
Light Nova

[(+18 Content Notice)] All details in this story are fictitious. Reader Discretion Is Advised.

Charlotte_Violeta · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 4 - Personality

"Mistress? "Lona stares at Sen and in a low, faint voice, she asks Sen.  

"Did you… have a hot and sexual dream about me. "Lona's inner face turns grim as the confirmation was written all over Sen's blushing, pretty face. "So, it really did happen. "

"M-Mistress!? Y-You had… had the same dream? "Sen, now calm and lower in tone as she looked at Lona with puppy-dog eyes that made her even more beautiful with the streaks of red on her face. 

"Yes. However, I believe it wasn't as simple as just a 'dream'. I think it… actually happened. "Sen was shocked and suddenly, she consciously crossed her legs yet, her left eye twitched at the soreness she was experiencing even at that moment. "Sorry, for um… you know. In any case, I must report this to Vora and the Queen. Excuse me. "

Sen's face raced with emotions yet, landed on grim as she knew the punishment for anyone who wastes a royals time with something that can barely even be proven. 

"Aren't you afraid of what she might do?! "Tossing aside royalties, Sen had grown a deep attraction toward Lona and Lona felt those feelings despite what she or rather, her 'other self' had done to Sen the night prior. 

"... I was almost close to doing the same with Her Highness not a few moments ago. If I want to get ahead of this, I need to come clean or I will end up in a situation with all the disadvantages and die regardless. Excuse me and I'm sorry Sen, but I need you to do something difficult and help me corroborate my suspicions. "

Sen only looked onto Lona with sorrow and pride as she stared into the eye of a confident and strong willed woman. 

"Wait… if what you mean suggests, does that mean, you… never really liked… never mind! Forget I asked, even if you didn't need to as-"

Lona was holding onto Sen, passionately, firm with a tight yet, comforting grip as she pulled apart from her lips and met her honey-colored eyes. 

"My feelings of attraction on you last night were my own. It was my lack of self restraint that caused me to go wild and ravage you. Though, in my head, I think there was a lot more we could have done to have a better time but, whoever or whatever the heck possessed me last night was, I feel it's just a happy-go-lucky amateur. I would have lasted twice as long and made you and myself feel more… intimate than just a one-sided passion project. "

Lona kissed Sen on the corner of her lips and held her face in her slender hand. With a rare curve in her smile, Lona's face darkened and soon, turned towards the adjacent room door as she walked inside and explained the situation.  


"Are you sure about this, Lady? Once you go under, who knows what you'll find in that perfect little head of yours. "Vora stood beside a stone altar as she had permission to activate it's magic and send Lona's conscious mind into her subconscious, essentially putting her into a death-like state. "... Good luck, baby. "

Lona smirked internally as she was getting butterflies at the nickname. Resting her head forward, she saw a circular hold surrounded by the edges of rock and the grey-white sky overhead. 

Within seconds, Lona felt a sharp pain and abruptly, she was in a state of eternal darkness. 

Standing firm, Lona was beginning to adjust to the night and soon, things began appearing as if someone was steadily turning on the light or opening the window to let in the moonlight. 

Finding herself in a both familiar and unfamiliar room, Lona looked around and started walking as the room was rather small. There was a small bed made of strange material, cabinets made of metallic steel and several dozens of books littered along every shelf. Turning to the wooden table, there rested small wooden frames of strange yet, equally familiar and unfamiliar people. 

One among them showed two women, one petite, gorgeous and sweet looking with a long dark braid and glasses while the other was a more masculine, gorgeous and vibrant woman that stood taller by a few ft. The two looked joyfully happy as they held each other in the other's embrace. 

'What is this place? ' Lona had yet to see herself the past few days so she was fuzzy on what she looked like. 

"Who's there!? "Another, cold and pained voice echoed from afar yet, nearby at the same time. It was a woman's voice, much like Sen's voice but lower and darker. "Identify yourself! How did you get in here!? "

Turning around, finding no sign of who is talking, Lona turned to the door and grabbed the door-knob as she opened the door and there standing at the center roof the living room, an exact replica of Lona yet, Lona only looked at the figure with curious and familiar eyes despite not knowing she was staring at herself. 

"You… you look like me!? "The woman with darker and more expression on her face spoke. "Or is it… that I look like you. Interesting. Then my hypothesis is correct. I time-jumped across the space and time, perhaps even as far as gone to an alternative reality and merged with… you. Lona Grey. A 27 year old Sargent and soldier for the Asian-English Alliance. You were set to train a class of incoming recruits for three months and yet, before you left, you forgot your phone at home. 

Upon returning and catching a rather heartbreaking scene, you left in a haze and moments later, tragedy befell you and you nearly died… well, in my case, I died from where I came from but, you were still hanging on and I think that whoever or whatever system or celestial being that decided to push my soul into your dying body, the two of us somehow merged and… here we are. "

"Hm… yes. I didn't get a thing you said so I am simply going to ask you once: Who the f*ck are you. "Lona sounded more monotone than ever. 

"My name is Dr Myra Levi. I'm essentially a physicist in any and every field you can imagine. My age was 568 years old. Looking over your entire short life of memories before they were literally 'fried' into oblivion, you are a normal human woman who almost died to a bad break. You worked as a Sergeant in the army but never rose rank for four years despite obvious reasons other than you never bothered to ask. You lost touch with your relatives and became estranged. Your first husband left you because you discovered you preferred women at age 21. You then met Miss Sora Lema at university around the same time as your break up with your ex and have been together for a little over 6 years before Miss Sora proposed and you got engaged. 1 year later, you accidentally caught your finance and younger sister in the act and you left in a hysterical state of mind and were involved in a collision that nearly resulted in your death. "

Lona stood practically soaking up the information as she had little recollection of what happened in her final moments before being brought to Nova. 

"How do you come into this. "Lona asked bluntly. 

"I created a small black hole for an experiment, the secure vault I was using was chipped from a previous experiment with a level 8 life form and once the chip cracked, pretty sure all life within 500-800 light years was swallowed up and f*cked ten times over. 'Fate'. A fickle mistress. "Maya smirked as she then went on. "Oh and I felt a sort of eternity in the void of darkness when suddenly, I saw a passing flash of light beside me, I took it and "whoosh" I'm here. Say, my parallel "me" looks very sexy. Almost banging, I'd screw myself a good four or five times over. Hmm. "

"That's a given… wait. Was it you who has been taking control of my body. "

"Hmm… yes and no. Yes, I am here. No, it's not "this me" but "that me". " She said while staring at Lona. "Really, what would you expect when you have not have not gotten gotten any for 7 long f*ckin years. Like, you are a saint, but damn. You are so dry, the dessert planets across the galaxy lake in comparison to that starving flower down there. "

"Point taken. "Had it not been for her stiff facial muscles, Lona would be bright red and fidgeting. "So, where is she, my "starving sexual me". 

"Heh, so you figure that out. Damn, no matter which parallel universe I'm in, I still am a bada*s. "Tilting her head while spreading her legs and crossing her arms where she stood while turning her gaze. Lona looked to an adjacent door and as she pulled it open, she was so shocked that her eyes widened, revealing an almost terrified expression hidden under her mask. 

"... The actual f*ck. "
