1 The girl

Harin ,what are you doing there in bush?

I am catching soldier insect to protect my Chinni's house.

Ha ,ha -who is going to harm your Chinni?

You don't know princesses have always their guards,her black eyes sparkle while telling her uncle..

Her uncle carry her towards their home holding her small hand tenderly.

Chinni is her doll,her princess like she is to her dad and mom.

Harin is a seven year old girl just like any other girl of her age with slight difference i.e. her empathetic love for nature and animal.She is talkative to her dear ones and to animal but is very indifferent towards unknown ,some may think her as calm as pond but she is opposite.Her childhood passes by in the lap of nature with a hints of nature like personality ,calm yet streamy,talkative yet dumb,lover yet hater, realistic yet imaginative..and so on...
