
Light within the darkness

In the vast universe, where the Jossflame planet gleams as a jewel among the lower realms, its glorious prince, Light, stumbles upon an ancient scripture that unravels the very fabric of his lineage's legacy. Long celebrated as bearers of heavens favor, Light is confronted with a harrowing truth—beneath the veneer of blessings lies a curse, dark and profound, shacking them for all eternity. This revelation marks the beginning of his world being flipped upside down, losing all he had. A story of defiance, retribution, and the unyielding quest for control against the decrees of fate. As the message in the scripture rings true, wreaking havoc and stripping him of all he loves. Light is thrust into the abyss of despair. Yet, from this, he emerges not broken but with a burning resolve for vengeance. There is no room for mercy or kindness towards his enemies. Innocents? All who are involved are guilty by association no matter how small their role! They will all pay! Refusing to be a mere pawn in the celestial games of power, Light vows a relentless vengeance that will echo through the annals of the universe. With each swing of his blade, he seeks not just retribution but a declaration of his freedom from he predetermined paths woven by the heavens. Embarking on a journey that crosses the veils of realms and the depths of ancient powers, Light's quest is one of both internal and external conquest. He challenges not only the entities that dare stand in his way but also the very notions of destiny and divine will. Whether he is to be alone, or to be amongst allies, he will deliver his wrath upon his enemies and all those who block his path. Art is generated by me with AI.

Talon_1trick · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Exploring within

Stepping onto the paved road, Light looked around. Since he got here he wanted to first consolidate his foundation to give him a better chance of survival should anything go wrong, after all he didn't know how strong or weak he was compared to other cultivators of the same or higher realms.

He began to walk in a random direction, hoping to map out the city he was in. It was important to know one's surroundings. He walked past many streets, he saw many family owned restaurants with young waiters and waitresses running around. He also saw a mechanic shop selling many fine crafted weapons, he had no money so he didn't plan to stay but a sign caught his eye.

'Apprentice made swords free at no cost.'

Looking at a pile of nicked and damaged as well as wonky swords, there was one that caught his eye.

It was a large sword with a two sided blade. One side was normal, straight and sharp. The other side was jagged like a beast had taken many bites out of it, but it was clearly part of its intended design rather than damage. It had a very vicious feeling to it. It definitely was not a conventional sword. If one stabbed it into an enemy they would have to rip it out with tremendous force.

Light took it in his hands as he began to touch the surface of the blade. Partly affected by the seal of grief, he could feel slight negative emotions attached to this sword. On the hilt was a single name. 'Beast's jaws'. 

"Do you like that sword?" A broad shouldered well built young man with a bandana on his head and soot all over his face walked out.

"It's interesting." Light responded as he faced him.

The young blacksmith noticed Light's very image of a young noble and seemed confused as to why he picked a sword from the free pile.

"That was a result of me venting my emotions. Try this scabbard if you are going to take it, a regular one won't do for this sword." The man tossed him a wide scabbard to be hung at one's waist.

Light: "I can't pay for the scabbard." 

"No need for payment. I haven't sold any products yet as my swords haven't passed the shop head's tests. Seeing you take a liking to one of them made my day, take it as a token of my appreciation."

"Then I'll graciously accept." Light spoke as he gave a light bow in thanks and continued on his walk.

"What a strange fellow. No money? Must be newly ascended then." The young blacksmith frowned for a moment before smiling at the thought that someone thought his products were interesting.

"Hey Xiao Xu get your ass back in here you have work to do!" A deep raspy voice called at him from inside the shop.

"Yes sir!"


Light continued to walk around the city for a while as he mapped out most of it. He now knew where he could find medicinal shops, restaurants, clothing shops, weapons shops, and pretty much all he would need. But he had realized something important and he didn't give much thought. 

How was he supposed to get food if he had no money? As a former prince of a world, he didn't have to carry money, anything he wanted he could get his hands on. In this new world, he was as broke as it could get. Frowning, he decided to take a mental note to look for work as he began moving with a new objective in his mind.

Suddenly from behind, the voice of a young boy rang out. "Big brother Light!" 

Turning his head he saw a young boy walking with a young woman in a veil, both in red phoenix robes.

The two were Huo Ling and Huo Feng, who had first brought him to the city.

He returned the greeting as he walked towards them.

"What are you doing brother Light?"

"Just walking around. By the way, do you two know where I could earn money? I need to thank you again for paying for my lodging but I have no money for anything else."

"Well. There are a few ways to make money in this city. The first is to become a mercenary and carry out tasks laid out at the city hall. Tasks will be posted and a reward written on completion. Though this mainly depends on reputation and trust so it is hard to make money right away. The second and more common would be to register as a guest soldier in one of the three clans. All you have to do is have someone to invite you in and you will be paid a decent salary, you only need to do what the clan asks of you and help around. If the clan faces life and death danger you do not need to give your life for the clan. If you want I can get you a position in the Huo clan."

Light held his chin as he thought for a moment. The restrictions weren't strict and he was effectively acting as a hired soldier; it didn't seem too bad. Considering this pair of brother and sister helped him out when he first got here it was the best choice to make.

"Alright, I will have to take you up on your offer then."

"Yay you're gonna be part of our family now." The young boy shouted.

Huo Feng's words earned him a rebuke from Huo ling but she smiled at this adorable behavior of this brother of hers.

"Family…" Light's eyes dimmed a little as he recalled what happened only a short while ago.

Noticing his dazed expression, Huo Linger spoke up.

"We can go now if you like?"

"Mn, let's go."

The Huo clan owned the north and east parts of the city while the Bai clan controlled the west and the Li clan controlled the south. In the center was the city hall. Though the Huo clan had a majority rule over the city, the three clans still met whenever there was a need to make a big decision for the city.

Arriving in the northern part of the city the trio walked into a grand 10 meter tall golden gate with two statues of phoenixes on either side. Though it didn't look as grand as the kingdom he used to live in, he could feel the material must be much stronger and expensive from the thick metal aura. 

As the large gates opened, the guards, seeing the pair of siblings let them in without questioning who they were bringing along, bowing their heads as they walked in. 

'These two must have some sort of status in this clan, probably daughter and son of the head of the clan.' Light was used to seeing nobles and people of status.

There was a long wide road straight towards the inner grounds of the palace. Tall red bricked walls with metal coverings on the top surrounded them on either side.

As they reached the inner part of the palace, there was a small reception area with an old man with spectacles immersed in a book.

"Grandpa Hong, I brought over someone to be a guest soldier." Hearing this the old man put down the book and looked at Light with a little surprise.

"You're recommending someone? Interesting."

"Considering it's you I will let him join, but he has to look into my eyes for a moment, I need to verify he has no bad intentions. I have been having a bad feeling that someone is plotting against our family these days."

Huo Ling stepped back and gave light an apologetic look, clearly not expecting this.

"Don't worry. I don't mean any harm. I cultivate a visual technique that can sense if someone has bad intentions towards our clan."

Though his guard was up, he felt this old man should have no bad intentions. With the darkness energy he was very sensitive to dark emotions.

He stared into the man's eyes as he felt a little lost in the light he was trying to see inside his soul. At this moment, without even the sword needing to do the old man felt like he was in a world of grief. Of endless pain and sorrow. He quickly stopped the technique as he felt his soul shake.

What kind of background does this man have to experience such pain and sorrow? Though he sensed no bad intentions, he could feel the emotions from the seal of grief, clearly shaken by it.

Huo Tong regained his composure, looking at Huo Ling he smiled wryly before speaking up.

"He's fine. He can be your personal bodyguard. Though I feel the need to warn you all, if you see anything suspicious let us know right away, the Li clan and Bai clan are awfully silent these days.

"Thank you Grandpa Hong." Huo Ling thanked while light cupped his fists, and Huo Feng did the same, mimicking him.

Hut Tong turned to look at Light. "Young man I never got your name."

"It's Light." 

"Light…what an interesting name. You can call me old man Tong. I am the grandfather of the pair of siblings here. Since you are to be a bodyguard you should know their identities if you don't already. They are the only son and daughter of the family head, my only son. Come back tomorrow to see me and I'll show you where you need to be."

As he walked back to the entrance Huo Ling explained what his position would be. Essentially as a personal guard, he just needed to listen to her. His work hours would be every day from 9 am to 6 pm like regular work hours. But if he was not needed then he could spend time patrolling a part of the clan's walls.

Regarding pay, he would normally be paid at the end of every week, but Huo Ling paid him out of pocket in advance since he needed the money.

Reaching the gates once again, Light thanked her for her help and kindness and bid farewell.

Although not used to being a bodyguard for someone he decided to do his best. He still lived for revenge but he was always someone who would return kindness with kindness. If the clan really was in danger one day, he would at least save her and her brother, as long as he didn't need to risk his life.

Heading home, he stopped by a restaurant and ate a simple bowl of noodles. Though it wasn't anything fancy, it had a nice homemade taste. After eating he continued on his way.

Reaching the inn, the old man at the counter gave him a light glance as he entered and headed to his room. As he reached the door he looked behind him to the door across from him. He could feel a group of negative emotions condensed inside that inn.

There were likely a few individuals in that room, but it seemed whatever they were up to it was no good. He went inside his own room, old man Hong's earlier words resurfacing in his mind. It had nothing to do with him until it did, and for now it didn't matter.

Entering his room he sat on his bed and began to look over the training manuals for dark and light energy inside his mind. He decided to focus on the basics first. Taking his hand out a thin line of white energy appeared, like a small laser sword coming out of his finger.

Light had two properties, annihilation and recovery. Moving the line to his hand he sliced the tip of his skin, easily ripping it. 'The annihilation property is quite strong, it is like a real blade.'

Then he willed the light energy inside his cells to activate as the wound healed as quick as it opened.'The recovery is definitely the best point of light energy.'

'Now darkness' Darkness had two strengths, tainting and absorbing. He couldn't test tainting as it was a form of cursing someone with negative emotions and energy, which had little effect on himself. Putting that aside he decided to try absorption. Putting out his right hand a stream of white energy came out. In his left palm a small dark vortex formed sucking in air.

Strangely though the vortex couldn't suck the white light in no matter what, and it even seemed to reject it. 'Just as the manuals said, light and darkness are incompatible. But why can I possess both? Is it because of the seal, or the sword? Maybe both created a special situation.

Putting away the light energy, five different energies appeared on each finger: fire, water, wind, earth, metal and in the middle of his palm was some electricity. This time around the dark vortex had no trouble absorbing it, turning all the five different energies into pure darkness energy. So it can absorb all of the other elements without a problem.

I wonder where the limits of absorption lie…