got from it"

I flirted back, I mean I miss it

"Taylor....you need to learn !"

she said and kept walking away, I me a I totally felt the electricity between us why's she rejecting it

"Kim wait.."

I rushed towards her and kissed her, funny she kissed me back! I was totally prepared to get hit but this is better than getting hit

"huh!" we both sighed after taking a deep breath

"Its never gonna happen again" she said suddenly

"Wait..this..." I tried

"Taylor...I have my rights to my space okay...don't make me hate you!" she made her point and left

I mean I know she wants me but I don't know what's holding her back! I am sure it has nothing to do with Yvonne or what she saw when she came back. Whatever it is I ain't giving her up not now not ever, I wonder If its the same for her.

"So beating up monsters huh!"

I sighed and made up my mind to get serious in a month, I'll allow kittnev to use me as good as it can and until then I hope Kim will always smile when she sees me, I hate being the bad guy while Miles the perfect one, I mean literally perfect!
