
Lightning should’ve struck twice

Every year a sacrifice is given to the God of prosperity. However, this year’s sacrifice would be different because this woman was in labour brought into the world by the lightning of prosperity maybe lightning should’ve struck twice.

Writingboss2011 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter two

After 2 hours of walking, they met a fork in the road to make matters worse the rain began to pour heavier. Not knowing which way to go they ask a nearby old man. As they went closer to the man his eyes widened. "Axira, Atlas!" The man shouted which made the twins look at each other in confusion as the old man got on his feet to greet them. He held out his hand to shake theirs but wary of the situation they looked at him in disgust. The man quickly apologized and said "You must not remember me," "When you much younger your father asked me to teach you how to control your powers." Cautious of the situation the twins asked him for their father's name which he answered correctly "Chad I'm right aren't I?" "It's Chad Ruler of the Cultivation Realm to you," Atlas told the old man. The man shrugged his shoulders and then d said "The rain doesn't look like it will end soon, why don't you stay at my dojo." At first, the twins were wary but as they realized they had nowhere to go and the man was right about the rain they agreed.

The twins followed him to an old abandoned dojo which made their anxiety increase. "The house won't bite," the old man said, trying to lift the mood. As they continued walking Axira noticed a door which was boarded up and filled with chains. Confused, she asked the old man what was in the room. He dismissed her question and immediately after he desperately tried to change the subject. Five minutes later they arrived at his 'dojo' which was filled with any equipment you could imagine. Atlas was dazed by the weapons while his sister was eyeing the locked room, she could have sworn she heard someone screaming. The two were locked in thought and were brought back to reality when the old man said "You two follow me I will show you where you will sleep." The twins followed him upstairs and surprisingly enough there was a long hallway decorated to perfection with a bedroom on each side. The twins followed him to the first room where Axira would be sleeping and the room parallel to that would be where Atlas would rest. As it got darker they freshened up and got ready for bed but as they were about to sleep the old man reminded them to never enter the chained-up room. They both nodded but something in Axira's head said she needed to open the door.