
Chapter ?

Tomorrow will be a new year, which makes today the last day to make this one unforgettable.

My phone vibrated with a text from Luke: You coming down?

I guess so. I opened the door and left the safety of my bedroom. A small part of me wanted to hide under the covers. I was scared of the background noise – the people who would judge me and call me a try-hard. I couldn't silence those inner voices, but I could ignore them. Music was on loudly in the living room as they started pre-gaming. I heard the sound of beer cracking open and casual talking. My heels clicked against the surface of the staircase as I walked down. My heart was pounding in my chest. What would they say when they saw me?

What would he say?

The living room was already in pregame mode. Alcohol had been brought out, NYE themed balloons floated on the ceiling and music was pumping out of the speakers.