
Like Featherine in the world of tensura

Normal story a boy dies he meets a supreme robbery which grants him 3 wishes and then he reincarnates all op. I want to tell you that the Mc will be super broken in power, there is also the possibility that it will travel to other multiverses

Moon_Kagari · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

World of tensura? Meeting with guy and verzard.

"hahahaha apparently all this wasn't a dream so now I'm a featherine and at the same time I don't say I have her powers because I could also change my gender if I wanted to". Shiro thought as she woke up after coming out of the rob's void.

I think I should look for where I am or but I really asked the rob for a very important skill for this world and for what it is possible to visit tarves I should check my status because I don't want the rob to have fucked me up.



Name: Featherine Augustus Aurora.


Gender: Current female (quarquiel thing)

Race: Creator Witch

Bloodline: Witch creator.

Power level: 0 unlimited omnipotent.

own skills:

[Infinite Essence]:The state of an omniscient and omnipotent Holy Being, free from its own meaning and from all limitations, including the very forms of life and death, existence and non-being, duality and inability on any plane, even if very high, abstract and transcendental. Infinite beings and beings that break logic have limitations. The Creator controls zero, oneness and infinity, all possibilities and all impossibilities, regardless of any real, abstract, conceptual, physical and metaphysical perspective.

[Unique existence]: cannot be cloned, copied, imitating or stealing in any way includes his powers or abilities and if for any reason he were to die he would always be reincarnated with his equal powers and memory.

[Omnipresence]: This skill makes the user can be everywhere existing, non-existent or unimaginable and also makes able to exist in every possible timeline and the ability to be present at every event every second in and out of the omniverse.

[Omnicient]: Knowing about everything and everything, whether existing or not, unintelligible or incomprehensible, including reading in the mind of each one, the internal emotions and sensations that may or may not have occurred, including absolute knowledge of anything within the accessible Omniverse and inaccessible, as well as a full and perfectionism of every skill, power, concept and existing law.

[Omnipotence]:As an actual omnipotente being, his powers are limitless, incalculable, and immeasurable,meaging he can do whatever he wants.

[Theatrical Magic]: Featherine looks at the surrounding reality as a story that can be interrupted, rewound, and altered at will, without even thinking about the text. The words will be executed as formulated, ignoring everything else, even the uncertainty of Featherine's own position (if she wants something to kill the enemy, "something" will kill him, even if she doesn't have it herself. She decided what it would be).

[Infinity magic]: Infinity Magic or Endless Magic, gives you infinite powers, you can restore a destroyed or broken object infinitely and expand something to infinity. Hachijo is also reported to be an endless witch capable of producing endless tales in a cat box.


"It seems that the rob did give me the unique existence ability so people like rimuru will not be able to copy anything from me and also with a power like this conquering the omniverse would no longer be a dream, well I think I should get out of this cave now that I confirmed my state too I feel a presence a little close I think I'll lurk a little kukuku", said featherine with a sly giggle as she teleported outside.

Then I get outside and hear some loud crashes.

Bom ~booooom~boooooooooom~

(A/N: sorry boy, I really don't know how to write that sound but ok).

I could hear those clashes so with my enhanced eyesight I could see a crimson red haired boy and a snow white haired girl exchanging blows, I quickly realized who these two people were Guy Crimson and Verzard fighting the truth that If it were a human who was here, he would be dead from the crashes or they destroyed everything goku vs jiren style with the ultra instinct that destroyed everything in its path.

'guy point of view'

"I have already been fighting with this girl for several hours and I have to say that after I fought with Veldanava she is the second one who has managed to hold out against me a lot, but for a moment I was also able to feel a very strong aura but it suddenly disappeared as if it had never happened. had existed, I think I'll tell this girl to stop and ask her to see if she felt the same". Guy thought inside.

"Girl I think we should stop here we won't get anywhere fighting and I also wanted to ask you if you felt something strange for a moment." Guy asked the girl.

"Girl, my name is verzard a true dragon or also known as the ice empress and to answer your question if I felt that aura it was too strong for anyone to feel it". I answer verzard.

"Hahaha, no wonder you seemed strong to me so you're Veldanava's sister or sorry for not introducing myself but my name is Guy crim-". He was going to tell him guy when a sound interrupted him.

When guy and verzard looking at the sound asia they could see a girl with dark purple hair and purple eyes also had an aura of elegance and tranquility, but they noticed that she was only a human and wondered how a human could be alive after all this. destruction and also calm seemed to take them as entertainment so without further hesitation guy decided to talk.

"Oi, human, there are down there, what aces are there sitting on?" Guy asked with a superior tone, to which Featherine replied.

"mm what am I doing here haha ​​watch them what else could I do besides I wanted to eat something and nothing better than watching a fight as good as this while I eat". said featherine calmly and with an indifferent tone.

"Jo, you are an interesting human, you would like to be my subordinate, you could gain power like us." Guy said to Featherine, thinking that he would accept without hesitation.

"hahaha I'm sorry but I'm not interested I would like to see what the world has to offer me and I also want to explore it". Feathrine said rejecting her request.

Guy sighed and decided to keep in mind that he was not a person who likes to force people.

"Human, I also consider you interesting, you are the first to reject an invitation." Verzard said, surprised by what Featherine did.

(A/N: guys they don't know that her name is featherine I just put it that way so you don't get confused)

"Well, human, since you already rejected my invitation, I'm not going to oblige and I also have an unfinished business, so I'm leaving, I hope to meet you again in the future if you're still alive." Said guy waving goodbye and flying at an abnormal speed.

"Human, I'm leaving too and I hope to see you again in the future," she said, saying goodbye and flying quickly.

'featherine point of view'

"Kukukuku, don't worry, we'll see each other very soon, well, jokes, I'll see you sooner because after seeing her there is no doubt that she has superhuman beauty and also for some reason after seeing this girl it made me want to be a harem hahaha Tarves does it, I also realized that I'm very far from canon, I'm sure Veldanava is still alive because Guy and Verzard still don't know each other well, Tarves should sarval Veldanava or I don't think I'll think about it later, I have all the time in the world, first I'll find a place to stay." Featherine thought teleporting.

<author's note>

guys I hope you comment your ideas in the comments because the creation is difficult and I would also like to ask if you want Veldanava alive or not.