
Liliths Story

Lilith, the first wife of Adam gets casted out. Here is her story on her journey and everything that she sees and learns and does. [[ WARNING]]]!!!!!! This does have some biblical… okay a lot of biblical stuff- just read with an open mind please. Also, when you read and find something you don’t like, it’s okay to comment, but don’t get all bratty on me or anything. None of what I writ is true or (possibly) real. SOME MAY (most definitely will) BE VERY OFFENSIVE! and as just a heads up, I do believe in the existence of Gods, buuuutttt I was raised in Christianity and I’m just exploring to see what I really do worship.

someone22 · History
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Chapter One


The cold, disappointed, and disgusted eyes of my creator were on me. Angered by my behaviors and thoughts . I do not want to serve my husband and do everything for him. Why should I? He has four limbs like I, two hands and two feet .He has a head and brain like I, so why does he not understand I do not have to do everything he says? I must presume that his brain and intelligence are much less than mine.

Thunder crackled above my head as the downpour struck my bare skin like the thorns of the roses in the garden. I found shelter in a cave void of life and covered myself with the large leaves of the trees I passed by.


Even in this cold damp cave I could feel his eyes watching me. Not a second has his eyes left my soul. I know he is dissatisfied with me, his first creation of a female or woman as he called me. Though my confusion in him saying I was created to serve my husband may have angered him even more as I was questioning his judgment. I do believe it is the main reason why he exiled me and not Adam blabbering about me not fulfilling the duties I was created for.

Finally, the cold eyes had left me and I felt warm despite the rain. I heard a roar and a bear came into the cave with her cubs in tow, seeking the shelter provided from the cave. I waited for her to sit down before going over to her and warming myself with her fur and cubs.

I found myself back in the garden. There was Adam, our creator , and another woman. She look exactly like I only her hair was the color of roses and her skin freckled with tanned spots. I felt a feeling different from what I felt from Adam. But I knew this feeling. It was similar to having to eat a prune and my desire to eat a strawberry. Only Adam was the prune and this woman the strawberry. I do not know if the creator is allowing me to come back to the garden or I ate a strange mushroom again, but I knew I desired her.

Cold eyes descended upon my soul once more and I shivered under the scorching sun. I could feel the creator wondering what I was doing there. Then something else- it was almost as if I could feel his smirk reflected upon Adam's lips as he took the woman, Eve he called her, and kissed her lips. I felt disgusted that Adam was treating her the same as he had me when we were mating. My pity for Eve increased as I watched her few minutes of pain as Adam mated with her before he fell down Exhausted from the short time and then ordered Eve to bring him some food.

She stood up with shaky legs that she had yet to get used to and went to find some food. Unlike I, Adam loved prunes and he would eat them after every mating session. She brought him a hand full of strawberries. She had picked them with such an adoring gaze that I feel matched that of mine own. She had grabbed them despite the blood on her legs that I knew was sticky and did not feel good to let sit.

When she offered Adam his food, he slapped it from her hands and hit her. I knew she had only been there for a few days but he is already back to his old self. Even though he hit her, she stood up smiling at him and went to go search for the prunes. I narrowed my eyes as a smile reached my lips. Eve is extremely different from me. When he had hit me, I hit him back. When he yelled at me , I yelled back. When the creator spoke to us, I always asked questions. Though it was o gain more knowledge, I suppose I was not the one supposed to ask such questions in the creators eyes.

His eyes that are still upon me.

"Do not come back, you are not needed and I will not except you even if you plead." I tilted my head to my creators words.

"Why would I want to return to where Adam is? He causes me pain and I do not like it. I suppose so long as Adam is there i shall not return." I had said to my creator with all honesty and he could tell I ment what I had said, after all- what can a lump of clay hide from its creator?

It seemed that my reply had angered him yet again. Although I had angered him often, this time he seemed even more mad as I had been whisked away from the garden and awoken in the cave with the clashing of lightning, the rolling clouds, and thunderous roars similar to 100 mighty tigers, bears, and lions all at once. The mother bear had awoken as well and ran from the cave only to be struck down by lightning. Her cubs roared at her but she did not get up. She has traveled back to the creators collection of souls.

The cubs ran off when lightning struck a tree, causing it to fall down and become red with heat. At first it was like a tiny little thing , then it grew larger as it devoured the tree. I walked out of the cave only when the thunder and lightning stopped and the skies cleared and birds began to chirp at the raising sun.

The sent of the burnt tree was not very pleasant, but it was very warm to my cold naked body. The mother bears body was stif but her fur was still as nice as it was when she were alive.

"wie is jy?" A man walked out of one of the trees behind me. I tilted my head by what I saw of him. He had the skin of some animal wrapped around his waist and a stick with a string attached to it in one hand painted at me with another stick that had a rock on the tip. Some feeling welled up inside me. It was cold. The reason of it was for the sticks in this man's hands.

"wie is jy? antwoord my of ek deurboor jou hart." He said once more. I opened my mouth, unsure of what I should say when some men ran out . They started conversing while I just stared at them in a daze.

I had assumed that Adam and I were the only creatures he had made . Perhaps I was wrong to assume that. Or maybe … a sharp cold shove descended upon my soul once again. This time. The pressure out upon me was stronger than ever. I collapsed onto my knees, unable to overcome the shaking of my limbs. My soul felt as though it was being stretched from my body and going back to my creator.

First, my left arm went slack as the portion of my soul lost control of it. Next was my left leg, then right leg. Only my right hand that was squeezing and gripping the ground . With my limbs out of my control, only my torso , head, and right arm were left to stay attached.

The world around me started to spin as the men walked closer to me. Or perhaps I was tumbling or something similar to that as they kept going in a circle. No. My head was the only thing spinning.

Something hit the back of my head and everything went black. The cold feeling of my creator was no longer upon me . I opened my eyes from time to time, but I could only stay awake for a short time before drifting to my sleep like state once again. Most of what I saw was the mens back side as I was hung over their shoulder. At times, when the moon was high in the sky and a fire was lit, I could see them slowly removing the skin of the bear. Another time, I saw them smashing the skull of the bear and mixing the brain with someone other things.

I do believe that it's happened in the one day of skinning, but perhaps it was more. I would not know how long it would take to remove the skin of the bear nor any other animal. By the time I was able to move my head and look around, the men noticed and made me loose consciousness once again.

This is not true (obviously) and I have nothing against God/Jesus so if your offended against what/how I write then sorry- go make your own book. This is just me wondering how things were wayyyyy back then. Thank you for reading .

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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