
Multiverse Travel Part 14: Subsidiary Dimension 13 Part 1 Kakarotto

The earth looked to be pretty devastated in this Subsidiary Dimension. For a split second, Kakarot thought he landed in Universe 6 of the Greater Super Dimension. That would have been bad and suicide. He was just in one of the Subsidiary Dimensions of the Greater Dimensions of Dragonball Multiverse.

Which were at the border of his own and before the Super ones distance-wise. If you went down through the Dimensional Boundaries anyway following the various passageways of travel.

Mapping it was just so awful with the conflict between the places and passageways of who patrol or mixed through on just a simple walk about.

"Well, I know what is going on in this place currently. To bad the "time" is further along than my own. Didn't have the chance to really prevent this from happening."

A little sadness at the devastation of a different Earth.

Kakarot stood up straight from crouching down for a few minutes, allowing the soil to fall between his fingertips. His Ki Sense was still traveling out into space combined with his use of Magic and the Aspect of History to gain more information and power at the same time.

He watched as one of the ships came out of the Wormhole behind him. "Check the area for any anomalies. Need to make sure "she" didn't tamper with this place already."

"Right." Mai answered over the loudspeaker. Launch manned the defenses with a few of the demons working security. "Hey, why didn't you kids go with your mom?" Turning to ask them what was on several of the demons' minds.

Seppari and Rigor didn't know the ship was coming to this place instead of going back. The kids were pretty excited to go on a trip and didn't pay attention to everything. The wanderlust of traveling space was something both warrior children missed.

Which tended to happen for the two a lot. They gave simple shrugs in response to the older woman's question. It was about the same as landing in a Saiyan Attack Ball on a random planet as far as they were concerned for danger levels.

Just no Hyper Sleep involved.

Well, it was not needed for this destination anyway.

"So, just behave and everything will be ok." Launch said sternly unlike her other half. She had a really bad feeling all of a sudden about the place from the visuals retrieved so far. Turning to the different cameras on screen, her eyes searched frantically for anything weird. 'This Earth is a shithole! Hell, the life readings are low as hell! What could possibly be worth it here?'

The demons who ran the various Mineral Devices thought the same thing. The first readings showed a lot of deposits unburied. As well as several that were processed already made the situation weird with low life readings on the planet not using them.

Every major heavily populated city was done for. Medium-sized cluster towns were destroyed next on the list. Only a few small hamlets looked to survive. With even a few of those messed over and only 1/20 have people that may still live there.

Spotting his target, Kakarot looked at the version of this Goku, well named Kakarotto in this place that kept his Saiyan training with a few other mental issues from his mother training him to prove to his father that he wasn't weak.

His mother Hanasia did quite a number on him.

"Hey," Kakarot landed before him with Eins still latched to his back. The young hybrid twitched his nose in confusion from the smell. Unlike the Multiforms that all smelled the same to the children, Kakarotto did not. This should be the case since it was not a multiform they were looking at. "we should talk...."

"Who are you? You want to fight me!?" A wild look of violence appeared in the eyes of Kakarotto. Not even seeing the resemblance between the two in the haze. As well as not caring about the infant attached. "That baby will be a good appetizer afterward!"

"I wouldn't mind a fight, but I am here to help you." Kakarot moved into arms reach. His Moonlight Bracers were full already and his body already soaking up the negative energy to feed directly into his Dark Factor creation. "How bad are the headaches and nightmares getting lately from the lonely days? Starting to lose touch with reality while killing all the innocent humans on the planet?"

The threat to the baby was ignored. The other couldn't beat him even on a good day.

"How do you know about that!?" The other stepped back and immediately hated himself for doing so. Showing fear was not something he did lightly over all these years. "No! Fight me instead of talking!" A bout of lunacy took over as he attacked wildly. "Your strong! But I am stronger!"

Baby Eins floated off his father and out the way to watch. A small floating carrier appears underneath from a Capsule Corporation bracelet on the infant's body.

No sense in wasting energy of your own.

*Bam!* Fists collided easily with a block. The Champion suppressed his power to allow himself to fight against a "Wild Saiyan" fighter. A few styles wrapped in from fighting those on earth made for an interesting combination.

"Nice form there." Tossing him back, a raised finger fired multiple Ki blasts straight through his opponent. 'Still can't get the compression as I need it to be. Multi Death Beam or Dodon Ray is pretty difficult without real training dedicated to it.'

Turned to swiss cheese in moments, Kakarotto dropped dead. The Champion went over drawing blood and various other samples needed. The secrets of Immortality might come out from studying someone who was given it by the Dragonballs in due time.

"Let's see how long it takes to come back from this." As Kakarot waited, the Aspect of History was used to learn everything about the individual's past hands on. Mostly bloodshed and overwhelming fear at times. A child driven by a sense of belonging and ingrained training "Brain damage" worse than Broly here. Remarkable the way things go sometimes."

A few minutes passed by before the downed body stirred. The penetration marks had healed up and barely left any scarring on the body. Just a light pink of new skin.

"I guess the wish technically has to heal the body to bring it back to life? If not he would be considered an undead if the soul was inside a nonliving body. But the Dragonballs of Earth were always so weak because of Kami so how come this wish is so strong technically?"

A personal reflection on the changes could wait. One thing he did see when going through the History of the other was that he never had his Potential Unlocked at all.

"Hah!" Kakarotto attacked with his Ki wildly. Seeing his opponent distracted he didn't want to miss the chance. "Boom!" He exclaimed in excitement. It was short-lived considering the Ki blast was to weak. "What!?"

"That was flimsy and did not contain a lot of concentration. No wonder there are so many people still alive after all this time and all the strength you possess." Outstretching a finger, a ki blast was fired. "That's how you fire one of those."

*Pew!* A hole the size of a volleyball appeared in the Saiyans' stomach. No organs or bones survived the attack. The Crazed Saiyan dropped down again to the ground dead. Eyes staring at the one who did it the entire time in shock.

The process continued on and on for hours. Kakarot gaining data on how long it would take for someone to revive with the wish effects as well as getting a fast look at how it worked with Saiyan Power increasement.

The more devastating the blow the more the boost. But if the blow that killed them was weak or something such as suffocation it was not that great in comparison.

"Father, what about the people on the planet? This level of negative energy you are gathering to this location might affect them if they get to close." Eins said a little tiredly.

"It will not. Have faith in your father...child." With a raising of the hand, Kakarot used the same method one would do for the Spirit Bomb. The knowledge gained from Chichi learning the technique already changed to match his needs further. 'I need to pay a visit to the North Kai to learn some more of his other moves actually. I am sure there is a lot of information in that Kai. In fact...'

The thought crossed his mind in regards to Bojack if the small Subsidiary Dimension that contained the pirate already fused with his own completely. If so, it would be best to prepare to go and release the seal and fight him before anything strange took place.

In minutes a large Dark Ball of energy swirled in the sky almost pulsing like a heart. The countless years of suffering done by the crazed Saiyan were only a part of it. As was shown with Kami the Guardian of Earth before, Earth had a long History of Negative Energy Accumulation due to War.

"Ugh..." A noise on the ground cut through the energy fluctuations noise. The Undying Saiyan came to again but had a little sense this time due to sensing the energy. "what is that!?"

"This is an experiment of Energy." The Champion crouched forward. "I want to see if you can survive this and what it will do to you."

At the same time, the ball of energy in the sky started to shrink down and condense. The wild Arcs of energy stopped as not a bit of it leaked out. No bigger than Earth's Dragonball's in appearance, it was pushed toward the Undying Saiyan.

Before he could continue, a mental thought smashed into his mind from Elsewhere. One of his Multiforms fell in extreme danger and would be dissipating soon if something wasn't done.

"Tch!" Personal inquiry lost out to personal welfare. It was a good time as any to test his theory on Energy Transmission. 'In Theory, it should work the worse case it will cause the Multiform to be in immediate danger further..'

*Vrrripp!* With a pushed-out hand while using a Wormhole following the direction of Quantum Thought that arrived, the condensed Energy was sent though with a Dyno Capsule going with as it contained supplies.

Not one to miss the chance once more, the crazed Saiyan attacked. This time with his full strength in the blow powered up from the constant attacks he suffered and revived from. It went as expected.




The Multiform of Kakarot that needed help was still dealing with an issue. Its body was not destroyed completely traveling through the various Dimensions. Heavily damage however it latched on to the only body that was available.

Unfortunately, the individual was not really that of a living body. It was that of highly advanced robots that would eventually be called Reploids. In the body of the iconic Megaman X as he was known in the original Dimension he came from.

*Vrrripp!* A Dark Ball of energy came out of the wormhole hitting a capsule. The influx of foreign energy causing the system and safety features that were suppressing Kakrot's take over finally stopped.

The constant simulations designed by Doctor Thomas Light to install moral character into his best creation wore down the Spirit of the Multiform. With the influx of Negative energy and the push back up of Spirit and Magic, the Multiform reasserted himself.

*Chssh!* The pod that originally contained X opened up from the inside. With full control, the Multiform went through the motions of testing out various features. The Dynocapusle itself was grabbed and then stored in the Internal Space for later.

Before much could get done, however, life signs were picked up heading to the location. The Multiform went through a quick plan with the recovered energy. In full agreeance with the others reconnected via Quantum Thought, it would be best to go about the best way to acquire more technology-based information and test them out for the future while here.

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 47,235,621→ 51,100,321 = Soul Refining Art

Ki: 3,214,785→ 3,854,987

Magic: 205,503→ 625,154

Styles: Kanassan, Otherworld II, Ogre, Namekian II, Demon Realm II, Saiyan II, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight III, Ki Blast III, Sense V, Telepathy III, Full Power, Ki Shout, Volley Burst, Cross Arm Dive, Semiperfect Multi-Form II, Masenko, Blood Bomber, Wormhole II

Abilities: Absorption II, Majin/Timebreaker Mark III, Shapeshifting III, Vampirism, Egglaying II, Materialization, Teleport V, Unlock Potential

Transformation: Dark King Aura, Demonic Great Ape Form, Pseudo Super Saiyan

Controlled Regions: Earth, Jupiter, Neptune

Linked: 187 Namekians, 143 Saiyans, Old Gohan, Towa, Mai, Pilaf, Launch, Hasky, Lunch, Bulma, 3,257 Demons, Bongo, Pasta, 92 Snake Martial Artists, 15 Ogres, 16 Kids, King Yenma

Magmatidecreators' thoughts