
Chapter 06: More than friends

It was almost the end of lunch. Luke and I wanted to meet in private, away from everyone. The rumors about us had started, and we didn't want them to spread.

They weren't very kind. Rumors never are. I can already predict what they'll say:

He's using her, he'll dump her, she's related to a farm animal...

That last one is a little creative, I'll admit. I learn so much about myself in rumors.

"I should pick up your coffee more often," Luke murmured into my ear, closing the door shut behind me.

I turned into him. His blue eyes had a sea of color in them. We were alone together now and hadn't been alone together since our date...

There were four minutes before the bell would ring. I stood in a chemistry lab, surrounded by sterile counter tops and a shelf of bunsen burners. And, most importantly, him.