

boy meets earthlings

Natsuz_nimas_3228 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Dive One

In the land of united states of america , city of las Vegas lived an ordinary girl. This ordinary girl had an ordinary family, leading an ordinary life in an ordinary world staying in an ordinary house. By all means everything is pretty much ordinary to her. That includes her school life, and for that matter she also had a boyfriend just like other ordinary highschool girl and she cherishes the boy so much that she'd give up her life for him , of course he would too. at least that's what she believes, since its ordinary to believe so. Little did she know that a day might come and she'd encounter something that is far from being ordinary , to put it simply it would be the first time that she finds herself rather in un ordinary situation.

It all happened when she left to buy ice cream with her boyfriend, passed by near a vending machine to get some drinks and suddenly the un ordinary happened and when she came to, she quizzed herself

"where am I?"

confused , shocked and in awe she said asking herself as she noticed a shinning sky which reflects the ground having a clean artificial grasses and trees colored blue,some black and yellow.

before she even finished evaluating her situation she had the voice complementing the sky cheerfully

"isn't it beautiful...the sky I mean"

"who oo ah...!"

she exclaimed after seeing the cheerful smile, warm and beautiful, amazing silky hair with a little bit of brownish bangs falling on his left eye , tall physique covered in white overcoat and white jeans with black boots. Am pretty sure that's what you call sexy in ordinary world except his beauty ain't ordinary. Before she could speak again , the mysterious boy spoke

"My name's Miles..and you are..?"

still cheerful and added a smile. That's not right the girl thought, because usually someone of that class should be this cold and unsociable pal. oh well let's go with the flow

"mhh..." she cleared her throat and added " Miles? as in a unit of measurement..Miles?" she asked

"well whichever is fine..I don't mind either way..and you are?" he asked still smiling

"Am Kimberly..but you can call me Kim.."

she replied , initiating a conversation in order to get info on wherever she might be

"Nice to mitcha ..Kim.."

as warm,kind and cheerful as he is , he stretched out his hand ready for a handshake and so did Kim since they're all glad they met, mostly for Kim since she can't wait to get back to her boy.

"so...about this place ...little details please...cause I really need to get back.."

there she finally got down to business like an ordinary person

"you were summoned!"

miles replied casually as if its ordinary to summon someone in this highly developed world

"by being summoned you mean what?..exactly.."

Kim asked confused and impatient

"well in this world we have two rulers ..sir Kitts and sir Nevis,both of them are friends ...so in other words you are summoned for a mission , you can go back as soon as you are done"

miles narrated as if its still normal for Kim to be in that situation

"ahuuh! forget about that! how do I get out of here Kim! seriously I gota get back to Tyler!"

Kim said in a Panic and ignoring the whole summoned thing

"Tyler..?" Miles inquired

"My BOYFRIEND!" she exclaimed

"so one of those..." miles pointed at the ice cream Kim was holding on her left hand

"yeah its his...if you get the situation..please let me outa here!" she ordered

"where were you before you got summoned here?" miles asked investigating the situation

" I was at a vending machine...ready to get us some drinks.." she recalled

"that's all I need.." he said

" To do what?" she asked confused

"To get you back to Tyler!" miles replied smiling

"thanks..." Kim said relived

" can't promise you anything though!" miles defended himself

"just get on with it dude!" Kim said ignoring his defense and so miles started the site

**by the power given to me by sir Nevis and sir Kitts I command you to open the gate towards the world: city LV .Now!**

Miles shouted as he made a four sided pattern using his two fingers of his right hand after kissing them (making them to glow).

" what are you doing..?" Kim asked dumbfounded

" there!" miles exclaimed pointing on a rectangle hall opening in front of him as so he got close to it , but it vanished

"eh...where'd it go.!!?"Kim asked disappointed

" huh! I guess I ran out of gate passes!"

miles said disappointed . because he really wanted to help but fate's just so cruel sometimes

" so am...what was that anyways? was it magic?"

Kim asked amazed by what miles did

"well ..can't really tell, but am out of gate passes for this week.." he explained hiding something

"gate pass?" Kim inquired

"yep...usually its only four of them in a week ...and sadly I think I used em all" he narrated

"cool...you are out...so we gota use mine right.? since am summoned and all I gota have something right?" she got smarter

"I don't think that's how it works.." miles said worried

""now I summon thee to open thy gate towards thy world""! Kim said ignoring miles warning

"nothing's happening miles" she added sadly

"like I said...I don't think that's how it works.."

kindly miles repeated trying not to hurt Kim's feelings

"then how does it work! damn it!"

Kim asked pissed when reality starts kicking in

"you don't have the power yet.." miles explained

"then give me the power! clearly u got a lot of it!" Kim ordered

" I wish I could but only sir Nevis or sir Kitts can do that..!

miles said carefully since Kim looks like she gona explode any minute!

" where the hell are those old geezers!"

she yelled impatiently since Tyler's on the topic here

"I don't think they'll appreciate you calling them that...but you can't find them...they find you.." he said calmly

"in other words am doomed here..ain't I?"

Kim said as she hardly held back her tears from falling

"well...come oon Kim...I'll be here with you...until you qualify for the gate pass!"

miles offered kindly . It could be better if he was shorter! Because for a big guy he sure is too positive and too kind but he looks more of an airhead! Kimberly thought!

"You know for a handsome guy ..you're really stupid you know that?"she muttered

"well I'll take that as a compliment!"

he replied cheerfully ignoring the 'stupid part,

"see he really is an airhead.." Kim kept on muttering something but miles kept on smiling

" anyways miles..here!" she said handing him one of the ice creams she was holding

"this...what is it..?" miles asked as he received it

"excuse me Mr.airhead.. you don't know what ice cream is? what are you? an alien? or better yet where do you come from?" she asked shocked

" don't get me wrong...at any rate am human..atleast I think I am ...its just that I've never really enjoyed an ordinary life.." he said uncertain , that made Kim feel sorry for him just a little because ordinary is what she'd been living all her life, at least before today so she knows what Kim has been missing.

" oh well now you get to taste it...it sweet I promise.! also can you get me to a silent place I need to think."!

she demanded to change the subject


miles smiled and added " welcome to kittNev Kim"

Kim blushed because these smiley faces are getting to her I mean no human had been that handsome for just smiling. But with her worries she decided to go along with miles since he seems trustworthy

"so you're gonna lead the way or what?"

she exclaimed ready to work on her getting back to Tyler

"this way ma'am"

miles replied and led the way, added a smile.
