
Chapter 2: Trademark

It was a long walk home, made even longer by the two coffee stops I had to make mid-way. Totally necessary, I swear. The first place had a broken frothing machine. And what's a delicious double shot caramel cloud macchiato without the froth?

Nothing I tell you.

Nothing. *In Gollum's voice*

I turned the corner onto my street. "There you are!" A girl with the most intricately braided bun and killer make-up stood on the pavement outside my house. She had red sneakers, black pants and a purple set of headphones around her neck that matched her lipstick. "Cearra?" I said.

She was chewing bubble gum that she popped when she saw me. "GIRRRRRRRRL, you made me wait!" Now I live on a very quiet street. It's the main rule of suburbia. Everyone has their issues that they keep nicely locked away behind a trimmed front lawn. We may not have a trimmed lawn, but we have garden gnomes.