
Lilac Hearts

Stories inspired around my life. :)

angelicaroseeee · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter I; Spring Time Love VII

Angelica was in her room, thinking about the headmaster's comments she had made against her. Belittling her race and identity as a person. Angelica had tears in her eyes, remembering the wonderful time she had with the headmaster.

She used to tell her grandma of how close the two were. But, Angelica exposed the lying family in the church. The headmaster and the pastor went against Angelica and her family. Although much has happened, she lets go of the problem, she only truly cares about a curtain someone she loves.

Angelica, wiped her tears and said to herself, "Oh move on, she never cared about you, why should you care about her?" Noor opened the door of Angelica's room, "Angy, are you talking to yourself, again…?" Angelica felt worse than the meaning of depression. "No, I'm not okay. I really hate how my life goes up and down."

Noor and Angelica had a deep conversation for an hour. The two hugged each other, and then she said, "Well, church is tomorrow! So you go get ready for your noeeeee" Angelica rolled her eyes and laughed. She picked out her outfit and picked Noor's outfit.

Angelica had a strange feeling of danger. She ignored it and went to bed. She woke up early, earlier than usual. Likewise, she felt the anxiety in her stomach. The drowsiness of her tired self. She inhaled and exhaled, and got up to get ready for church. Angelica ran to her room to put on her pink boots, from her peripheral vision. A head peeking into her room.

Angelica was startled, and saw nothing. She ran to the car to arrive early. Her parents were talking in the car and Noor made a comment, "Does anyone else feel a little anxious today?" Their parents kept talking and ignored the comment by Noor.

Angelica tugged Noor's black jacket gently, "I've been feeling really anxious today. I don't know why. I was slightly depressed last night." Noor was a little worried, "I don't know what it is, but let's just stick together, alright?" Angelica smiled and hugged Noor and laid on Noor's shoulder.

When they arrived, Angelica held hands with Noor and the two walked to their seats. Strange enough, it was underneath the spotlight area of the church, Their clothes showing off, each jacket with their shiny silver buttons glimmering. The pastor looked at the two girls in judgment. Half of everyone in the service looked at them with judgment.

Noor felt the judgment, Angelica anxious with all the staring. She hated attention to herself. She hated it all. The Begrudge family looked at them in jealousy and greener than envy itself. Angelica wanted to hide under a rock. Noor calmed her down. Service was over, and it was the headmasters class now. Angelica walked, it felt as if every step she took slowed down, her heart beat getting louder and louder. Not realizing or hearing Noe's voice.

She felt a hand grab hers. She turned around, It was Noe. "Angelica, are you okay? I've been calling your name, and you're not responding. What's wrong?" Angelica was silent, until, "I have no idea why I'm so anxious today…" Noe looked concerned and hugged her, "It'll be alright." Angelica hugged him tightly. "I hope so, Noe." The headmaster was calling out their names and the two separated and quickly got seated, not noticing they sat together.

Angelica felt Noe's hand caress hers. She tried to focus on him and not the headmaster's comments. But she couldn't, The headmaster rose up and walked toward her. Noor was worried, she knew her sister had a temper and could not sustain her words. The headmaster said, "And I see the un-approving girls are here, Noor and Angelica. I assume you fear me, right? Well, in that case, fear me more. I will not take your last insult to nothing."

Angelica mumbled, "What insult? You started it all, you are the cause, and I am the effect of your CAUSE." The headmaster leaned closer to Angelica, "I will make you pay for what YOU DID. Run and hide, but it won't last long, Angelica." Angelica gripped Noe's hand in fear. The headmaster grabbed Angelica and gripped her arms tightly, "You will never FORGET ME." Noor yelled at the headmaster and Noe jumped to get the headmaster off her. Lavina ran to pull away the headmaster.

Angelica, quiet, never a good sign. Tears fell down her face, she didn't make a noise, but she hid her face under her hair, the last thing she could use to hide behind. Noor was infuriated and yelled at the headmaster, "You CANNOT touch my sister. You are nothing and your threats don't SCARE US. You will be put in your place one day, if not here, and not now. May God have mercy upon your punishment."

Angelica burst out in tears, "You lied to me, you said you loved me, that I could trust YOU. You knew that I was in so much need for a family, and you walked all over me, you stepped all over me. You saw me cry on your shoulders. Yet you abused that, and lied to me, you said the one phrase, I am scared of, 'I love you.' you knew the history behind that phrase for me. You NEVER CARED."

Noor stood there, emotionless, and saw Angelica walk out the room with her purse. Noor told Noe to follow her. Noe ran behind Angelica, Noor looked at the headmaster. "You are the cause and reason my sister can't trust anyone. YOU RUINED HER." The headmaster laughed and walked away. Before she left, "Just watch what your sister drinks. Something just might be in her cup.'

Noor's anxiety rose by the second, her face pale. Lavina tried to get her back in her senses. Lavina heard Angelica, and Noe was yelling. Angelica could not speak, Noor came running to see what was going on. Angelica struggled to breathe, Something was in her throat. Noor helped Angelica pull out the object that was stuck in her throat.

The object was on the floor, a piece of glass with blood. Noe, Noor, and Lavina were terrified. The three turned to look at the headmaster and saw that cynical grin on her. The three ran to scream and get as much attention as possible. Angelica was coughing, and could not form a word.

Soon enough, after much commotion, the whole church came out to see the problem that was occurring. They saw the glass and blood, and Angelica on the floor, catching her breath. Noor explained what happened, the pastor said, "Just forgive, and forget. I'll give you some scriptures on forgiving." Angelica cried on the floor.

She got up and left into the room that the headmaster was usually in, Noe went behind her and closed the door. He said, "I know that with everything that happened, nothing feels safe or right anymore. I understand. But you cannot say anything, you know no one will do anything. That is the worst. I don't know what-" Angelica hugged him tightly.

Noe was a bit shocked and heard Angelica cry on him and said, "I hate this place, yet I love it because I know no one else who will be with me. Or even be near me. I feel so betrayed by that woman, she lied and hurt me." Noe was calm and hugged her back and caressed her head, "Everything will be okay. You may not see it now, but that cloud of suffocation over us will go away soon and the sun will shine bright on us."

Angelica smiled, "My throat still hurts…" Noe got up, and before he walked out the door, "I'll get you something warm to help you." Noe walked in with a small white bear with blue buttons for eyes and a baby blue bow on its head, with a cup of tea for Angelica. "Angy, I brought you something." Angelica wiped her tears and saw the bear in his hands.

Angelica smiled, and drank the tea he had given her. She held the bear in her lap, "You are so good to me." Noe smiled and kissed her forehead, "You were good to me, now I will forever love you."