
Chapter 92: Long List

RIP Cearra, you will be missed. I loved you dearly, but nowhere near as much as you loved BTS.

It had started out with good intentions. Months ago, Austin convinced Cearra's mom that she should come to Dubai with us. He succeeded, by pretending to be Chad's dad and putting on an accent.

A Swedish accent.

And now the house of cards was crashing down. Not just for Cearra, but for the rest of us too. The Principal said she would punish everyone and that it would impact our academic records.

I didn't grow up in the warmest of homes. Literally, we didn't have heating for a few years until my mom started earning more. I always told myself that if I studied hard enough, I could get a better life. But I got distracted. My grades were sinking and here we all were.

"Sweden?" Chad's dad asked, "What does that have to do with anything?"

"It's a figure of speech," Chad said.

"It's not," Cearra's mom replied, "I'm dead serious."