
the meeting place

It all started when it... came out of hiding its face pure black its eyes blood red and its claws 2 meters long I kept running away I finally lost it. when I lost it I found a place that was a beautiful lavender color.. then I heard somthing in the Bushes it was a girl she came out of the Bush and walked towards me she said "ahah you finally arrived my dear Angelina" "my name is lily lavender this is were I live" I was in complete shock I was wondering were she came from ,what did she want. but she grabbed my arm and gently lead the way to her house. There were humans but they were also animals. she had told me these are her friends who kept her safe.

this is about a girl named Angelica who is saved from"it" the girl who saved her is called lily lavender

Sma_unicorn_109creators' thoughts