
Hypocritical Church (5)

Marcus' forest green eyes narrowed at the sight of the little boy in front of him. The little boy was brilliant, bright, everything a light Priest should ever be, except for the fact that he was too young to pray to the Father. Since the day of his appearance, the Priests started to discuss among themselves to become like Liang Xingbai, an innocent pure young boy. It was so disgusting that he might've barfed if he stayed too long.

There was still tile to throw this seemingly 'perfect' little boy away and take back the title which was supposed to be his : 'The Bishop of Star County'.

From young, his daughter was sickly and would easily catch illnesses. Usually, a normal human would take a single night to recuperate from a simple cold, however his daughter could take weeks! If her condition was worse, it might even take months! No matter what he did, no matter how many bottles of elixirs he possesed, his daughter would fall ill again the next hour, the next day, the next minute. It haunted him. Soon, he had not enough money to even buy the simple Blood Returning Lozenge.

When Bishop Nathan came up to him, gifting him with the title 'Phase Bishop', the one only second to the Bishop, Marcus was elated. With the position, he would land his hands on more healing resources. At that, he hoped that there would be something that could heal his daughter. He was finally powerful enough to alleviate his daughter's condition. He could imagine the rare herbs and piles of medicine to give to his daughter. As a Phase Bishop, he got holy water from the church. They say the holy water contained the most powerful healing properties as its main function was to 'purify'.

Sure enough, his daughter got better. She could enjoy herself for a month without any illness. After a month, she would catch another illness and he would need to get another bottle of holy water. Although it was a bit troublesome, he hoped to see his daughter's smiling face when she was free of all illness.

He was only given one bottle once a month, yet his daughter's rate of consumption rose. In addition, her times got shorter and a bottle could only give her freedom for at most two weeks before she would catch another illness. She needed three bottles a month, which was way more than what Marcus earned. Marcus only got two a moth, and it was due to his hard work and his contributions. Sometimes, he refused the gold and silver, exchanging them for a bottle of holy water. However, holy water was not so easily acquired. He could not acquire more from the church.

His daughter's condition worsened. Her face was constantly red, and only he himself dared to take care of her as people were afraid that they would get infected. In addition, he couldn't constantly watch over his daughter as he still had duties. Under his orders, his daughter was moved from the small house they previously lived in to his courtyard in the church's area. During the moving, his daughter's condition was very bad, causing him to panick. His daughter was the only person he had left from his wife. He cerished her so much as his wife left the world after bringing their daughter into this world. By no means would Marcus let his daughter rot and die.

Overcame by the panic, he blackened as soon as he overheard that the Bishop could take as much holy water as he liked -with a reasonable excuse and good merits- from the delivery servants. If he became a Bishop, he could take as much holy water as he liked? He could give his daughter as much holy water as she needed? Maybe...if she was given holy water daily...maybe...she would be freed of all her sufferings! This ailment might leave her for good. They could live normally like a pair of loving father and daughter!

He was Phase Bishop, he was a man, he was revered, he was second only to the Bishop, he was intelligent, he was powerful, he had light elements, he COULD become Bishop. Even if Nun Eva detested him for some reason, her opinion would not matter as she was a woman. She was nothing in front of him. Marcus felt free of all large threats, visible threats. He could become Bishop as easy as it was to drink water!

But this little Priest...Marcus didn't know what to think of him. Liang Xingbai came out of the blue and from the start, he had the title 'child from the main church' above his head. It couldn't be removed as everyone knew the fact an the High Bishop personally wrote a letter himself to tell them that the boy would come. He had exceptional looks, charming personality...so perfect that his daughter paled in comparison. He didn't mind these things as he only wanted to live a normal, happy life with his daughter.

Howeer, most important of all, he stole the position of 'Bishop' directly in front of his nose. He just came over, showing his beautiful, shiny aura of his, and he became the next Bishop-to-be as if he deserved it from the start. Marcus, who originally chose to curry favour with the main church child - in hope of gaining the connections the child has - immediately held resentment in his heart. The boy did nothing, not like him who had worked hard, put all his efforts! What did the boy do to deserve all of it?

This boy wanted to stop him from healing his daughter! His most treasured person in this twisted little world...This little boy wanted to murder her! Marcus could never forgive this main church child for existing. His whole being was like a death god sent to reap his daughter's life!

That was when he realized that he was currently superior to the little boy. He immediately abused his powers. He gave the boy the worst room in the church, the worst room only for Priests as it was impossible to assign the boy into a servant's room. If it was possible, he would give Liang Xingbai a slave's shed. He chose one of the rooms the farthest from the prayer hall, hoping that the boy wouldn't get close to the Father. If so, the Father wouldn't gift him any light energy. If the boy was weaker, wouldn't it be easier for him to get the title from under his feet?

Without light energy, a Priest was nothing.

However, instead of showing a disappointed expression or throwing a tantrum - which Marcus hoped he would - the boy's charm intensified. His whole being glowed even more, that despicable priest became a glowworm! He would never admit that the boy looked like a real-life walking star. His eyes were limpid and clear, free of dirt and taint. Marcus seemed to forget that a small child should have what Liang Xingbai had. Though, he already didn't like Liang Xingbai. Seeing the little boy giving off an uncomfortable feeling, he detested Liang Xingbai even more.

Liang Xingbai gave off a 'holy judge' vibe to everyone who saw him. The servants, maids, and church staff loved him even more, however, he did not.

After all, who would like anyone who made everyone look as if they were wrong? As if they had sinned or done something that is imperfect, impure in the face of 'righteousness'? Who would like anyone who made everyone else look like defective products, belonging to the trash and in line with the dirty shoe snub? No one, not even him. After all, no one was truly right and no one was truly wrong.

Marcus eyes the little boy as he gave him a lopsided grin. The boy's teeth was neat and white, unlike some others with crooked yellowish teeth. Another reason why the boy was so...detestable.

"I'm here to see Bishop Nathan!" The boy claimed in his annoying three years old voice, "Is he here?" The little boy's voice was high pitched, so high pitched that his ears got itchy. But, it seemed that it was only a filter he himself created.

Marcus wanted to roll his eyes. The boy was three, the boy was perfectly fine, perfectly normal...he should've seen for himself that the Bishop was currently praying to the Father. If he was playing dumb...a kid couldn't play dumb. this kid was an airhead, possibly stupid beyond repair! Marcus was glad if the kid turned out to be so. It didn't change much if the boy was only blind. His own Bishop was semi-blind but he was able to land a high position.

"Priest Xingbai, you can see for yourself that the Bishop is praying. You can also see that he is praying wholeheartedly to the Father that he can't be disturbed now. Please do not disturb this intimate moment between your higher up and the Father, lest you will provoke the Father," Marcus answered. There was nothing wrong with his beautifully intricate formal speech. However, it seemed as if he was trained, and it was not willing.

As soon as those words left his mouth, the Bishop opened his eyes and stood up. He has stopped praying a while ago, getting to see the peaceful moment between Nun Eva and Liang Xingbai. After steadying himself, he walked towards Marcus. As the Phase Bishop Marcus had his back to the Bishop, he didn't know that the Bishop had stood up and was currently walking towards him.

The Phase Bishop had a pitiful amount of light energy. Using it to observe for a few seconds was fine, but it could only be used in critical moments, otherwise, it would be really taxing on his mental strength. He didn't know that Bishop Nathan was also struggling with the little amouth of light energy he had, similar to everyone else. The Father rarely gifted light energy, after all, he only received five surges of light energy in total. Bishop Nathan received seven surges of light energy in total. It was in their whole life. The first few times, they would get some once every few years, but the later it went, they wouldn't even get any even if they prayed devoutly for decades.

He couldn't sense Bishop Nathan. The Bishop himself deliberately made his footsteps as quite as possible.

"Marcus, is anything the matter?" Nathan asked the Phase Bishop, who turned around, startled. It was really comical and Liang Xingbai was trying to stifle his laughter. Marcus' eyes were as large as saucers, his mouth was agape! Such a demeanor wasn't one befitting of a (scheming) Phase Bishop!

If Liang Xingbai didn't have to act like a well-raised young child from the main church, he would've laughed out loud until his stomach hurt. Marcus looked very funny right now that he missed the camera from his past life! If only the Phase Bishop himself could see how ridiculous he looked like...he would lose all his face!

"B-bishop...Bis-shop Nathan, s-sir!" Marcys panicked. Bishop Nathan was seemingly partial towards Priest Xingbai nowadays. Paying attention to the little boy's health, his wellbeing, his diet and so on. Although the Bishop didn't say so - or even denied it - his actions spoke loud and clear. After all, actions speak louder than words.

He could torment Liang Xingbai if Bishop Nathan was not around, but he couldn't do it under Bishop Nathan's watch. Perhaps it would be better if he sent Liang Xingbai away where there were no 'Bishop Nathan'.

"Bullying the young I see...and such a delicate youth too...," Bishop Nathan walked towards the two, "Priest Xingbai is still young. He's at the age when he should play around, be naughty all he liked, but he became a Priest instead. Talk about pushy parents...What age did you become Phase Bishop again?"

"T-thirty sir," Marcus answered, his voice cracking.

"His age was one tenth yours when you became a Phase Bishop...imagine how bad it is to his mentality," Bishop Nathan said, rubbing Liang Xingbai's head affectionately, " he is worthy of respect, and is pitiful..."

Marcus' back was covered in cold sweat, "b-but sir...he attempted to disturb you during your prayer time. That violated the church's policies! Even if he is young, he shouldn't be let off so easily! That was too partial of you!"

"He didn't disturb me," Bishop Nathan said, "he is very careful, he even asked you first," he paused, "you...you suddenly struck him down...Could you-could you be..."


Marcus gritted his teeth, "No sir, I dare not keep such sinful feelings inside my heart. But he is showing disrespect towards his elders, and I don't see this as a good thing. Still very young but is already disrespectful...what will he be in the future? This is unbefitting of a light priest!"

Bishop Nathan's expression became stern as he looked at Marcus with his almost nonexistent eyes, "Marcus, I don't need envious people in this church, especially the petty ones."