

SUBMERGED IN SILENCE. Nothing can be heard but the swooshing of the wind and the clinking chains of a swing from a nearby playground. On the side of the road, lamp posts created a soft glow. The only thing that produces light at that time of the night. Though one short-circuited lamp post is in a series of turning on and off again.

The whole neighbourhood in deep slumber. Not one was awake in this late hour. Then suddenly, the tranquil night was disrupted by a noise coming from a distance. A black Sedan approaches. Its roaring engines gradually becoming louder and louder with every minute as it passes by. The driver in a haste, not caring if the speed limit was exceeded. One little girl from a small household shifted in her sleep because of the outrageous upheaval but didn't awoke. When the Sedan made a U-turn to its intended destination, the little girl delved deeper into the sheets.

At exactly two in the morning, a chartered plane landed and settled in hangar three. An hour before the black Sedan had arrived. The engines died and out came a woman in her late thirties. She was wearing a black trench coat above a crimson silk lingerie that hugged her sexy curves and flaunted the shape of her bosoms. She was still in bed when she received the call and in earnest, she left right away in a haste without bothering to get dressed appropriately. She was filled with exhilaration upon hearing the news that it had finally arrived. The thing she had been waiting for all her life.

With the help of the hangar's dim light, she can make out three builts of men. Beside them was a medium-sized crate. She didn't know the two personally but had a good guess that they had contributed well with the expedition.

She greeted all three men. Approaching the crate, her perfectly cuticled fingers ran through the lid feeling every wooden fiber. She gestured the men to open it.

Her grin stretched wider as she reached inside and took it, eyeing the thing carefully at the soft glow of the hangar lights.

"I've finally found it." She whispered.