
Rise once more: Prologe

"Are you sure about this?" Athena looked at her father skeptically. It was a long time since he did anything with one of his Champions. Most of them long since dead, our retired. Zeus was known for some weird ideas but this was a really strange one. He gave his daughter a nod causing her face to blanch a little. "His soul is so... damaged. Might not survive the transition."

"Be that as it may.. he is still of our blood. Your mother will see the changes I made in him. No matter how long it takes. A lot to make up for lately." The former ruler of Olympus gave a smile that brightens the room. Since the "war" against the "Unending Army," the win changed the old god. More than any knew. Well, besides "Destiny" of course. For it caused the change. "Best of luck my "Last Champion" and my friend."

A gentle blow from the gods breath carried a little ball of light downward through the "Pool of Life" itself. The pool where the Greek Pantheon looked onward at the various Dimensions below.

The ball was dim containing a little bit of power.

Passing through the Dimensional Barriers, more power left it. No matter the case, the Champion had to always offer some power up to fix Dimensional Collapses. And this Dimension had a lot of cracks all over.

At least it was in the upper region.

*Flutter!* A pile of feathers appeared. In a swirl, it turned into a woman. Hera, the Queen of Olympus stood facing members of her family. A scar across her abdomen that she wore with pride showed through the robe.

"You should be resting." Zeus said softly. Earning a smile from his wife. With a few steps, he embraced her. "I will pester you if I have to."

"I will in time. Did you already do it?" Hera almost giggled at him, but kept a straight face. Athena just staring at the two wide-eyed. It had been a long time since she saw them like this. A really long time. "I didn't even get to say goodbye." She gave a small pout. "Ah well, when he returns, I wonder how old the youngest will be?"

She rubbed her stomach just a little. A long time since she gave birth to a new deity. Pregnancy well protected from all other Pantheons and even her other children from noticing it.

Destiny itself lending a hand in help. Which was rare.

"You said it when he fell. That is more than enough." A bit of lighting passed in Zeus's eyes. A "Scenario" passing just a moment to soon. He always was stronger in the company of family. Which headed towards him currently from all over. Hera moving her arms just a little taking on a neutral position. "He will return. As long as he survives that is."

"Ares is gonna be pissed." Athena said lowly. "He is running out of friends that actually like him. I am not gonna be the one to tell em. Let Artemis do it. At least that way she can get a beating."