
Chapter two: Welcome to Rosedal High School

1 year later

It was May second 2017 and the weather was wonderful not a gray cloud in sight. Everyone out and about enjoying what the day had to offer, high school students were seen making their way to each of their respected schools. But there is one school that shines better than any other, Rosedal High. A presages school with top of the line education in the country.

The school building walls were a pearly white, the school grounds were lovely. There was a white rose maze garden, two pink fountains right at the front of the school gates. There was also a swimming pool at the back of the building.

The school itself was spectacular, and was tall enough that if someone were to jump off the second floor they would break their legs.

Yes the school itself looks wonderful but a good looking doesn't mean that all the students and teachers are friendly. Anyways back at the Blake's house in a room with red wallpaper decked out with posters of bands and sketches of people in old timey clothes. There was an oak desk in front of the window covered with more sketches but these ones were sketches of two young boys, one had short blonde green eyes and was 4'1'' in height. He was also wearing a knights outfit, the other boy in the drawing was a 5'2'' with long black hair that was tied in a low pony tail. He had dark stormy blue eyes and was wearing a black and gold ninja outfit.

Right up against the wall and by the desk was the bed which had red and purple covers and baby blue pillows.

"Phoenix! Get up or you'll be late!" Mary called from down stairs, from under the covers a young girl with white hair and pale skin popped out. "I'm up mom!" phoenix said while rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Mary then walked in holding a basket of laundry, "Well that only took one try, usually its four." Phoenix just groaned while Mary laughed before going down stairs. Once Phoenix was sure her mother was out of sight she jumped out of bed and walked to her desk.

She then started to rummage around until she found a blank sheet of paper, picking up her pencil Phoenix began to sketch. This became a daily routine for her; she would wake up get out of bed and sketch the people of her dreams. Sometimes they weren't people; most times she saw places so strange and beautiful that it looked like something from a fairy tale.

Today's sketch through was a little different, the person on the paper was wearing a dark hooded cape which covered his body like a blanket; his hair was a dark green. He had long bangs pushed to the right side of his face covering his right eye in the proses but his left eye looked like a demons, it was a dark red and had a black swirl in it. To tie it all together on his back was a long black sword. All in all the image looked quite tariffing, but it didn't seem to bother Phoenix in the slightest in fact she seemed intrigued by it all. Once she was done with the sketch she got up and walked to her closet were her school uniform which was a white dress shirt with a gray skirt that was below the knee black socks and brown dress shoes. This was the uniform for Rosedal high the school that Phoenix go's to, but she hates it and not because the homework lode. Trust me she loves homework, but no the reason she hates the school is because half of the students there find her weird and strange in everything she does. It's not like Phoenix asked to look different she was just born this way she can't help it.

But the people at Rosedal just don't like differences, everyone has to be the same and think the same way, you can't stand out and be who you want to be. Because being different was wrong in their books that you have to one of two people. You either have above average or your just average, there's no between anything you have to be one or the other. But that doesn't even matter because the teachers are the ones in charge; they decide if you're above average or average you don't really have a choice. Which is why when Phoenix came to the school they already didn't like her, Phoenix's personality wasn't like everyone else at the school, she was shy when you first meet her but after a while you get to see the amazing girl on the inside. Phoenix was an understanding kind hearted seventeen year old that never saw the bad in anyone and would always forgive ones mistakes, and that's what they don't like about her, they don't like the fact that when someone gets in trouble she would take the blame instead.

So one day the teachers had enough, they started spreading rumors about her that weren't true and one by one Phoenix lost all of the friends she made. But she wasn't one to hate so she just counted on with her life, every time someone would pick she just looked at them and smiled as if there was nothing wrong with what they were doing. Mary wasn't happy with the fact that Phoenix had no friends so she and Josh went to the store and got Phoenix a white ferret which she named Starfree, they two were inseparable Starfree was always hiding in Phoenix's backpack when she went to school so when it was lunch she would go to the rose maze and eat her lunch with said ferret.

"Phoenix you're going to be late if you keep standing there." Josh called from her bedroom door; Phoenix just laughed at her father's silliness, "Dad it's only seven ten." "Is it a crime to get to school earl?" Phoenix just shook and smiled before grabbing her bag with a sleeping ferret in it and ran out the door.

"Bye mom, bye dad!" and with that she started to make her way to school not knowing that today something strange is going to happen that will change her life, for better or for worse.