

12 years sounds like a lot of time to make someone fall in love you, but if you are still not able to make them love you then what would that mean? Does it mean that you aren't good enough? Does it mean you never put in a lot of effort? or was it all for nothing and you were just a pawn in someone's game with a twisted faith.

Esh Lockheart was a women of many talents, the princess of the Lockheart Cooperation Limited, never in a million years have she thought that the person she wanted to have a family with would be the one to take everything away from here. Kin Lambert, the so-called prodigy, adored by all and hated by none is the heir to the Lambert Incorporated, Esh's one and only. The once friendly face of Kin was now nothing but a face of a man who destroyed her in every wat possible.

It wasn't a hidden news that Esh and Kin would be together one day after all there filies have been friends for generations but we're not able to take this friendship to the next level as before Esh for decades the Lockheart and the Lambert family weren't graced with a baby girl. But the day Esh was born it was the most joyous occasion in the whole I city. Everyone new that it was a start of a great union between the 2 greatest families in the city.

From childhood both Esh and Kin knew that they were destined to be together, but as days passed Esh's love for Kin grew to the point that there was no one else except him. Even her single breath on this planet was for Kin but for Kin he slowly started to grew further and further apart from Esh. Even to the point of hatred.