
Like Oil and Water (3)

Chapter 2

Jaden and Lorence fell in love with each other, and it was a beautiful thing for both of them. Everyday it seemed like they found new reasons why they were supposed to be together, and Lorence grew fonder by the day, and got to a point where she began to wonder how she had coped alone before Jaden came along, and his presence seemed to make everything better. Each time she remembered how they had started as strangers on the bus, she marveled at how life's events could change everything and create a beautiful narrative where it did not look like there could be any.

While Lorencee did not like the fact that people died in the accident, she was still grateful that in the strangest of ways her path had crossed with Jaden's. It was not the perfect relationship, but she felt that it had potential to be a perfect one.

"Who cares about perfection anyway? I mean we are two very different individuals with character flaws that should not define us or the relationship." Lorence said to Margie her friend.

"There is no perfect relationship. Perfection in a relationship is an illusion; one that blinds the partners and makes them lose focus on the little things that should matter, and just when they least expect, it all comes crashing down." Margie explained.

"I do not want to sound like a witch though, I'm happy for you both; I mean I haven't seen you glow this way in ages, but I still think you could have given each other time to get to know yourselves more." Charlotte added.

"You know you do sound like a witch when you say I do not want to sound like a witch, but we understand what you mean, and it is not up to us to determine just how long our friend remains in the talking stage. We are here to support her no matter the condition." Margie said to Charlotte who rolled her eyes and threw her hands in the air.

"It's fine guys. I appreciate your looking out for me, and I could not have asked for friends better than you. I know there are some unknowns about Jaden and me, but we are giving this ship our all to make it work; what's important is that we love and understand each other." Lorence explained.

"Like I said earlier, I'm happy for you both; I really am. On the surface you both look so good together, but beneath the surface, do you think you look so good together with your divergent views and perspectives about life?" Charlotte asked.

"Charlotte! It's really not your business or mine. Lorence is old and mature enough to know what she wants and who she wants to be with; it is not our place to scan her relationship for flaws, simply because we have reservations about who she's with." Margie added.

"Margie, she's our friend and it's okay to say what we think or feel. When there's a heartbreak, we become her pillars. You know how matters of the heart can get, and all I am saying is I hope she listens to her mental health instead of her emotional needs." Charlotte answered.

"She? Charlotte I'm right here you know. I understand your point, and your concern is very valid, but at this point there is no turning back. Jaden and I have had our fair share of heartbreaks, and so we are two broken people giving love a chance, seeing the good in each other, and working with the good in us." Lorence added.

"Come here baby, I just don't want to see you hurt again." Charlotte said, as she opened her hands to hug Lorence.

"You still sound like a witch though." Margie teased.

"Will you join the sister-sister hug or not?" Charlotte asked Margie.

"Are you trying to initiate me into your coven?" Margie teased again.

"You both should just start a TV show already." Lorence added.

"Margie and the witch'' seems like a catchy title. We should look into it." Margie added, and they laughed at the facial expression on Charlotte's face.

"I love you girls. You make friendship so awesome and wholesome." Lorence said.

"I love you women more than the sisters I never had." Margie added.

Lorence was grateful for the few friends she had in her circle, because they always did all they could to support her, even if sometimes they did not share the same views about the patriarchal system and women liberation, they still supported her and were ready to fight for her. They taught her the true meaning of friendship, and also showed her that every friendship would always be tested, but real love had the ability to make true friends overcome any challenges that life brought their way.

Lorence opened her heart and took Jaden through the timeline of her life from when she was a child till when she became an adult; she told him about her struggles and wins, and the things she saw about society that made decide she was going to do her thing, regardless of what society was going to say or do. As she bared her heart to Lorence, she got so emotional, and broke down in tears.

"Hey babe, it's okay. I'm here for you and I never want to be away from you. I am glad you told me all of that, because now I understand you better." Jaden said, as he wiped her tears and hugged her.

"You called me babe." Lorence said as she looked up into Jaden's eyes.

"Well, you are my babe, my adorable intense eyed baby." Jaden said and kissed her forehead. Lorence wiped her tears and laughed a little.

"You think my eyes are intense?" Lorence asked.

"When you look at me, I feel like you have seen through me, and peered deep into my soul. Maybe that is why I hide nothing from you." Jaden answered as he planted another kiss on her cheeks.

"You won't leave me?" Lorence asked. At that point, Lorence did not mind that she was feeling vulnerable; she was too in love to care about vulnerability and whatever implications it had. She just loved the feeling of being loved by someone, and she did not want anything to come between her and love. She just wanted to be told sweet things that were real; she wanted to be assured that nothing would spoil the moment they both shared.

"I cannot afford to leave you. So no, I won't leave you. I want to see you fulfil your dreams and grow beyond the stage that you are. I want to be by your side when the world cheers you for your good and charitable deeds. I want to be with you at all times." Jaden explained and kissed her lips. Lorence held his head as they kissed, letting out soft moans as her body began to respond to his kisses and touches, and at that point, nothing else mattered. "I have decided to use every moment to create pleasant and enjoyable memories." she told herself as Jaden kissed her neck, and she ran her hands across his athletic body.

"I love you J." She whispered as Jaden lifted her and increased the intensity of the moment. Lorence's hormones were in a frenzy and she wanted her cravings to get satisfied; she wanted to be taken through all the clouds of passionate and lustful satisfaction, and her hormones were jumping about excitedly, longing and wanting that deep connection that would leave her shuddering with spasms of passion.

They continued exploring each other's bodies, falling to the couch and rolling over to the floor; both of them lost in the ecstatic arms of passion, oblivious to time and their environment. Jaden touched Lorence in ways that she had never been touched; in ways that her body loved. Their bodies seemed to be in sync with the rhythm of their longings, and their breathing became rapid. Finally, they gave in to the demands of their bodies and took turns pleasuring each other the ways they wanted.

"I'm never leaving your side." Jaden whispered in her ears.

"You dare not." Lorence answered as she kissed him.

"Okay, I need to get something off my chest here." Jaden said, sitting up.

"What's that?" Lorence asked, and she looked scared.

"Now that we are an item, please allow me to get you gifts, no matter how expensive you may think they are." Jaden said with a smile, and he could see the relief written all over Lorence's face.

"Do not scare me that way again. I could have had a heart attack." She said and pinched his nose playfully.

"Yes Ma'am! So , my request?" Jaden asked.

"Well, I understand that being in your world puts me in this position where I'm exposed to the luxury life, but really, whatever it is you want to do, make it very simple, please, and only give me what I need. Thank you." Lorence answered.

"Fair enough. So what do you need now?" Jaden asked.

"I need to take a good bath." Lorence answered.

"Do you need company while taking that good bath?" Jaden asked with a smirk playing across his face.

"Oh yes! Two's company, and I'm not sure my hand can get to my back for a proper cleaning." Lorence answered with a wink. Excitedly, Jaden followed her to the bathroom where they talked some more about random things, with frequent giggles from Lorence. Few minutes later they were having steamy sessions in the bathroom, with moans and grunts filling the air.

Jaden had never been more excited, and he was pleased with the fact that finally he had found the balance that he never knew he needed. Every moment he spent with Lorence made him see just how empty his life was before he met her, and even though he did not like remembering the accident, he was always grateful to God for arranging the meeting, because he was certain that if it hadn't happened, he wouldn't have met her and his life would still be empty.

He thought about the future and was positive that it was going to be adventurous and filled with so much excitement. He was ready to go to the lengths of the earth for Lorrence, and he was also glad that for the first time in his life he was loving the right person, and it was required. He loved her with everything he had, and never failed to show it. Even his friends saw a different Jaden and were concerned for him, because they had never seen him so excited, playful and full of life.

"Jaden, we are your friends and have come a long way. Are you dying?" Mark asked.

"Like he has some incurable terminal disease, and so he's using his last days to enjoy all the happiness that's left." Brian added.

"Guys, stop it." Jaden said, holding his sides because he was laughing.

"But they are right though. You have been behaving strangely these days, and that's since the accident. Did the doctor say you have some months to live?" Jimmy asked.

"Okay guys, enough with the dying talks. No one is dying." Jaden said.

"Yes. I would say the same thing too if I were in your shoes. It would be really difficult to accept, and so I would use positive thinking to make the news lighter. We understand you, but you need us now more than ever. So what's the deal?" Jimmy asked.

"Come on guys! It's not funny anymore." Jaden answered.

"Then tell us what's happening. Everyone has noticed a different you, and we are just concerned." Mark said.

"Oh well, the accident changed me and I realize there's more to life than money and spending money on expensive stuff that we do not need to impress people who only care about what they can receive." Jaden explained.

"Okay, that's some deep stuff that only people who are about to die think about." Mark answered.

"Mark, he does have a point though, a very serious point, and it's making me even more concerned about him and his health." Brian added

"Exactly! We know he is the most sensible one among us, but it was not as deep as this before. Jaden, you are not telling us all of it. Is this about that girl you've been hanging out with?" Mark asked.

"Okay guys, she is my girlfriend, and I will not have you disrespect her." Jaden said sternly.

"He's in love. Jaden has finally found love, the real love." Jimmy added with a clap.

"Yes I have, and it's really beautiful to finally love and be loved in return." Jaden answered.

"Love is crap, and it is for weaklings." Mark added.

"Interesting take, and I find it more interesting that you're actually the weakest of all when we talk about physical, mental, and emotional strength. So?" Jaden answered.

"Hey Mark, the fact that you don't believe in love doesn't make it crap. I believe in love.

"Hey Jaden, Mark has never been in love, and so he has no idea what we are talking about. I have been in love, and even though it turned sour, it was beautiful while it lasted, so I understand how you feel, and I'm happy for you." Jimmy said.

"I have experienced love before, but I messed it up and totally lost the interest to tow that path again." Brian added.

"Love is not my thing. I don't know how people cope with something as boring and demanding as that." Mark said. Jaden was about to say something to Mark, but thought better of it and just went with the flow of the conversation.

The conversations made Jaden realize that his friends could not really see love and Lorence the way he saw it, and so he decided he was never going to say too much to them about what was going on in his relationship, because he also realized they were not the ones he could run to for relationship advice.

Each time Jaden thought about Lorence and the fact that they had fallen in love with each other, a smile played across his face, and no matter what mood it was, he always felt happier at the thoughts of her. He wanted to do so many amazing things for her just to show her how much he cherished her, but he also needed to be careful so she wouldn't think that he was being obsessive and possessive.

He knew her happiness was all that mattered, and so he did everything within his abilities to make sure she was always happy.

Jaden was becoming used to Lorence's world, and loved the simplicity of it. He found a way to balance business with functioning in Jaden's world, and he also sought ways that he could make activities easier for Lorence.

One night, as they lay on the beach staring at the stars, they discussed Greek legends and how the constellations got their names.

"So how do I name a constellation?" Jaden asked.

"I have no idea, but if you were to name, what would it be?" Lorence asked.

"Lorence." Jaden answered before she could barely finish asking.

"Wow! You didn't even think about it. You sure know how to make a lady feel good. Thank you. Maybe we can just share secret star constellations that only you and I know their secret names." Lorence said.

"See why I need you in my life. You're so smart. Where have you been all my life?" Jaden said, as he planted a kiss on her forehead.

"I was probably getting ready for you and the love you keep showing me everyday. You are amazing and I love you Jaden." Lorence added, and returned the kiss.

"So I was wondering, can I get you a car? Hear me out first, I'm not trying to pull you out of your world. I actually love your world more than mine, but the car is just to help you get around faster and easier, and you don't have to use it all the time. I know you don't want something big and flashy, so I thought to ask you first." Jaden asked.

"That's thoughtful of you, and I love the fact that you asked first. I would have gotten a car if I wanted one. Please bear with me, as I really don't know how to depend on others, and I'm careful about receiving favors that I may never be able to pay back, and it's not pride, it's just my principles. I hope you understand." Lorence answered.

"I respect you, your choices, and your principles, but I am your boyfriend and I think I should be able to give you gifts as both a friend and a boyfriend. Do you ask your friends what gifts to get them when you want to surprise them?" Jaden asked.

"You're not going to back off, right? I really should get used to the fact that I'm in a relationship with a wealthy man. Please pardon me. You're free to get me a small car. A small car with emphasis on small." Lorence said.

"It is my duty to take care of you, and yes I know your stance on that, but it is what I want to do, considering that you are my girlfriend." Jaden added.

"You say that like you are so sure I don't have a say in the matter, and that is one of the major problems of many men. They come up with this assumption that they are alphas and so the woman doesn't have a say in the matter. I can take care of myself, and it is not your duty." Lorence defended

"But I want to take care of you and make it my duty." Jaden said. Lorence did not like the way he made it seem like he was in control of her, and she was not ready to hide her displeasure.

"There you go again. You just assumed I want that responsibility on you. We are both adults here, so I do not see why you have this notion of wanting to make it a duty to take care of me. I may not have all this fancy stuff, but I can do very well by myself. Society would be a much better place if women did not have to be relegated all the time and tagged "weaker vessels." If you think I got into this relationship because I expect you to make it a duty to take care of me, then I can as well just walk out this moment and not be a bother to you." Lorence explained, and Jaden could feel the anger building. He did not want to see her angry, but he did not understand why he could not feel responsible for her.

"The primary function of partners in a relationship is to take care of each other. It is teamwork; I take care of you, and you take care of me. Isn't that how it is supposed to be?" Jaden asked.

"Are you deliberately trying to miss the point? I thought you understood these things already, but I guess I was... " Lorence was talking when Jaden pulled her closer and kissed her. The kiss seemed to do a good job of calming Lorence down. "He sure knows how to make a lady forget her anger." She thought to herself as she responded to the kisses and wrapped her hands around him. Within minutes, Lorence had forgotten that she was upset a few minutes ago, and was letting out soft moans against the backdrop of the sound of the roaring ocean and howling breeze. In a long time, Lorence's body had not received the type of attention that Jaden was making it experience, and so it made her all giddy inside and wanting to be taken anywhere. As they explored each other's body sensualities, she wished Janet Jackson's "Anytime Anyplace" could play in the background; it was one of her favorite sensual songs, and she had others. She decided she was going to introduce him to her playlist of sensual songs to set the mood rolling, but not at that moment, because the sound of the ocean plus Jaden's touches and scent were enough to send her to the highest cloud of sensual satisfaction. She loved how Jaden took his time in exploring different parts of her body; his touches sent shivers through her body. Jaden savored every moment she spent in his arms, and he was not sure whether it was her fragrance, her soft moans, the softness of her skin, or a combination of everything, he just wanted to have her forever.

Jaden wanted her to be happy at all times, and so he ensured that he did the best he could to make her as comfortable as possible without making her feel that he was choking her with care and attention. Oftentimes, the alpha male in him would pop out, and it would lead to a brief argument that always ended in kisses, touches, and sensually explosive moments. He knew they had divergent opinions about different subjects, but he was learning to find common ground with her, and he accepted the fact that it would take a lot of getting used to, but he was prepared to understand her as best as he could. He was ready to be patient, because he had come to realize that he needed a lot of patience to understand her, and understanding her was the best way to hold on to her forever. He seemed to draw strength from her presence; she had a way of making him feel younger and stronger again, and he did not want to take that for granted, because she meant so much to him.

Each time he thought about the fact that he had never been with anyone like her, he felt so happy, and wished he could tell the whole world just how amazing she was.

"I wish I could just announce you to the world, to let them know I have the best girlfriend ever." Jaden said to Lorence.

"I love that you love me this much, and honestly, I haven't felt this happy in a long while." Lorence answered.

Everyone talked about how Lorence looked different, and was always bubbling with more joy, and at first she did not like the fact that people attributed it to the new boyfriend she had, but after giving it a thought, she just accepted it that way; she had a good boyfriend, and he knew how to make her feel good. To her that was all that mattered, and the most important part of it all was that she was happier than she was before she met Jaden.

"So, do you both have plans for the future?" Charlotte asked, and Lorence seemed to be taken aback by the question.

"The future?" Lorence asked.

"Have you talked about marriage, children, and all the stuff that comes with marriage?" Charlotte added.

"Lorence, you have not had those discussions with him?" Margie asked.

"What if I am not ready to have those conversations?" Lorence asked; she had never really thought about the future of her relationship, and even though she knew it was a very important conversation to have, she did not want to come off as being ahead of herself, and deep down she was scared that Jaden would want to settle down and start a family, and that was something that she was not ready for.

"Is he also not ready for those conversations?" Charlotte asked. Lorence knew it was a valid point, but it was not a discussion she was ready to have with Jaden, considering they were still in the early stages of their relationship.

"We have not gotten to that point in our relationship. I feel like it's too early to start having that conversation. We are still getting to know each other." Lorence answered.

"Oh! I see. I don't know, but I feel like that conversation should have come before the relationship though. You know you don't want any surprises." Charlotte added.

"Okay Charlotte, don't press this any further." Margie said.

"What? I just don't want my friend to get hurt again." Charlotte answered.

"You keep behaving like she's a child that cannot make her own decisions. She's an adult and knows what she's doing. Right, Lorence?" Margie added.

"Right! I just don't think we are at the point where we want to have those discussions. I know Jaden, he would have brought it up if he wanted to get married and start a family." Lorence answered.

"It's okay Lorence, we just want you to be happy. Do not forget to use every moment you have to make really beautiful memories; you need memories that will make you smile at the beautiful times you shared together." Margie added.

"I don't want to be the grinch, but building a relationship based on assumptions and ideologies is not a healthy way to go about the relationship, and you Lorence should know that." Charlotte said.

"Oh Charlotte! Why do you get so impossible sometimes? She does not want to have that conversation yet; when she is ready she will. Let her breathe please." Margie said in Lorence's defense.

"It's fine Margie. Charlotte's just showing me tough love so I don't feel bad in the end, and I totally appreciate your concerns. It is nice to know that you won't encourage me to tow a path that is bad for me. However, I just want to let you know that I have got this." Lorence explained.

"We've got your back baby." Margie answered.

"Alright then." Charlotte added.

Lorence thought about the discussion she had with her friends, and she understood their concern, but she had made her mind up to just live in the moment and let the future take care of itself. She had never quite projected into the future about the relationship, because she did not think it was necessary. After her interactions with Jaden, she deduced that there were some things she did not have to ask him because she knew his stance on a lot of things, and so she could easily predict some of his actions and reactions regarding different subjects.

With each moment that passed, Lorence loved Jaden more, and she also loved the way he made her feel whenever they had their sensual moments. She knew he had flaws, just as she also had hers, and she had come to the realization that it was best to focus on a person's good, other than the flaws, especially when in a relationship. However, there was a deep seated feeling within her; a feeling that something was not right about their relationship, but whenever she felt that way, she would wave it aside because she did not want to have negative thoughts that would make her self-sabotage the buddig and beautiful relationship she was enjoying. She knew it was wrong to assume what Jaden wanted or did not want for the future, but she did not think the time was right for them to start having deep conversations about the future, and on the flip side, she agreed with Charlotte's sentiments about the fact that they were supposed to discuss the future before they became an item.

"Still thinking about what Charlotte said?" Margie asked when Charlotte was not there.

"Her sentiments are valid. I think being the only survivors of that accident made us fond of each other, and we have never really had those deep conversations about what we want for now and the future." Lorence answered.

"Well, it's not too late to start talking about those things, because they are very important. It will give you both the opportunity to know where you stand and whether there is a future for the two of you. You both look good together, but what about your ideologies? Do they diverge or converge, or are they intertwined?" Margie asked. Lorence knew many of their views were divergent, even though they had not talked about so many other things.

"I know, and we will talk about them when the time is right." Lorence answered.

"You should do it as soon as possible, because you do not want to fall in love with the ideology of a relationship." Margie said.

"An ideology of a relationship? What does that mean?" Lorence asked.

"It's quite simple. People talk about empathy all the time, yet we still have people committing murders and all of that terrible stuff humans do to their fellow humans. Empathy can be looked at as an ideology, everyone loves the ideology, but the very next person does not believe people deserve second chances." Margie explained.

"Bring it down to my level." Lorence said.

"Both of you are two very different individuals with different perspectives about life. Yes the accident may have brought you together, but do you even know his political views? What if you think it's insignificant, and then you find out that his political views do not agree with your principles? Have you talked about religion? Does he believe in God? Does he know you do not believe in God and know your views about religion? And other such related questions and conversations." Margie added.

"You're right, we should have those conversations as soon as possible, so that I do not blame myself later for believing in an illusion. Thank you Margie, you have given more clarity about what we should have done earlier, but it's better late than never. I'll call him to know his schedule so we can have that deep heart to heart conversation." Lorence said.

That evening, Lorence and Jaden went out to dinner, and then took a walk through the park. Lorence loved the moment, and did not think it would be sensible to start conversations based on ideologies, beliefs, and views; she just wanted to bask in the euphoria of the moment. Lorence wanted to make the best of every moment she spent with Jaden and did not want anything to spoil the moment, and so she did not ask what she intended to ask. "At the right time, it will flow as it should." She told herself.

"When was the last time you took a vacation?" Jaden asked.

"That has to be the time spent at the hospital after the accident." Lorence answered with a laugh.

"Are you joking?" Jaden asked.

"No, I'm not. The stay at the hospital gave me a lot of time to reflect and reevaluate my life; same thing I would have done if I went on a vacation." Lorence answered.

"Wow! Ever travelled to another place to cool off?" Jaden asked.

"That has to be ages ago when I was a little girl. I became an adult, and I think it stripped me of my interests in so many things." Lorence explained.

"Same here. A change of environment for a few weeks sounds like a good idea." Jaden said.

"I find that hard to believe. I'm not assuming stuff or stereotyping you, but you look like the type of person that goes on vacations twice every year." Lorence added.

"Oh well, but that's the truth. It has always been about work and business. I barely had time to get involved in other activities. The accident and time at the hospital made me rethink my life and choices." Jaden explained.

"We don't have forever to do the things we want to do, because we are not promised the next hour. Each time I think about the people that lost their lives in that accident, it makes me sad, because I'm pretty sure they all had plans and dreams." Lorence added.

"I hate to remember the accident. I still get flashes, but I'm grateful each time I remember how God has given me a second chance to get life right, and for bringing you into my life." Jaden said. Lorence was going to bring up the matter about God and how she did not believe there was a God anywhere, but Jaden covered her mouth with his, as he kissed her deeply and passionately. "Hmmm!" she moaned softly and quietly as her body began to respond to the kisses. If there was one thing she did not want to ever stop, it was the way Jaden made her feel whenever he kissed and touched her; she loved the way he treated the sensitive pleasure spots on her body; like he was an expert that knew so much about female anatomy. "He just knows all the right spots to touch." She thought to herself as he kissed her neck out there in the dark of night.