
Chapter 17: Girls Still Have Cooties

I was trapped inside Apple cabin at Camp Beaver Hill. That sounded like a barbie movie gone wrong.

Austin Taylor poured the last of my cereal into his bowl, reminding me again that we had no honey. "I'll write you a shopping list of all the things you can bring next time you come," I offered him a spoon. Honey Nut Cheerios would be the first on that list.

He narrowed his eyes at me but accepted.

Outside the cabin, Luke was still talking to Tamara. I was so relieved to not be him right now. Before she ambushed me, I had no idea they'd broken up. When did he even have time to do it? And why? I tried to remember what happened. We went camping, there was a bear, Luke and I had a talk at night and then I went to sleep. The next morning...

The morning of the camping trip

I bathed myself in bug spray last night. I should've worn ear plugs for the animal sounds, borrowed an adult sized sleeping bag and brought more clothes-