
Chapter 18: Want a ride?

No wonder Luke didn't care about his last basketball game. No wonder he was so relaxed about his homework getting crushed inside the broken laptop...

He'd gotten college offers.

Is it right he never told me? Maybe he texted me and I have no data again... still getting those candy crush notifications though. Or maybe he crafted a very long and elaborate text and forgot to hit send.

Maybe he took a detour on the way to coach's house and ended up in Yakutat without cell service.

Yeah, he just didn't tell me.

I tried to not imagine Luke next year, in college somewhere far away. I didn't want to think about it. That's right, I've just developed a Peter Pan complex.

"Hey Millie, it's not often I see you alone these days."

Jake had just pulled up on his motorcycle. He took the helmet off his head and shook his hair. "Maybe that's a good thing. I'm practically a safety hazard," I answered, still standing outside his doorstep.