
Chapter 14: First Time

After my father left us, weeds started growing in our backyard. Our furniture started disappearing as my mother had to pay her way out of debt. We kept our house, even though it turned into a shell of a home.

Meanwhile, only 70 feet away, Luke had grown up differently. He could afford the basketball camps and new clothes. He had the love of both his parents and the most amazing flowers in his backyard.

I would know – I've plucked them once or twice

Now Luke was walking me across the street from my home to his. I couldn't help but think it was like crossing worlds. "Let me carry that for you," he offered, lifting the strap of my backpack off my shoulders. I watched him swing it across his strong shoulder and felt the smile he cast me.

"I'm sorry about your laptop," I apologized.

"It's not your fault," he answered, holding the cracked computer in his right arm, "Chad was desperate for my password."