
Multiverse Travel Part 8: Moving about

The plan was for them to stall taking out Planet Meat. Just to lure out Dodoria and his forces. Bardock had the spell feeding him visions at a few intervals. he would his child then visit the Planet with his people triggering his memory back.

Playing as a survivor of one of the previous forces taken out in the area got him on the ship, but now he needed stealth. Sneaking into locations that were restricted happened to be the hardest.

But all ships had vents. Even the tiny ones were not a problem. Already shrunken, he turned into an ant easier. Less burden and power spent doing so.

'Ok, a few layout changes but nothing to drastic.' Shotting through a few places, he planted a nerve toxin. He was already releasing it as he was immune to its effects already. 'Well, Princess Snake poison should do wonders with the projected results already. To bad, there are so many Xenos I haven't developed a profile to counter against yet.'

*Tshh!* The odorless toxin circulates quite fast in the environment. Especially with it being a spaceship and several of the Xenos needing air to breathe. Frieza was an exception as genetics meant he could survive in space. It didn't mean he didn't breathe, though.

Crawling to what was Frieza's main chamber, Kakarot moved to the only thing that looked like a bed. Removing his disc drones, they scan the room looking for genetic material. Not much was found.

'Blasted.. Xenos doesn't shed either? Not even a discarding of dead skin cells?' Crawling around, he found an actual picture thing of sorts. Members of the Frost Demons all gathered. 'Huh.. that one looks different than the others, I can't do anything about that at this time.'

As time was running short, Kakarot decided to place an itching powder inside the sheets. Hopefully, Frieza would claw himself to death. Not much else he could as he was out of explosives and couldn't afford to waste power making more components.

'Someone is coming?' Feeling the approaching Ki, the drones were recalled as he slipped under a piece of furniture. Zarbon had arrived with Frieza. 'Hmm, a possible tryst, that would be something to use later. But it doesn't look like it.'

Frieza pressed something on his console. A screen came down with a chart of sorts. A galactic chart of all things. Not being able to make heads or tails of it, he made sure to stare at it to commit to memory if forced to flee.




Frieza's Forces arrived moments after Team Bardock minus Bardock succeeded in getting the locals to work with them. They were ready for them. The moment they passed into the atmosphere, a different frequency blocked the signal sporadically. Couldn't use the same trick as before the same way.

That would be stupid.

"Spread out and wipe out those filthy Saiyans!" Dodoria said. He was a large pink creature. Spike growths on his arms and forehead. As Frieza's right-hand man, he had a bit of leeway with things he did. "Oh, there they are."

*Tap!* Fasha landed on the ground with a smirk. She won the bet to get first crack at him. The Saiyan pride still in them strongly effecting their decision making.

"Where is the rest of your team?" Dodoria asked. His hand lifted up provoking slightly. "We need a full report." Fasha just signaled upward. "Hmm?" Looking up, the others came down slowly. "What the hell are they doing here?"

The Planet Meat forces were given a choice after the Saiyans took them on. Help them take out Frieza, or be killed. The powered-up Saiyans would decimate them if they resisted with out effort.

With the average power level of 300, it was best they use pack tactics and ganging up on an opponent.

"Shall we begin?" A Commander Meatian asked. He looked weird with his purple carapace and white flesh that was close to Frieza's in nature. "Or do we keep waiting?" He was scared but nothing that could be done besides getting killed by either groups.

Some of Dodoria's men had the look of wanting to run away. They were smart, which is why they were alive still. Dodoria was strong but the Saiyans could jump there power up by turning giant monsters.

*Fwoosh!* Fasha glowed with a pink hue as she fired everything she had in one shot. The Combination of the tiny bit of Divine Ki she had acces to and Magic amplified the attack severalfold.

*Pew!* A pink beam of death split into several striking hard and fast. As her job was to take out all the scouters. Not a one survived the direct shot with even the foes in the back not faring to well. The Planet Meat Army soldiers started firing their weapons at the ships Dodoria team arrived on.

"What!?" Dodoria was taken back as he rubbed his face. Scorched and bleeding profusely as it didn't clot. A piece of the scouter glass stuck in the side of the Xenos's head caused a burning sensation. "How dare you, miserable wretch..."

"Hahaha!" Fasha started laughing. The others settled for a grin. "I always wanted to say this." The others were ok with humoring her for now. They were in a joyous mood seeing a member of Frieza's force so pissed. "Sic 'em boys!"

*Fwoosh!* Tora shot pass kneeing the cursing Xenos in the face. Knee cap ripping right through the side.

Shugesh did a strafing run of an Energy Volley. Borgos did a full body press into a group of them. As for Fasha now, she went to grab something that would target the back end who tried to flee.

"Hit them hard an fast!" Tora reminded. Getting into a direct melee with Dodoria was not the smartest idea and not the plan. He was stronger with superior Ki, but it was temporary in terms of control. "Do not give in to impulses!"

The warning was well needed, but the Meatians didn't have that problem as they fired at full power destroying the ships, and a large chunk of the Frieza Forces deployed. The damage to their Planet was a secondary matter.

"Lock and loaded!" Fasha pulled out a missile launcher from the dirt. it was stored away for just this occasion. Out all of them, she was the only one willing to use what they called Xenos Technology to fight. "Rockets away!"

Multiple rockets shot out towards those targeted. Damage was enough to take out anyone under a power level of 2000. Or seriously, maim. With the speed of Saiyan, it was easy to reload quickly and fire again.

*Boom!* The explosions blind each of them for a moment with the ki blasts.

"You little filth!" Dodoria gripped at his face from the knee strike. Turning in hatred at the Saiyans who were rebelling outright. "I am gonna.." Tora did a full punch to the gut. Divine energy gathered as he decided just take care of him in one go and help the others. "..kuuukkk!" Spit left Dodoria's mouth, as well as blood. "You.. you.."

"You, you what?" Tora taunted him from behind. As Dodoria's eyes went bloodshot, he fired a mouth beam point-blank. Pushing himself away and engulfing the other in energy. "Not gonna lie, your breath stinks." Tora stood there covered in smoke.

Waiting for it to clear. Like a fool. His muscles were tensed as he instincts were fighting against reasoning to fight his opponent in the worse ways imaginable.

"See that! You little.." Dodoria stopped talking, looking at his Elite's in shock. They were almost all dead. If not for the bloodlust pushing the Saiyans to make stupid choices, they would have been dead already. One was openly ripping them apart. Testing his strength. ".. my Elite's.. Toyed with like children."

"Do not worry, you will be joining them shortly." Borgos, who was usually quiet threw the two remains on the ground. "I am gonna eat them later, don't worry. Not wasting food."

Fasha couldn't quite comprehend the viciousness of some of them right now. The power should not have been this provoking once they transformed. That is what Kakarot told them after they got used to it.

Something begged the question of why they were currently like this. An animalistic drive even pushes them further pass the body limits.

"Come on... I don't have time to play around with you!" Tora grabbed Dodoria by the face and slammed him to the ground. The heard-headed creature did not turn into paste no matter how many times he was slammed. 'My power is fading already!'

To wild, the state was leaving the sub leader. Despite him having the most control previously!

"Playing with me?" Dodoria grabbed hold of the arm and kicked out with his foot. "I AM AN ELITE OF LORD FRIEZA! YOU FOOLISH MONKEYS CAN NOT STOP ME!" Enraged, the power erupted from within as he fired at Mouth Beam.

A, large almost round ball came around and blocked the attack. Shugeshwente for the win and saved the life of his friend. But at what cost? The beam pierced through his armor and went clean through to the other side.

"Shugesh!" Tora shouted as Shugesh landed on the ground unmoving. "No!" With his power spent as he transformed back, the wounds were quite fatal.

"Hunting Arrow!" Fasha placed her very life force into a ball then kicked it in anger. The look of rage and tears in the woman's eyes were something to behold considering her usual behavior. "You monster!"

"Heh!" Arrogant to the end, Dodoria was ready to kill another one of them. "Another weak at.."

*Thump!* Dodoria's lifeless body dropped down, as his head was burned clean off in one go. The rest of his soldiers dead in moments after. However, this was not the end, as Tora seemed to lose all control and went on a rampage.

Crushing the dead Frieza force members. If not for the Meateans running in different directions fleeing for their lives, they to would have been killed.

Borgos and Fasha had to find away to get him back to his senses while also moving Shugesh to the Saian Pod to leave.


Back on Planet Plant/Vegeta-


Several Saiyan pods were on their way to the Planet. The recall for the Saiyans with on as normal.

Unable to communicate with Kakarot on their own, the beaten Team Bardock loaded up and headed off to recover. Heading to the nearest Frieza Planet with medical devices. Which were not good as their power level would be reported the moment they recover.

Triggering a problem further for Frieza as his Elites would be found to be dead!

As the Nerve Gas had done its job on the ship, the results were to be as expected. Saiyans, and Xenos with similar biology to that of humans were fine. The bombs were planted in such a way the crew did not find them until it was to late.

Frieza was sick but not to injured in the process. Forced into his 2nd Form, the Tyrant was enraged that his ship was attacked by hwat he believed to be assasins. Looking for the culprit was the worse thing with Kakarot having left the ship forcing doubt the race he imitated was behind it.

Bardock was already at the nursery checking on his son Kakarot. Even at the point of breaking the spell on him completely. The talks among the forces in the nursery giving him a funny feeling.

King Vegeta was on the Planet having been ordered by Frieza to investigate possible traitors himself. But it was mostly just to get rid of them all in one go. He wanted to kill him with his people so they could see how he failed them.

Prince Vegeta was on a ship along with a few Saiyan babies. Why they were there, Kakarot had know idea. Neither did the few Saiyan mothers who were taken with them. A very unusual devlopment.

Dealing with King Vegeta was easy, a duel between Bardock and the king resulted in his win. The increase in power put Bardock way past what he was capable of contending against. Respecting his might as a stronger Saiyan they were forced to listen to reason.

'Haa, what in the world is going on with Bardocks Team, they havent responded like they were supposed to. How many checkins are they going to miss once Dodria was taken out?'

Trying to reach them via Telepathy was a no-go as well. With them in Suspend Animation and moving at hi-speeds, he couldn't get to them that way either.

'If I would have formed a Link, that would have help, but they are not really my people. Just share a common enemy and helping increase my strength.' The Champion lamented not arriving a little earlier.

Talks with the group defintely lead him to the conclusion to not bring them to his Dimension and keep them on the path of using them as a War resource for later. Especially considering how much he had to do to stabilize the place already.

Touching the ground, he took the chance to increase his Magic further. He did not mind the other looks from the Saiyans. Who openly stared at his Dark Red tail. The Aspect of History reveals some troubling news in regards to the Saiyan Tuffle War.

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 19,329,483→ = Soul Refining Art

Ki: 227,902→

Magic: 300,001 →

Styles: Kanassan, Otherworld II, Ogre, Namekian, Demon Realm, Saiyan II, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight II, Ki Blast III, Sense V, Telepathy III, Full Power, Ki Shout, Volley Burst, Cross Arm Dive, Semiperfect Multi-Form II, Masenko, Blood Bomber, Wormhole

Abilities: Absorption, Majin/Timebreaker Mark, Shapeshifting II, Vampirism, Egglaying II, Materialization, Teleport III

Transformation: Dark King Aura, Demonic Great Ape Form

Controlled Regions: Earth, Jupiter, Neptune

Linked: 187 Namekians, 30 Saiyans, Old Gohan, Towa, Mai, Nam, Pilaf, Launch, Hasky, Lunch, Bulma, 3,257 Demons, Bongo, Pasta, 92 Snake Martial Artists, 15 Ogres, 5 Adoptive Kids, 9 Biological Kids, King Yenma

Magmatidecreators' thoughts