
Purification Solution (2)

"I want you to help me refine the medicine," Joshua said, he dared not say what 'the medicine' really was. Liang Xingbai told him to keep it a secret and only reveal it 'when it's the right time'. Joshua obviously didn't know when it was, so he decided to wait until Liang Xingbai came back.

That was...If the little priest would come back.

After all, it would bring all of Liang Xingbai's potential, and it was also a gamble. If Liang Xingbai's potential wasn't healing, then it was useless no matter how good the purification solution was. There was another chance though, that was if the God of Light would give Liang Xingbai the gift of healing. However, it was just a thought of his. The God of Light wouldn't just gift someone a gift out of the blue.

Up in the heavens, the God of Light was reconstructing Liang Xingbai's body. He thought of changing the boy's gender, but was against it in the end. After all, Liang Xingbai would be his precious believer in this world. The feelings he had towards this Priest could be defined as a love from a father to a son. Perhaps, he cod also become this little Priest's real father and not just his Father. Thinking of it, the God of Light became giddy, creeping the already creeped out angels even more.

The new body was exactly like the past, but he had gotten rid of most impurities. Though, it was already a good body. He only needed to retrieve the little one's soul. It wouldn't be hard for him to do so.

Meanwhile in the marketplace. Fuxing Longyue had a hard time getting the best quality sapphire fruit, or blueberry on Earth. The stall owner kept his decision on selling it for five folds. The usual sapphire fruits were only two silvers at most, and it was best quality. It was two hundred fifty times more expensive than a normal sapphire fruit! Who would want to buy that?

"Sir, are you deliberately raising the price?" Fuxing Longyue insisted, "a normal sapphire fruit is only two silvers!"

The old man, the owner of the stall, didn't change the price, "this sapphire fruit is not a normal sapphire fruit. I will keep the price as it is. Five. Gold. End of discussion."

Fuxing Longyue gritted his teeth. He only brought ten golds over to Star County. He didn't know why his Consort Mother only gave him ten out of a hundred golds that his father gave for this trip but he understood that Consort Mother, his own birth mother looked at him as if he had to feel thankful for the ten golds.

With only ten golds, he could only buy limited items. He also needed his own necessities. Five gold was cutting his money in half. However, he needed it to save a life. He had haggled the price down, but the old man still stood by his first price, five golds.

"Three golds, I can't go much further than that," Fuxing Longyue placed three golds onto the table. The old man looked at the three golds on the table before giving a round sapphire fruit into Fuxing Longyue's hands.

"Take good care of it, it is an old one," the old man said before walking out of the marketplace. The sapphire fruit was indeed the last on the list. Fuxing Longyue didn't know it was this hard to buy things at the marketplace. After all, as a prince, he had never personally went to the marketplace to buy things. He only needed to wait and the servants would bring the desired items over.

He quickly returned, wanting to save the little priest he saw a few days ago. He didn't know why, but almost everyone wanted to help Long X8ngbai, as if he had something around him that attracted others to him. Fuxing Longyue himself was no exception. Thus was why Joshua resented him at first (refer to Hypocritical Church 6 & 7).

When he arrived, what met him was the sight of Joshua being close to his elder brother. Joshua was giving Fuxing Chan pointers, he knew that, but he couldn't help but feel like an oddball, looking at the two together. Both Joshua and his elder brother were the delicate slender body type. In his mind, he subconsciously imagined someone with a bigger...more muscular... figure...

And that person was...Him?

'No...No...No, Fu. Xing. Long. Yue! You are a prince! Joshua is still thirteen years old!" Fuxing Longyue shook his head. He couldn't believe that he was thinking like so. What a disgrace of himself! After the thought he wanted to leave but forced himself to come inside the dreaded scene.

As Joshua heard the sun of footsteps, he excitedly turned around to see a gloomy Fuxing Longyue, walking in with burger steps. Joshua was immediately worried and walked closer to the Second Prince. It was rare to see Fuxing Longyue the almost always cheerful prince gloomy as if cold water was poured all over his body.

"Second Prince, are you alright? Is there a problem while acquiring the ingredients?" Joshua asked the gloomy prince. Fuxing Longyue didn't reply much, but it could be said that his face became even more upset when he asked. Joshua didn't know what he said wrong, do he just stayed quiet.

Meanwhile, Fuxing Longyue was thinking of why Fuxing Chan could receive such attention. Fuxing Longyue remembered that he had helped a boy by the name of Joshua before. If it was the same person, could it be that this Joshua had forgotten who he was or... He recognized the wrong prince?

That made some sense...After all, Joshua was still very young at that time. He couldn't possible remember others' names easily (actually, he did). He should work hard to attract Joshua's attention towards him and then tell him that he was the one who helped him. At this moment, Fuxing Longyue didn't know that he would fall further for this Bishop's servant.

Of course, that was for later times. For now, it was just a sliver of interest.

Last Sunday there was no update because I have a competition that took a long time originally and was even delayed. So I didn't have the time to edit out the new chapter (this)

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