
Lightning Human in MHA

A 16 year old boy named Nakada Ichirou, died in a plane crash, because he was one of only few who deserve a second chance, he gets reborn in the world of MHA with a few wishes. ---------------------------- This is my first time writing a fanfic, I plan to stay consistent and release one chapter a week It won't be harem, I'll focus on only one love interest, I'll make it so the MC doesn't get super OP right away.

Digital_Ink · Anime & Comics
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81 Chs

28-Good News

"Aska. there is something important your mother and I want to tell you" - dad said with a serious voice all of the sudden.

"What is it dad?" - Aska said with a frown on his face.

Dad looked at mom and said, "You should tell him"

"Aska, honey, listen. We didn't tell you this sooner because we didn't want to distract you before the entrance exam, but now since you're done with the exam, we thought that it's a good time to tell you that I found out about two months ago, that I'm pregnant. This month marks my fifth month of pregnancy" - mom said

(A/N: just to be clear she was pregnant for three months then she found out, and she is telling him two months later. With that being said, I have no idea how pregnancy works, I'm not sure when do women tend to notice they're pregnant, just go with it)

Aska kept the same frown on his face, but he had different thoughts. 'So that's why they didn't tell me before?' Aska thought as he was about to chuckle. He knew from before, that his mother was pregnant. His observation haki picked up another life signature inside his mother and he guessed that she was pregnant.

Both parents saw Aska's frown and got worried that their son may have a negative reaction, since they are in their late thirties and he might think they are making a mistake, but before they could say anything, Aska had a cheeky smile and looked at them.

"It seems you two were busy while I was training" - Aska said with the same sly smile on his face.

"ASKA!" -mom yelled at me

"HAHAHA" dad just kept laughing

"I'm glad that I'll get a younger sibling. Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?" Aska asked excitedly

"I scheduled an ultrasound a soon then We will know if it's a boy or a girl" - mom said.

I talked with my parents for some more time, until it was dinner time.

"Mom, you shouldn't work yourself, Dad and I can make the food." - Aska

"And I have to eat what this man makes, I'd rather cook while being pregnant than to eat his food" mom said as she pointed at dad.

"Hey! My cooking isn't that bad, I may or may not have burned a couple dishes before, but that doesn't mean I didn't improve" - Dad

"When did you do that?" - Aska

Mom put on her apron and walked into the kitchen while we followed her into the kitchen to help. While mom was making the food she started to tell me about dad's adventures in the kitchen.

"The first time he tried to cook for me, was when we were newly wed. He decide to cook for me breakfast in bed. He left me in bed, I was waiting for him to come back with the food, but 10 minutes after he left the bedroom I could smell a burning scent, I rushed out of the room and ran towards the kitchen, and I saw your dad in the corner of the kitchen holding a frying pan on fire" - mom

"Wait, was the pan on fire, or was dad on fire?" - Aska asked while laughing

"I don't remember Aska, but I think both were on fire" mom said jokingly and she started laughing too.

"Thankfully we didn't need the fire department, or the ambulance" - mom

"You said that was the first time. Did he try to cook again?" - Aska asked excitedly, he wanted to hear more stories.

"The second time was when we found out that I was pregnant with you. He insisted to cook for me, he even assured me that he has gotten better at cooking. Let me tell you, he hasn't gotten better at all"

"Hey, I saw you cook many times before, it looked easy so I thought I could do it too, but accidents happen" - dad cut in

Mom rolled her eyes and said, "Sure. Anyway, I was sitting on the kitchen table and he was standing in the kitchen. I could see his back while he was cooking, I thought that if I kept my eyes on him what could go wrong. He was doing great for the first ten minutes. While he was cooking, I wanted to use the bathroom, so I got up and walked to the bathroom, just as I was about to go inside the bathroom, I could hear him screaming in the kitchen, I ran back to see the same exact scene from before. He was holding the frying pan on fire and walked slowly towards the sink. It took him the amount of time it took me to walk towards the bathroom, to almost burn down the house" mom said while laughing

Aska was laughing as well.

"Ever since then, I never allowed him inside the kitchen alone, unless he's getting water" mom kept laughing. Poor dad just stood there getting laughed at, but he seemed happy that we were all in the kitchen together while laughing.

By the time we were done talking, the food was also ready.

As we were eating we continued to chat about many other topics.

"Dad" - Aska

"Yeah?" - Dad

"Since I'm busy with school all day, and you're busy with work, and neither of us can cook, we need to find someone to help mom" - Aska

"You think, I didn't think of that, I already hired a maid for the next 4 months" - Dad

"Oh, that's a great idea. Good thinking dad. When are they coming?" - Aska

"The will be here tomorrow morning" - dad

After that we finished eating and we went to sleep.


Next morning.

I woke up early and put on my uniform. I walked downstairs, dad was also ready to head to work.

"You didn't have to send us off, you should stay in bed. The maid will be here soon" -Dad

"It's alright I'm only pregnant, not dead. And it's not that bad anyway. You should go or you'll be late, both of you" - mom said the last part while she was looking at me.

"Yes ma'am" - Aska

As I walked up to the door, I could feel that someone walked through the front yard, and heading towards the front door, I opened the door.

"Oh!, hello there. Sorry I didn't expect you to open the door so suddenly, I got startled" said a young lady standing in front of me.

She was 5'9 blond hair, green eyes, and she looked like a typical nice person.

"Can I help you?" - Aska

"Is this the Minamoto household?" - The young lady

"Yes, who's asking?" - Aska

"My name is Kaya Emiko from Bellezas for maid rental, can I perhaps speak with Mr. Minamoto?" - Kaya

"Well technically I'm Mr. Minamoto" - Aska

"Stop playing around and let the poor girl in Aska" Dad called from behind me.

"I wasn't lying, I'm technically Mr. Minamoto as well" Aska responded back as he let in the young girl.

Dad and mom were looking at the girl, then she introduced herself to them.

"My name is Kaya Emiko, Pleasure to meet you. I've been a maid for a few years, I served a couple of pregnant ladies in the past, so I know how to take care of Mrs. Minamoto, I also went to culinary school, and people usually tell me that my cooking is good, and my quirk helps quite a bit with cleaning" She said in a somewhat timid voice.

"Hello Kaya, nice to meet you." - mom said with a smile

"Hello ma'am, I look forward to working with you" - Kaya said with a bow

"Oh right, I need to explain how my quirk works" Kaya went on to explain her quirk. It's called Soap. Though it's straight forward, it's actually a little peculiar. The first three things Kaya eats in the morning will determine the scents of her soap. She could mix the three scents together or use them separately. After she explained how her quirk works, she asked mom if she had any preference on what scents she wanted Kaya to use. Kaya hadn't eaten anything yet so she could do it right away.

After some thinking, mom picked lemon, mint and peach. Mom took Kaya to the kitchen, where Kaya took a small bite out of a lemon, a small bite from a mint leaf, and lastly ate a peach.

"Alright, you two should go, or you will be late for real" - mom

"Alright, I'm going, take care of yourself. and don't work the poor girl to death" - dad

"Who do you think you're talking to?!" while mom and dad were having a little argument, Aska was having different thoughts,

'This girl seems to be too perfect, or do all maids tend to be this perfect?' Aska thought to himself, after that he focused his entire observation haki onto Kaya, he even made sure she knows that he is looking at her, he wants to see her reaction.

Kaya felt like she was being looked at, she turns around and locked eyes with Aska. The second they lock eyes, sweat beads start to fall down the sides of her face. Aska's eyes were lit in a florescent blue color, his pupil were thin like a feline.

'What's wrong with him, it's like he's looking at my soul' Kaya wasn't completely wrong, he wasn't 'looking' at her soul, he was 'looking' at her will.

'I don't sense any malicious intent from her, but I should be carful around her' Aska thought to himself as he walked away. "Mom, I'm heading ou- what are you doing?" - Aska saw his mother holding his father in a head lock.

"You're dad was getting a little too funny, I thought his head was screwed on the wrong way. Anyway, good luck in school Aska" - mom said as she released dad

Aska was walking away when he heard his father yell "You're lucky you're pregnant, I would've suplexed you off the top balcony"

Aska just laughed at his parents antics, 'It's never boring around here'


Hello everyone, I hope you like the chapter. Feel free to leave me any suggestions for future chapters.

Any preference on what gender should the baby be? I have a younger brother, so I might give Aska a younger brother as well. What do you all think?

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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