
Lightning God

Alex is weak and pathetic. He has poor talent and a low cultivation realm. This all changes when he receives the lighting god system!

phhantom1 · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Alex began inspecting his body and found that when he circulated the qi it moved almost unhindered through his veins.

'System what is my current talent level?'

"Hosts body is currently at the same level as a half step saint talent. If you reach full saint talent you will have very few bottlenecks up to Nascent Soul realm!"

This was surely a good thing as the number of Nascent Soul realm masters in the whole world that he knew of could be counted on two hands. This seemed very small however there were surely many hidden masters focused on cultivation.

Just then he heard footsteps walking towards his cell with a slow rythmic tap. An elderly mans face appeared behind the elemental steel bars, this was in fact the vice sect leader and although he had this title he acted as nothing but a lackey fo rthe sect leader.

'You there ,stupid boy, your sentence is over and I have been instructed to take you to see the disciplinary elder were you will surely be sentenced to at least another week of manual labour. Serves you right for daring to argue with such a talented disciple as Richard!'

This old man was truly to horrible, even though they had never spoken he carried such hatred in his heart. This would surely slow anyone's cultivation which could be why he had been experiencing a bottleneck for the past 40 years.

Alex stepped out of the cell and into the dimly lit corridor it was designed to be narrow enough that fighting would be almost immposible without first breaking the walls. The only lighting was small qi powered lights called spirit stones. Despite the impressive name they were far less valuable then things such as spirit ore which could be used to make powerful artifacts!

They continued out and past many other cells some were empty, some were not. Many prisoners begged to be released though these were mainly the new people as they clung to the hope of freedom.

'System how strong will I have to be before I can use the thunderclap stance without any drawbacks?' he asked in his mind. This was an important question as it would be stupid to try and use an ability if you would be exhausted afterwards.

*ding* "Host can use it at the first realm iron bones level. This will temper your muscles and bones enough to withstand the impact of the skill"

This was less than ideal as the iron bones realm was an entire major realm away. Although it doesn't seem like much breaking through major realms and minor realms were very diffrent!

To break through minor realms one would have to build up qi and condense it in their dantian or train until their body makes a breakthrough. However for major realms you would have to begin an untrodden path so to speak.

For example to break through from qi gathering realm to a martial warrior you would have to build up the qi in your dantian and then spread all of the built up qi throughout your body causing the dantian to evolve into a higher capacity and raising the bodies functions. This sounded easy enough in theory but many people got stuck at this stage as their bodies were unable to accept the qi properly.

By this point Alex and the Elder were outside and approaching an imposing building. This was the disciplinary hall and after leaving the prison you would have to walk through this hall to reach the main sect. This made the prison very difficult to escape from as any prisoner would surely be seen before making it out!

Walking into the hall it had a very simple design showing the disciplinary hall elder was not an overly lavish man.

To get the role as someone who brought justice, to complete this role properly you would surely have to be a just man, and that was but one way of describing this elder. He was a very fair man and didn't care how rich or talented you were if you had commited a crime he would punish you.

Atleast this is what the disciples thought, the true him was a very greedy manipulative person who would accept bribes to give people a very comfortable cell or extra food. He was also a smart man and would convince young talents that unless they took him as their teacher he would imprison them and destroy their future.

It was because of him that Alex didn't get a fair punishment and was treated to the bare minimum of food. Alex thinking about his treatment was very angry and wanted to kill the disciplinary elder.

The vice sect leader knocked on the study door and walked in with Alex following behind.

"This is the Alex the waste that picked a fight with the Sect leaders son!" he proclaimed while pointing. "You are to assign him chores to do for a month then let him go, maybe then he will have learnt his lesson!" after saying this the Elder turned around and left before the other Elder could even mutter a word, it was clear who was incharge here.

Alex looked at the old man before him. It was a frail looking old man but in his eyes you could see a burning anger that could make the heavens calm. "That old shit thinks he can order me around in my own hall!? Hm think again you geezer." The Elder looked at Alex and suddenly a spark of inspiration hit him!

"You there, small brat. How would you like to take revenge on that Elder and the boy you argued with?" The elders plan was simple, if he gave Alex the resources to train, maybe he could make Alex strong enough to kill the sect leaders son! This way the Elder could get revenge on the Vice Elder and Sect Leader for bossing him around.

The best part was that he wouldn't be punished for it afterwards so he could bask in their grief. His plan was already seen through by Alex but he was still tempted.

Afterall it wasn't everyday that an elder offered you revenge. With a small smirk growing on his lips Alex gave his response, "Yes Elder!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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