
Multiverse Travel Part 18: Subsidiary Dimension 13 Snatching & Leaving



Currently watching over everyone, Kakarotto turned to his brother Raditz squaring off against Yamcha and Tenshinhan of the same Dimension. The two who gave the most trouble besides the young girl Videl and Mark in the group of humans.

Yamcha sent out a double palm fang strike toward Raditz. With a spin and a turn, Raditz got out of the way delivering an elbow strike in return. Not losing out in speed, the Saiyan did lose out in form.

*Krack!* Several ribs gave way from the blow and caused Yamcha to wince. Before the warrior could scream out in pain, a kick to the chest sent him flying away past the spectators.

"Humph! All it takes is a little more pushing and you go down so easy, I do not know why the King thought this would be a good idea!" Raditz boasted loudly. "You humans just don't have what it takes to be warriors!"

"Humph! This guy is just a jerk who is strong because of his genetics!" Videl pouted angrily. Already catching on that those with tails fought better than they did previously after recovering in the Healing Vats in the place. "If I could do that I would be way stronger than you "Hedgehog" head!"

"Alright Videl, remember to calm yourself." Her father Mark, formerly known as Hercule said. "Everyone has advantages and disadvantages, we benefit from better Emotional Control and Ki Control. We have to play to our strengths."

"Humph, bugs can only go so far." Cocky and arrogant, Raditz still hadn't learn.

"That's enough Raditz!" Kakarotto scolded. "Do not forget these bugs... people, beat you up several times already before. In fact.." He walked towards his brother frowning with a dark look. ".. what the girl says is completely correct. If not for our genetics we would not be as strong as we are."

"Tch!" Of course, he did not want to hear this. "People are born the way they are, not like it is supposed to be fair!"

"Alright, since he is acting so unruly you humans are free to remove your restraints once more for the next bit of sparring." Kakarotto touched his Gravity Bracers moving them to off. "Burn off all of your frustration and fears against us!"

*Woosh!* The blast of force that left the former crazed instructor clashed against that of the humans. Ki against Divine Ki caused a maelstrom instantly creating weather distortions in the Hyperbolic Time Chambers's weird environment.

"Hah!" Little Videl was the first to charge toward Raditz. Small she may be but her control with Divine Ki was higher than most. "Tooryah!" A kick to the chin sent Raditz flying into the air and possibly dislocating his jaw.

"Ugh!" Raditz barely righted himself in the air before several humans attacked him from the sides brutally and completely in synch. The dog pile of attacks pushed the Saiyan to the limit very quickly and knocked the smug look off his face. "Don't..." His teeth clenched as a hit cracked his eye socket. "..you.. filthy humans..."

'I have a bad feeling!' Videl felt the Ki spike and dropped down signaling the others to do so. But not everyone followed that order. "Dad!" Mark, grabbed Raditz performing a Piledriver on him in an instant. "Let him go!"

"I'll teach you to look down on the human spirit!" Hearing his daughter's words to late it wouldn't matter as he had to do this.

*Boom!* The entire Hyperbolic Time Chamber shook brutally as Raditz was planted through the almost intangible space floor. Mark jumped back panting heavily as he got ready to continue.

"Hmm, good job." Kakarotto looked at the down frame of his brother scanning the life signs that continued to plummet. "Gonna have to get you into one of the Healing Vats if you are gonna make it." Tossing Raditz like a bag of flour over his shoulder he stopped when feeling resistance. "Hmm?"

"I can.. still.. kuff.. fight!" Raditz fought himself free and started to float. "I... won't lose here.. to them!" Angry to lose to those he was dominating most of the time, his pride just wouldn't let him leave this be.

Everyone present prepared themselves to continue sparring expecting the worst. The crazed look in the Saiyan's eyes was a telltale sign he was about to lose control of himself.

Right as Raditz was about to lunge forward and attack the nearest human, a devastating chop was delivered to his neck.

"Ugh!" Face planting forward he was out could and really needed medical attention.

"Everyone continues on, this idiot just didn't learn over the last few months." In a rare display of restraint himself, Kakarotto pulled his brother away to get healed. "Remember not to go too far like we were ordered beforehand."

Clear of the Saiyans, the Earthlings just gave each other looks. They still did not trust the group after all this time. But they were getting stronger and learned more about their possible enemy each day while fighting.

"Dad... what do you think they really have planned for us?" Videl asked her father.

"I don't know but... so far it has been on the up and up."

"I think we should steal one of the ships and take our chances, Hercule." A student by the name of Jewel from another Dojo still calls him by that stage name. Not thinking for a moment they couldn't take them down if they worked hard and pushed themselves to the limit. "No way they don't have ulterior motives."

"I don't know about motives but they did provide higher training and this Divine Ki. Though surviving the initial process was excruciating." Tenshenhan couldn't stop comparing the Ki and Divine Ki to each other. "Why give us the tools to be able to kill them one day if they didn't plan to stay ahead somehow?"

"Everyone has checked each other over. Besides these "Infinity-looking" brands on our arms, nothing different happens besides a regular checkup every now and then to gauge our growth." Yamcha remembered the process of getting it and only felt a rush of energy opening up inside him from it. 'I just don't know what to believe anymore.'

The group stopped talking as a few of the Namekians came over to continue the spar. Unaware that the entire conversation was heard by them.

As the sparring and training kicked back off over there, Kakarotto stared at his brother in the Healing Vat floating. Besides the unusual waste produced from use inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, the device worked the same as always.

'Big Brother, he almost lost it and attained the Super Saiyan transformation. However, there was a drawback.' Kakarotto communicated through the Marks on his body to Kakarot. 'His control is almost nonexistent and, his sense of reasoning goes away. I think it best we stop the training for the particular trigger option.'

'Very well. Switch to teaching him control while in his Great Ape Form. Full control at that. Appoint one of the others to take over the training while in there.' Kakarot thought back to him quickly. 'When it is time to come out we are heading off the planet anyway. I have enough for initial studies, I do not wish to neglect your growth, teaching is one thing and they have enough of it.'

Excited, the Undying Saiyan prepared to fight by pushing Raditz through the most intense training once he got out. Better to make him stronger at Base for better conditioning and assignments in the future.




The very moment the group exited the Hyperbolic Time Chamber Raditz and Kakarotto was escorted to upgraded Saiyan Attack Pods. Everyone else was given rides back home to a new city to help colonize.

Work was to be done and no time for pleasantries.

Appointed as Planetary Defense Force members some couldn't believe the entire infrastructure that was set up. Radio and Satellite uplink displaying real-time. Entire factories and mining taking place all over the globe remotely.

The biggest kicker was the inhabitants in some of the cities. Humans, from the other Dimension, volunteered to move over to this one for new opportunities. Plus a nice incentive on real estate and land options in the future to deal with the Hazard of having a smaller military force.

Slowly the natural inhabitants of this Earth guard dropped in regards to the Dark King Kakarot's army. The next few years would be the determining factor, however.

As for King Kakarot... he was already loaded up. In deep thought at what to do first while they are out there. The Lookout was taken away of course. With a newer one more Technology based left behind.

Mark was appointed Guardian of Earth, with his daughter Videl set for the successor. Kakarot left a new spawn via the egg-laying method with information on his various techniques and a way to escape in case a Deity came to destroy this Dimension completely outclassing the defenses.

The moment all the ships left this Dimension, a ripple of energy went outward. Making it harder for the lackey's of Zeno to find the Subsidiary Dimension anymore. For those already heading that way, nothing could be done. 

The change of plans of meeting Frieza head-on after meeting Nappa and Vegeta was a decent option to go. He had to get his darker impulse and develop a ruthless mindset of taking over on a higher scale. That was definitely something to do with the Saiyans in this Dimension.

On the new Lookout, once everyone was gone, a group of creatures came out to attack. this was Garlic Jr. with the Spice Boys, who didn't expect this to happen, and thinking those left behind were weak they attacked with a fury. But they were dispatched easily enough by Mark and Videl.

The others just scoffed and were already prepared to lock the enemy up to interrogate them to find out where they came from and what they wanted.

The same as other planets, the Namekians went about terraforming them. But not with Saiyans or anything like that of other races. Completely and strictly with Namkeians. Another plan is to utilize and abuse the merging process of the races. Of course an absolute last resort to use.

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 285,231,102→ 321,548,157 = Soul Refining Art

Ki: 5,784,820→ 6,124,748

Magic: 938,077→ 1,021,859

Styles: Kanassan, Otherworld III, Ogre II, Namekian III, Demon Realm III, Saiyan II, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight IV, Ki Blast V, Sense VII, Telepathy V, Full Power, Ki Shout II, Volley Burst, Cross Arm Dive, Semiperfect Multi-Form V, Masenko II, Blood Bomber, Wormhole V

Abilities: Absorption III, Majin/Timebreaker Mark IV, Shapeshifting IV, Vampirism II, Egglaying III, Materialization II, Teleport V, Unlock Potential III, Sealing

Transformation: Dark King Aura, Demonic Great Ape Form, Super Saiyan (Perfected)

Controlled Regions: Earth, Jupiter, Neptune

Linked: 197 Namekians, 173 Saiyans, Old Gohan, Towa, Mai, Pilaf, Launch, Hasky, Lunch, Bulma, 3,300 Demons, Bongo, Pasta, 92 Snake Martial Artists, 20 Ogres, 16 Kids, King Yenma

Magmatidecreators' thoughts