


"But I can't leave you, father." with tears trickling down his eyes Tier knew he had no choice. He was panting heavily. The smoke behind him was traveling fast. every possible fluid in his face was finding its way to the ground. The war was lost and there was no turning back.

He picked himself up and took one last glance at his father.

"Jabari. I will always be with you. Run my son!" He looked at his son with fear aligning itself on his face. His pupils dilated and his eyes trembled.

Those were the last words Tier knew he would ever hear from his father again. Even though he did not want to, it was time to flee. He had to reach his father's ship before the armies found out it was there. Fleeing meant that he would stand a chance to find and rescue his people someday. He had to be brave even though he felt like a coward.

His head was throbbing with anguish. As he tried maneuvering around the woods, he could hear the cries of his people as some were being executed and others enslaved. He could not stop the streams of tears from reaching his mouth. He knew what he had to do for the sake of the people and the honor of his father.

His injuries did not spare him any bit. Were it not for his determination he would have given up by now. The pain was impossible to bear and he needed something greater to keep him alive. His father's sacrifice was the anchor he used.

Bad news was just behind him. His heart pounded heavily as terror crept on his skin. He ran as fast as his dying body could allow him. Covered in blood, Tier knew that he could be traced. He was too weak but needed to make haste. His only option was to run. He hadn't the skills nor the energy to take down the soldiers behind him.

The only hope he held on to was that no one knew where his father's ship was. With every inch that he got closer to the ship, his vision became more blurry. He heard soldiers rushing behind him as if they were on his side.

Swoosh! An arrow passed right next to his left ear. This meant trouble. He was not even seeing well let alone seeing them. The woods were not enlisted amongst quiet places you would run across. He had to be wise. He could not fight them off but if he found someplace to hide for a few minutes then maybe he could formulate a plan to defeat them.

He listened to the cantering of horses and knew that his idea would fail miserably. He could not fight them off, they were too many to handle. Also, his blood would sell him out and they would eventually get to him. His only option was to continue pacing till he reached his father's ship and fled.

But how would he do that? He was getting weaker, they were getting closer, and they had spotted him already. He was just running because his body had not given up yet. The weakness in his system could be felt in all organs. He had very little life left in him. His head trauma had taken the best of his cognitive ability to make logical decisions.

He could now hear their chants. He was so close but the way his body was slowly shutting down he knew that they could beat him to the ship if it was a race, but it wasn't. They only came for blood and that was all that was flowing from his head. His vision had shortened. His eyes were covered in blood and tears. All he could think about was his father.

His mind was at war between letting go and making sure an entire bloodline is not lost on the same day. He had to stay on course to make it to the ship. He was accelerating. All he needed was a push from his memory of his father. Tier never thought his old man would show fear as he did. He had never seen him that vulnerable.

He could see the beacon that showed him where the ship was. It was just a mile away. He pushed against the leaves, trunks, and branches to finish his race. He was determined to beat horses and soldiers out of the chaos. But that was a fantasy, to say the least. He knew that he would at least die trying but thinking they would not get to him needed a mightier conviction. His body was weakening further.

Swoosh! another arrow. This time they were really close. The only advantage he had was some of the short branches that slowed down the soldiers a little bit but they were getting to him.

Tier was almost losing his eyesight. His legs were tired. The pang he was subjected to, was nothing a 16-year-old boy could handle. He lost his parents and now his life was fading from his body. He did not want to let it happen.

With his poor vision, he could still see the beacon. It was close. He only needed to keep his feet moving. They were talking a different language from his ambition. He was determined to get to the ship but he was also human. Nobody could survive an explosion, even from the distance he was, and run like he was running without seeking death.

He lost control of his arms. They were just swinging because his legs had not dumped him yet. His heart was still strong. He felt more sadness than fear. His eyes shed tears as he knew that even though he was too close to freedom, his body was no longer capable of carrying his heart that had refused to bow to death.

He was getting slower by the second. He knew his death was near but at least he would not be there to witness it. His feet finally reached their limit just a few steps from the beacon, leading his face to the ground with his eye still focused on the prize. His vision left slowly as he blinked his last. Only fools don't know when it's over.