
Multiverse Travel Part 16: Subsidiary Dimension 13 Disregard for the Lookout's purpose


The Lookout-


Stopping at the Hyperbolic Time Chamber after some time, Kakarot and company smiled. Raiding Korin's Tower proved helpful in providing some magical items and Senzu Beans to train the others faster.

Eins, one star child of his Dragonball children would take over the role of Guardian of the Earth in this Dimension along with several Demons & new Saiyans as protectors.

The child would not be raised alone of course. Several Namekians along with a few of the Saiyans that Kakarot just laid eggs for would be here as well for companionship. As it was a Dimension for Sacrifice adequate defense would be needed.

With one other taking the spearhead to teach the humans of other ways to grow and become stronger. The human Nam, as one of Kakarot's trusted people, would take over helping to lead the humans in this Subsidiary Dimension. His peaceful nature but an understanding of knowing one needed to know how to fight would go a long way for growth.

"The adjustments are finished." A Namkeian of the Dragon type came over. "My King, the potency of this Time Chamber is more than back home. A total of twenty can go inside but won't be able to enter again until a full year has passed on the outside. The effects or potency of the Chamber itself marks the previous inhabitants from going inside somehow."

"Hmm, so the different "Dimensional Frequencies" will cause issues with certain devices?" Kakarot nodded at the quick assessment and looked forward to coming across other Hyperbolic Time Chambers in the immediate future to test. "The 20 have already been chosen so we will go right in to not waste time. What is the dilation for entering inside?"

"Only was able to set up for two years worth. I.. am sorry I couldn't do better." The Namekian bowed his head in shame at his poor work. "Hmm!?" He was startled to see a hand on his shoulder and a smile on his father's face when looking up.

"You did well. Your studies are going faster than my own have gone. In fact, besides Katas back home and Bulma, you have a good handle on Science and Magic Temporal Devices. Good work, Xylo." Kakarot moved away to head inside with the others flying over from his contact with them. "Eins, go and take care of your Guardian duties."

"Ok!" The baby Saiyan flew off his father and landed on his technical little brother Xylo. But Namekians age so quickly that the other looked more like the older brother instead. "Come on! Let's go bug the tower keeper!"

The tower keeper was none other than this Dimensions Mr.Popo. Using the Timebreaker/Majin Mark to bring him under full control and compliance, the Djinn would be used to interact with the Otherworld members who appeared on Earth.

Watching them go, Kakarot turned to Ruby and the others. Ushering them to go inside to get started. At the tail end, both himself and Kakarotto would close the door.

"Why did you stop here?" The now milder Saiyan asked somewhat annoyed. "Let's go in and fight already with them!"

"Yeah yeah, hold on." Kakarot took out a syringe and stabbed it into the other. "This is a genetic unlock potential device. This will increase your fighting prowess significantly. You are going to need it just to keep up."

"Ughh!" Feeling the rush of power within, the Immortal Saiyan was ecstatic. "Why do you think I am going to need this? I can't die." His face was smug as this was apparent after multiple methods were used on him of coming back to life from death.

"This place we are going to train for a while has different laws. Dying in there might be permanent death for you." He said while walking forward. The other had stopped which caused the Champion to wonder if he was afraid. "So it might be your last chance at life if you stay out here."

"Who do you think your fooling?" Only startled a little, the Immortal Saiyan went inside all the same. "No way will I stay dead! Come on you chicken!" Despite his bluster, a strong thought pervaded deep in his mind. 'Can't take death for granted now! But this will give me a few tricks to play on them now!'

Stepping inside assailed by the change in the environment, the mental attack affected the Undying Saiyan to a good degree. With no chance to gather themselves the fighting started quickly into a brutal free for all.

Training and fighting nonstop did wonders for a lot of them.

It was not until half a year that the Immortal Kakarotto lost control and was put down hard enough that he died.

This resulted in Kakarot having to open a Wormhole to the Otherworld and connect the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to three different locations to get him back. The conversation with King Yemma took forever in regards to what was going on but an agreement was made the same as the other in his Dimension.

To bad no fruit was given during this in exchange. The other side effect of opening the Wormhole caused both Kakarot and Kakrotto to be pushed out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber early.

For the last few weeks in the Lookout, Kakarot, Ruby, and the others have fought against the immortal Kakarotto in the deadliest of fights. His savage fighting style helped improve their defenses against such an opponent for the future.

In return, the Immortal Saiyan improved at a rapid rate thanks to the constant Activation of Saiyan Power. Enough that his Power was a match against a few Demon Elites but not that of the main army or main fighting force when restraints were removed.

The testing of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber revealed a few issues once the Champion had the chance to study it somewhat when the other group came out.

It was a very unstable but stable Subsidiary Dimension in and of itself. Once checks were finished, and the use was done to its fullest when he was going to leave, he would absorb it into his Internal Space to see what would happen.


Out of the Chamber One Day-


"Haa... ha.. ha... damn it!" Having just revived, Kakarotto swore in anger while gaining his breath back. King Yemma had lectured him the entire time as was agreed upon when he dies. Explaining the more permanent ramifications Immortality had on the Soul. Which didn't bother Kakarotto at all. "Who does that red oni think he is!?"

"Well, the ruler of the Afterlife Affairs in the Dimension of course." Lazuli floated nearby commenting. She had great respect for King Yemma and understood it was a tough job without help. 'Just a few more years and I can go and take an Internship under him! It will be so much easier to work in different places once I finish!'

Excited, the hybrid focused back on the work at hand to keep from wasting energy. The siblings Lapis and Lazuli continued to grow in different directions compared to what was originally set up for them.

"Now that your back, go take a shower." Ruby instructed. Her scouter was lit up with a display of a strong reading coming towards the planet from space. "Hmm, that "guy" is finally coming. The security forces around the planet can take care of it since it will be a few days until he gets here."

"Princess Ruby," Broly called out as he walked over to her. After finishing his Mental Training the young Saiyan became a little more outgoing and enjoyed spending time with other Saiyans. "your father, is he free right now?"

"Yeah, he should be." With a bright smile, she sent a message to her father that he had someone to talk to. 'Old Man, Broly wants to talk to you.'

Out of the few who were good at the higher forms of Telepathy, most got with Ruby first to speak with Kakarot. Considering how flooded the Scouters' communication network happened to be because of all the work getting done.

*Schup!* Kakarot Teleported to the location a few moments later. All across his body were cuts healing up as well as injectors of Moon Energy into his veins from the Moon Bracers always worn. Bathing his body internally in its effects.

An edgy look was on the Champion's face as he resisted the urge to transform into the Demonic Great Ape form. Restraint was vital in learning the different methods of the Saiyan Transformation down the line.

*Bzzt!* An energy arc of black & red circled briefly out of control. Not to mention the control of his Magic and Ki in tune with it all.

"Don't mind this, just an experiment I am conducting." The constant bathing in Moon Energy and Magic caused his cells to keep undergoing a change closer to that of a new type of Saiyan compared to the current base. However, it showed no signs of finishing anytime soon. 'At least my Saiyan DNA seems to be getting stronger every day.'

"Just came to join in the work." Broly didn't want to just remain dormant. Even though fighting was not something he enjoyed he still wanted to at least learn more control and experience life and what it meant to be a Saiyan. "My test results...."

"I have read them over." Kakarot stopped him there with a raised hand. Considering the multiform already shared it with the use of Quantum Thought, he was very aware of the progress. "The places we are going are also in need of a defense at times. Basically, a strike team to gain experience first, so a place will definitely be needed for one like yourself to take it slow."

"Thank you." Broly gave a soft smile and nodded.

"Yeah, but you will have to fight." Ruby said abruptly. She floated to get eye level with the much taller Saiyan. "Kindness and reluctance to fight is one thing but I refuse to have any Saiyan that does not know when it is time to kill. People like that put the entire squad in danger when trouble comes out. Do you understand?"

"I understand." Broly looked down as he answered. A smack came across his face from Ruby's tail. "oww!" The blow lifted his face back up at eye level.

"Look me in the eye and say you do." Her voice was stern but she would not take a half-assed answer. "You may have more power than me but I am stronger as a person than you will ever be at this rate."

*Woosh!* Powering up to Super Saiyan, Ruby emphasized her point by releasing her killing intent on the much stronger Saiyan. Her steely eyes showed very much she would do all it took to kill and win.

"I understand!" Broly responded sharply with a steely look in his eyes in return.

"Good!" Ruby shot up into the sky. "Then come spar with me now!"

Never one to miss a chance to get stronger she provoke the Saiyan as needed. Lapis and Lazuli flew up to join her in the spar. The use of the Time Chamber had done them all well for personal development.

"Well, guess I was really called over for no reason." Kakarot smirked as he walked around the Lookout. Ignoring the sparring going on up above. "At least the Lookout is repaired and restoration is going on well enough."

Heading around the way after doing a walk around observing the planet, it was time for the harder stuff for personal growth. Opening the door, Kakarot stepped into the Realm of Gods and Sages (Shinsenkai) to gain all he needed faster.

Several figures started to appear as the former Guardians of Earth sensed the Negative Energy coming off Kakarot. The Majin and Timebreaker mark lit up with power in defiance.

"Raah!" Releasing all his power and transforming he immediately attacked and started absorbing the former Guardians. "Time to contribute to Earth correctly you failures!"

As Kakarot brutally and indiscriminately fought against them, each absorbed remnant of the former Guardians revealed more of his abilities learned. The old fogeys had knowledge beyond what they ever passed down to each of the ones who took their place.

"Fools!" Angered, the Super Saiyan Transformation pushed harder and developed to a better state. "You useless dregs!" Hands raised, a lot of the tomb markers were destroyed. "Volley Burst!"

The more he fought the more Kakarot despised the former guardians. Each bit of Knowledge and action they took or lack of action was disgusting. They were so lazy!

*Rumble!* The entire landscape warped from the Ki blasts that fired out in a Volley. In terms of magic, the Guardians could have defeated him if they would have acted all at once.

However, the same in life they did so in the Afterlife by being passive and waiting to make a move first. They didn't suspect their opponent would be so unrestrained while fighting.

"We need to head further in to lead this beast into a trap!" A former Guardian said to the others. Unaware "Huh?!"

*Schup!* Kakarot Teleported cutting off the retreating path. Hand glowing black and red, he pierced the chest of the other and absorbed him directly. Replenishing his Magic to help defend against the various attacks that wore him down some.

'My Spirit energy is skyrocketing...' Having refined them somewhat with his soul, Kakarot had to resist the urge from going into every Lookout and doing the same thing. '..I should only do this for the places that have failed my requirements or.. that are about to be wiped out.'

Elated, the Champion continued his attack unabated. The Dark Mists started to lessen as they were absorbed with everything else energy-wise. The lesser Divine Magic each carried in their souls acted like a tonic.

The state of Super Saiyan started to emit a golden glow more than normal.

Off in the distance, a few of the former Guardians watched with rapt attention. They could not flee and they could not really win. Observing they noticed the change and the fact the intruder did not fight with malice but the anger was there all the same.

A few thought the combined might of each of them would be enough to influence the intruder in the end.

"What is this?" Kakarot floated in place while a Super Saiyan. The control and lack of throbbing from his own Ki was different than normal to control. "So much promise so little time to look into it all. Besides combat itself to speed the process up, this is the next best method. This place... might be more worthwhile than I thought."

Staying in this state, the Champion decided to create a few eggs here instead. One Human, Kanassan, Saiyan, Namekian, Ogre, and Demon. Unlike his other children, each received the Majin/Timebreaker Mark and Divine Ki.

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 285,231,102→ = Soul Refining Art

Ki: 5,784,820→

Magic: 938,077→

Styles: Kanassan, Otherworld III, Ogre II, Namekian III, Demon Realm III, Saiyan II, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight IV, Ki Blast V, Sense VII, Telepathy V, Full Power, Ki Shout II, Volley Burst, Cross Arm Dive, Semiperfect Multi-Form V, Masenko II, Blood Bomber, Wormhole V

Abilities: Absorption III, Majin/Timebreaker Mark IV, Shapeshifting IV, Vampirism II, Egglaying III, Materialization II, Teleport V, Unlock Potential III, Sealing

Transformation: Dark King Aura, Demonic Great Ape Form, Super Saiyan (Perfected)

Controlled Regions: Earth, Jupiter, Neptune

Linked: 187 Namekians, 143 Saiyans, Old Gohan, Towa, Mai, Pilaf, Launch, Hasky, Lunch, Bulma, 3,257 Demons, Bongo, Pasta, 92 Snake Martial Artists, 15 Ogres, 16 Kids, King Yenma

Magmatidecreators' thoughts