
Lily and Thomas

lucky123_1133 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

#Lily Mateland's engagement

-Lily was a little girl, born in a royal family by Tonny Mateland and Rose Costalio Mateland.She grew up in her castle walls all alone with any body to keep her company.

During her childhood her mother used to tell her stories a bout the mysterious spooky forest near the kingdom which was said to harbor monsters.

One day she was playing in the castle and she was summoned by her Father ,She went as quickly as possible and and said Your Majesty may I know why I was summoned and her father told her;my princess you know you are my only child I have engaged you to Duke Alan Malt in order to get the next King.

She fell silent and asked her father have you ever loved me or cared about my feeling,yes why ask that kind of question. I don't love Duke Alan and he is thrice my age he is fit to be my father and I don't like being engaged to.....

Stop it at once, my word is final you will marry Duke Alan for the sake of our kingdom now off you go...I just want you to have the best.

She went running away as fast and disappeared.

Your majesty one of the king's butler asked why don't you let her highness to see the picture don't rush her , No worries I just want my daughter to have strong wealthy husband to keep her safe I don't like to lose her as I lost her mother...

Enjoy even though it's short

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