
Chapter 85: Cherry on top

Sometimes, superheroes can't save everyone. These days, caped figures are often more creepy than inspirational. I would love to be rescued. But maybe a more realistic superpower is, just, surviving.

No glitzy rescue or grand display. There's an incredible strength to being able to keep a head above water. Being able to accomplish the extraordinary, with nothing but the ordinary...

That's heroic to me.

Jake covered his eyes with his left hand as he looked away from us. Charlotte was crying, holding onto her mom. And Luke stood in front of me, his back facing the doorway. He hadn't let his father leave until we got our answers. I stared up at Luke, wondering what I could say. What was there left to say? He came over and kissed away the tears on my hand. His lips tasted my salty tears. With Luke, actions always speak louder than words.