

boy meets earthlings

Natsuz_nimas_3228 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Dive seven

If I was told to define Monday a month ago I'd probably say its a day I look forward to spending with my girl Kim but right now Monday is just one annoying day when I go to school and notice that she's not by my side and definitely it is a blue one. The kind that workers hate cause going back to work after the weekend's hangover ain't fun we be honest also Monday Is blue now cause I have to drug myself to sleep despite Yvonne being here.

Its been twelve days since I started this thing called dating with Yvonne I have to say its nice but its never felt okay and naturally I can't tell her that cause she still has eighteen days to and to be honest I don't see me falling for her its Kim I love , its always been her. She left early today cause she has to prepare for school and it so happens that my mom's gonna have a late one today since I can hear her downstairs

"Ma?" I called her just to be shouted

"Stop shouting up there! if u going to school now's that time...?" she ordered

"Alright! also.."

I asked as I approached her downstairs

"the car is out of gas, I left some cash for you be sure to refill it!" she said in a rush

"Wait...how'd you know?" I asked embarrassed

"My job is not to answer your questions right now but to get out of here..bless ya"

she kissed my forehead and left for her job

So its clear to say she spoils me and she's been so attentive since Kimberly disappeared, I guess she feels bad she couldn't give me her all during that period but I don't blame her , I mean she was busy making money for both of us and for that I love her and always will.

As much as I hate it I had to prepare myself for school , I took breakfast and left in a hurry like a real student this time. As I was preparing to steer the engine I noticed I wasn't wearing the bracelet Kim and I bought so I had to go back to the room and search for it and I found it in my drawer of course I was happy , cause somehow I feel connected to Kim when am wearing this , I feel confident like there's nothing I can't do. So as I was wearing the bracelet I saw something , and it was the other pair that Kim was supposed to have I mean how is it here? Kim's always had it on her hand but now its here.

Well that thought is still hunting me, of course I left for school with Kim's bracelet too I wore both of them. Well I was hoping I'd get answers by coming to school too. I mean deep inside I never thought she's dead but I wanted to because that's only logical explanation towards her disappearance. But being at school and we had our first class, there was no Kim In it, I should probably go back to Kim's place later today. So ever since she disappeared I often called Fiona and ask if she's back and as time went on Fiona stopped picking up my calls I guess its because it made her nervous to report everyday that her girl is not back but she promised to call me if in case she does and since she hasn't I guess Kim's not back but who brought the bracelet I my room though? Whoever it is they know where Kim is am sure!

So the first class was a bummer but I decided to attend the next class, to be honest I usually hated the next class since Mr Bobby , Kim's tutor taught the class and I could tell he had a thing for Kim so of course I just wanted to protect her and in this case I just want to see how he's dealing with Kim's disappearance because I hadn't been coming to school either so I didn't see much of him too.

"Here he comes.." Yvonne whispered next to me

"Argh...as much as I hate him, I must see his face today" I whispered back disappointed and Mr Bobby was already in class

"Hi Mr Bobby"everyone greeted him

"Hi guys! So I know most of you are wondering why am early today..I mean this month hasn't been exactly great for me.." he whined

Great now I know he was seriously suffering cause of Kim's disappearance

"Out with it Mr Bobby we don't have all day sir.."

I demanded annoyed at him , I just don't like the fact that he's always so clear about he's feelings for Kim, wait clear? Clearly he looks relieve right now and he's been using past tense to define how he's been feeling, hell am still lost right now!

"Relax Taylor, relax "he teased me " so I met someone on the hallway I just didn't want her to come in class casually so I wanted to make it a little bit dramatic..come in now Miss"

as annoying as he is I think he's onto something and its nothing good. As I was lost in my thought someone indeed came in and guess who

"Welcome back Kimberly"

Mr Bobby said and hugged her again. I mean its definitely Kim! In flesh and blood! Kim's back! I mean with all the confusion I couldn't think straight and everyone was happy that she's back so they attacked her with hugs and I didn't have a chance to say anything, I mean she's changed and she looks more of a bad ass than before

"Well Taylor you might wanna give her back her place that clearly Yvonne is stealing"

A guy named Ethane said, I mean he's never really liked me and for some reason he could tell am dating Yvonne, it would be nice if he shuts his mouth before I loose it.

"Seriously Ethane this is no time to kill him, shut your trap before I shut it for you!"

Hazel who's apparently Ethan's tough friend warned him

"But damn! Taylor you need to work hard on your approach, that's definitely not the right one!"

she before I thought she's the good guy! I mean why is everyone attacking me! And how do they even know am dating Yvonne this looks like a set up no matter how you see it please don't hate me Kim.

"And you Yvonne you should be ashamed of yourself! We girls don't live like that!"

So even Linda is attacking Yvonne, I mean I understand girls sticking together but there is a better way to about this than blaming each other!

"okay ..I've had enough.." Kim interrupted me

"Guys...its okay, there's nothing wrong with moving on when your girl disappears so don't blame em" wait I didn't even hug her yet, she's not gonna end it like this

"Wait.." I said

"Anyways Mr bobby met on the hallway I wasn't coming to this class I was going to see the principles office so catch you guys later..thanks Mr Bobby"

she said whatever she wanted to say and left the class just like that. How did we become like this! of course its my fault and how is it that Kim knows more about Yvonne and I? she didn't look surprised when everyone was reprimanding us, unless she was there that night!

"Huh! suddenly my room was so tidy ! Why couldn't I sense that" I said pissed at myself

"Taylor don't blame yourself..I am so sorry"

Yvonne tried but its just not her

"Gotta go Yvonne, sorry"

I left the class and followed Kim, I mean am sure she's out crying somewhere and I have to be there for her

"Taylor wait.." Yvonne shouted on the hallway as she ran towards me

"Yvonne not now" I begged her not to cause any scene

"Just one month mh? one month you promised to give me one month.." she said crying

"I know ...but that was before I knew Kim's alive and back.." I made myself clear

"Yeah? so what you were just gonna use me then dump me?" she's panicking

clearly she's the one who suggested the use , I remember bagging her to change her request

"Yeah but you were okay with it Yvonne!" I said clenching my teeth

"That was because I trusted you...I believed you'd like me despite my foolish request.." she's tearing up

"Look am sorry, let's talk about this later...otherwise if I don't follow Kim right now am seriously going to break!" I begged

"Man your such a jerk!"

She yelled at me and left. Girls are really scary, to think that I was doing all of this for her,because I felt sorry for her. Noted, sympathy isn't needed for a relationship! clearly I learned this shit the hard way.

But I couldn't afford to be bothered by Yvonne's breakout cause I got much important person to deal with, one way or the other Yvonne and I will have to talk about this but not today. All this tension has made me more nervous but not as nervous as Kim is in her car. I spotted her inhaling and exhaling in her car and she managed to drive herself out of that suffocated atmosphere so I had to go after her. I went to my car and all it gave me is a

"Vroom" "Of course I forgot to refill and mom clearly told me to!"

But I have no time to babysit my car so I'll. just take a bus and follow Kim at her place am sure she's gone home, its the only place where that guy is and she's always counting on him so am sure I'll find her at home. So it was an intense ride since I couldn't relax but I arrived at her house and spotted her driving inside through the gate so I shouted calling her

"Kim! Kimberly!!"

but she kept on driving in, am definitely not letting her go. I went in too still shouting her name until she parked and went out of the car.

I hurried and hugged her real tight

"Kim your kinda hurting me".

She said rejecting my love. Of course she would,I mean am sure she saw everything that night so of course whatever I say or do she won't trust me

"Oh..sorry, hi.." I said awkwardly and with a lot of guilt

"Well..I don't know how to treat you,as my boyfriend or my Best friend's boyfriend.."

She made her point and I could tell she's holding back her tears

"How about your boyfriend" I bumbled

"So you broke up with Yvonne?" she inquired sarcastically

"No I mean...the thing with Yvonne.."

I tried explaining but she ain't giving me no chances

"Don't! please don't be unfair okay.." she said and walked away

"Love! I still love you! Have you ever considered asking me why it happened?" I lost my temper

"Oh...so you wanna go there? then tell me! why did I have to work my ass off to get back to you just to hear you seducing my best friend to stay the night! Why?!!!" she yelled an I could tell she's pissed and that proves she was there that night

"Kim I.." I can't get my words out

"its Kimberly for you Taylor! Kimberley...you have no right to call me Kim"

Oh yeah she's definitely mad all right and she has the rights to be, I mean I don't know what she's been thought but neither does she so I wish she'd let me explain!

"But..we've never broken up..so am technically still you boy"

I reminded her that the two of us are still a thing since she disappeared on me. I had to add a joke in our intense conversation

"Let's break up then! If its freedom you want to be with Yvonne ! you got it..so please just leave me alone!"

she made such a serious conclusion I ain't okay with at all, she's not gonna leave me, just when I finally found her

"Okay...am gonna say this because you seem to be misunderstanding something here..am not dating Yvonne cause I like her and I most definitely didn't ask her out.."

I said as I approached her gently

"What difference does that make?"

she asked,but at least I caught her attention

"Well it means I could easily break it off with her..just like it started" am gumbling

"So you can just start something and break it off like its normal! I'll have you know Yvonne's been in love with you so that relationship means a lot to her!"

she said pissed and we back to square one. She's so stubborn but still cute I can't be mad at her

"Kim...just for once listen okay...listen careful to what am saying" I said caressing her shoulders with both my hands

"Just this once.." she inquired looking at me

"I love you not Yvonne and you know that"

I told her and I could see it in her eyes that she's quite relieved!

"I hate you!"

She exclaimed tearing up and hugged me

"I know! I deserve that.."

I said smiling and gently caressed her head and kissed her, funny is she kissed me back. Well I can't say I wasn't surprised but it was too sweet to think of anything

"See...you don't want to really break up after all" I said smirking

"No I don't.."she said in a weak voice "But this...its too much for me right now...am overwhelmed I can't even think straight so..am I need to think about it"

she added still weak and turned to walk away I could tell she's not okay

"Kim listen.."

Before I could talk she bumped into someone as she was walking away. This person looks different I'd say for a guy he's too pretty so I was wondering if he's real

"Ouch!" Kim exclaimed and looked up to see what she bumped into "Miles!" she shouted surprised

"Sorry I was in a rush I didn't think I'd have this bad of a timing...you okay? you look weak"

That miles guy asked cheerful, seriously who the hell Is he?

"Sorry but who are you?"

I held back from cursing, cause clearly Kim knows him

"Oh hi..sorry am Miles ...Kim's brother?"

This miles guy responded so suspicious cause he's no Kim's brother because Kim has no such kind of brother and just where'd he come from?

"Oh I know Kim's brother and that's not you"

I argued! I hate this cause I feel so inferior right now.

"He's a friend" Kim finally spoke

"A friend that I don't know?"

I asked, cause its strange Kim and I practically grew up together

"Well I just met him recently...look its a long story and I honestly don't wanna talk about right now.." she begged

I don't know why but Kim's not okay , it feels like she's going to fall anytime soon

"Understood...but Kim are you okay?" I asked concerned

"She's obviously lost a lot of energy I clearly told her to eat enough food!" miles scolded her and somehow I can't stand him

"I get it that your her friend but don't you think you're being too clingy?" I asked jealous of how close they are to each other

"Oh this is far from how we were back at kittnev.." he said and gave Kim a piggy back

"Wait what?" I asked confuse at his sentence

"Anyways I can see that you care a lot for her like she does so how about you take a breather and think of how to fix things? I want her to be happy and smile again" he demanded concerned

"Like I said.." I tried quizzing him but He's too much of an airhead! He's not listening to me at all

"Take care...and I assure you she's in good hands, also judging by Kim's character am sure she's holding no grudge so don't worry and just think carefully of what you want"

he said kindly. I take back what I said, I guess this Miles person might indeed be just a friend but I still don't like the skin ship

"What u want? its clear I want to be with Kimberly" I said certain

"Then work on that...sorry I'd love to chat more but am running out of time, so bye for now"

Miles announced and took Kim inside

Of course am still worried about Kim so of course I'll have to come back later but after I cool off, cause I need to have a very calm and serious conversation with Yvonne.

But Kim's back! Am so happy and I feel alive now!

I wonder if she feels the same way, considering talking to me drained her energy...
