
Lilac Hearts

Stories inspired around my life. :)

angelicaroseeee · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter I; Spring Time Love II

(Noor is Kyi I frogot to update her name)

Noe had a flushed face when Angelica said her statement. She realized she had said her sentence in a poetic form, and her poetic form is mainly kept to herself. Noe said, "I love how you said that, It sounded pretty." Angelica's face turned slightly red, she didn't know how to respond and hid her face in her hands.

Angelica wanted to run, but she missed Noe. He gently grabbed her hands and said, "Angy, why must you hide your lovely face from me? I see you ever so rarely and yet you hide." Angelica hugged him and said, "I hide my face from you, because you're hard to look at with that handsome face." Noe smiled.

He asked, "Well, do you want to stand here in an empty service room? Or would the princess rather want to explore?" Angelica smiled and said, "Let's go explore, I love walking around this big church, let's just hope your uncle doesn't get too upset you're with me, hehe." Noe laughed, and he held Angelica's hand, and the two ran out the door into the main room of the building.

Noe and Angelica stumbled across Lavina, Noe's sister. Lavina ran to hug Angelica, and she smiled. Angelica was happy to see Lavina and said to her, "Me and your brother going to explore a little, do you mind if you cover for us a little? We won't take long, honest!" Lavina teased and said, "Of course! I don't mind." she grinned. Noe and Angelica walked up the stairs up to the second floor.

Angelica found the library, it was empty, and quiet. No one there, but the two teenagers themselves. Noe grabbed Angelica's hand, the two ran inside and closed the door behind them and could hear the first floor of people talking. They sat down and talked a while, they caught up on their everyday lives. Noe and Angelica walked out the room, and closed the door gently.

Noe and Angelica held hands until they saw people, they parted their hands. Lavina came and said, "Why don't we go to the back garden? You guys can hang out more there!" Lavina was always finding a way for the two to spend time together. When the three went outside and sat under the shade of a blooming peach tree, Angelica said to Lavina, "Thanks for helping us out when you can." Lavina smiled and said, "Of course! My brother day-dreams about you so much, and he talks about you ALL the time."

Angelica smiled and said, "Is that so?" she turned around to see Noe with a bright red face, and Lavina responded, "Of course! All he's done this entire summer long is he stays in his room reading and thinking about." Angelica laughed, "Well, I think about Noe while I read, and play my piano." Noe smiled and looked away quickly. Lavina asked Angelica if she could do her hair.

She tied her hair in a soft braid, and added a few flowers in between her braid. Angelica smiled and felt happy and content. She put her hand in her pockets and remembered that she had her seashells from her last beach trip with her. She took them out, and it was two seashells, small and round.

Furthermore, she gave one to Noe, "I found a few seashells while I was running on the shore and the slightly bigger one reminds me of you. So, I'll keep the big one, you can keep the small one whenever you miss me, it reminds you of me." Noe, grabbed it and began to look at it and after a while he said, "Angelica, these are clams." Angelica had an embarrassed look on her face and said, "I thought they were seashells." and she laughed. Noe said, "I still like it." he grinned.

Soon, his uncle came walking into the garden and said, "Let's Go." Angelica got up with Lavina and Noe, she hugged Lavina tightly and then saw Noe walk away and said, "Noe, I don't get a hug…?" she put on her stupid pouty face and Noe came running to her to hug her tightly before leaving and giving her his big smile that Angelica always loved.

A few hours after, she found her sister Kyi walking around the building and ran toward her, and said, "Kyi, where on earth were you? I was with Noe and Lavina the whole time. I missed you." Kyi looked at Angelica teasfully and said, "Well, I saw you had fun with your Boyfriend." Angelica smiled and said, "He is not my boyfriend, oh my gos-" Kyi covered Angelica's mouth and said, "It's so obvious, you're both madly in love. Plus, I GET TO BOTHER YOU!" Angelica Laughed, and said, "It's late, we should tell mom and dad to go home already."

After a while, they headed home. Angelica was tired and headed toward her room. She already missed Noe and Lavina. She couldn't wait until the next morning service rolled around. Likewise, she got into her pajamas and grabbed her book and read until 11pm. She felt Yoongi climb on her belly and lay there. She smiled and turned her lamp light off and slowly drifted into a deep sleep.