
Lightning Dragon

Earth was invaded by a new energy, named Meta. Chaos ensued, hope was almost lost as animals mutated into beasts. Luckily humans also got abilities from Meta, helping them hold onto life, but even at that, earth is lost. Asher Terron, a boy without an ability gets the lightning dragon's soul, this sets him on his journey. He soon finds out that he was the cause of the peril that Earth faced. This was because he was the inheritor of the most feared ability in the universe. Asher is now faced with a journey beyond Earth, he must navigate the entire universe, unraveling mysteries, and get stronger, seeking one thing, and that is revenge for all he lost. But things can never be black and white, is revenge all that his life will amount to? or will new things begin to matter to him? discord server: I am open to discussion and questions. https://discord.com/invite/fHeYP3yH

NTNova · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
299 Chs


"One thousand points? Is that much?" Simon asked looking at his watch.

"I don't know, but either way, it's good that we have a deposit."

Asher turned off his watch, getting up he turned to Simon. "Want to go check out the academy?" Asher asked Simon.

"Doesn't seem like a bad idea, let's go, but I think we should find the cafeteria first," Simon responded.

"Hm, I am hungry actually. I think there is a map in our watch."

The two left their room, Asher had a holographic map projected from his watch. They left their dorm building, following the map to find the cafeteria.

Without much issue they found it. It was a large hall with seats and tables that number up to a thousand. An extremely long serving counter, filled with all sorts of food.

Simon whistled in amazement when they walked in. "This is better than what I had imagined."

"Well hold your horses, not all of them are free." Asher pointed out the foods that had a price on them.

Simon looked at them before speaking. "Still those that are free are still numerous and the priced ones don't pass the range of a hundred points."

"We can't go splurging our points yet until we get to know how to get more," Asher said.

"Ok, well let's get some of the free stuff, I am starving."

There were a few people spread sparsely around the cafeteria. This was the year one cafeteria, so they knew this were all newcomers like them.

Asher got a hand burger and a chilled orange juice, while Simon just doubled what Asher got, taking two burgers and two sodas.

They got a seat and started eating, as they ate Asher noticed Nathan sitting with someone, he got up and headed to meet him.

When he got to the table, he saw the face of the other person better, he looked exactly like Nathan, but he had black hair and not dark blue.

"Hey Nathan," Asher greeted as soon as he got there.

When the boy who was seated with Nathan saw Asher, he scoffed standing up and leaving.

"Sorry did I interrupt something?" Asher asked.

"Don't worry about it," Nathan said while looking at the table.

"Who is he?" Asher asked

"My twin."

"Twin?" Asher looked a bit surprised, "I didn't see him at the test.

"He isn't in section C, he is in A," Nathan said.

"Huh, then why are you in C? "

"It's a family thing, don't worry about it."

Asher saw that Nathan didn't want to talk about it, so he didn't push it.

"Are you free after here, I hear they have nice duel arenas here, we can head over there to spar."

Nathan thought for a second before agreeing to go. Asher went back to his table, asking Simon if he would want to come as well. Simon agreed and after their meal, they went to find the arena.

This was the first day, so there were no classes, meaning that they could do what they wanted today.

The three finally got into the academy arena, it was quite large it was the size of half a football field. There was enough space for people to fight without constraints. The seats were also set in a football stadium type of way.

The three boys walked into the arena.

"So who and who will go first?" Simon asked.

"You two can have at it first," Nathan said while going to sit on the audience seats

"Ok bring let's see your strength," Simon said while picking a practice sword from the racks. Asher couldn't find a gauntlet, but he saw arm guards, so he took that instead.

"Don't disappoint me, bro," Simon said as he blasted off the ground, flames erupting from his feet.

"He has a high speed for a flame user," Elsa said as she looked at the incoming boy.

Asher took his stance as well, waiting for Simon. Simon got into striking range and swung, his blade erupted in searing flames. Asher pushed back dodging the attack, swiftly countering with a lightning punch.

Simon released one hand from his sword, using it to block the punch, but he was still pushed back a step. Asher didn't waste any time in following up, he punched Simon's stomach.

Simon used all his strength to raise his sword with one hand, blocking the punch with the flat side, quickly regaining his balance, he stabbed Asher.

Asher using his speed was able to twist to the side, dodging the attack. He lost a bit of footing as he dodged, causing him to stumble a bit. Simon didn't let the chance go to waste, he swung his blade releasing a flame arc.

Asher saw the flame and quickly shot out lightning, the lightning canceled out the flame, he planted his foot firmly into the ground, before pushing off toward Simon again.

Asher jumped spinning in the air, kicking at Simon's head, Simon dodged the kick, then rammed his fist into Asher's gut.

Asher collapsed to the ground, the punch right now was heavy.

"Damn, I surrender," Asher said as stood up.

"Ha ha ha." Simon had a laughed out. "You were good, but not as good as this father."

"What are you saying? It's because it is just a sparring match, do you think one blow would bring me down in a real fight?" Asher said.

"Hmph, don't be a sour loser bro," Simon said

Simon looked up to Nathan who was watching the fight, he signaled to him to come down. Nathan came down, picking up a katana from the rack, he walked towards Simon. Asher left the arena for the two to spar.

The two were ready to fight, and as if hearing an alarm, they launched at the same time towards each other.

Simon struck out with his sword, but his blade hit a red translucent barrier, before he could make the head of his situation, Nathan had gotten behind him, his sword placed a few centimeters from his neck.


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Hey guys, sorry for the footnote, but I realized we don't have reviews, please I beg you guys to drop a review so that I can better my work, thanks