
Chapter 30: Drama, not theater

Luke was the only person I knew who could lean on Chad's car without problems. His usually playful expressions were gone. His blue eyes had no glint in them. Luke was not playing around.

His body language was casual, but his words were not. "I'll give you three seconds."

I stood on the pavement beside Christopher Hayes. Hayes held a basketball under his arm, staring at the other guys with very little understanding. They hadn't given him any context.

One minute, he'd been playing basketball with Luke. The next minute, the whole gang had shown up with a car full of drama.

Now Art was hiding behind the dark tinted windows of Chad's car. After Luke's warning, and without delay, he crawled out of the backseat.

He squinted up at the daylight and his face was already anguished. It was like watching a mouse venture out into a trap.