
Dragonball Part 4?

"Is that all you have left Kakarot?" Towa spoke in an even voice. Despite the control, it was still somewhat saddening, at least the other thought so. "You have to keep moving if you want that power fully for yourself. Or do you not care what happens to them in the future?"

Considering his recovered Spirit read at 500,000 it was decent for a well-trained human. If something tried to possess him, it would have a bad day of it. As far as the Demon realm would be concerned he could be considered a Mid-High level. With the low magic, defintely consider the bottom of the rung of a Low-Level errand boy.

"I..care.. just hurts.." Dragging his body along, Kakarot crawled to be underneath the red-black light of his soul and Four Aspects. The symbols of Infinity dancing in his eyes growing in power. "So many answers left to.. get."

Floating weakly from exhaustion, he moved closer at an angle before settling just in place before giving in for a few breaths. Kakarot was not stupid, he was just tired and could feel some of the magic floating away.

Plopping down underneath, it would take just as much effort to get back up later. Then there was the flying to do. Staring at the swirling mass of his soul did not help in the least.

Flying up after a few minutes was the last hurdle. The closer he approached, the more he felt alive in a way. Physically his body was going through a change to adapt to his soul healing and its increase.

"Haaa..." Kakarot let out a long sigh of pleasure upon making contact. "..gonna nap now."

As he fell back downward, a pair of hands grabbed the young soul body and dropped him into some grass. The Internal Space looked and felt no different than a regular place.

Minus the red light of course.

"Hmm?" Towa observed the Champion and the changes taking place. "His eyes are red like Mira's. his soul feels like it mix of it as well. At least your a fully healed now." Moving away, she was grabbed by the Saiyan tail fiercely. "Let go!"

"Mine." Kakarot said in a cold mutter. The sound of his voice sending an odd memory through Towa. "Stay put." He was sleep talking and despite the vast difference of power between the two, Kakarot was currently stronger with the use of his Soul Body.

"Grrr.." Towa grabbed the tail hard and tried to get herself free. "..when you wake up, I am increasing your training twofold!" Her exertion however only caused the Saiyan instincts of the tail to grip tighter. "Where the hell do you think you are grabbing!?"

With the tail wrapping around her midriff and across her breasts, the Demon Scientist was so angry she would never forget this humiliation. Lucky no one else was inside the Internal Space.

Putting him through training to increase the resistance against the tail grab was already coming back to bite. Catching the sight of the color change, the demon found it odd. Checking it over revealed it be full of Majin magic.

*Schup!* The moment it became loose just enough, Towa Teleported to the outside space before the tail regripped her. It would not do good to Teleport his Soul outside of his body while it was synching up. Good way to die.

"How much has he changed on the outside?" Floating over her student, the concentration of magic was much higher than before on his body. The capacity itself shooting up higher under her watchful eyes. "At least he is a decent-sized container already. How long did Jiutian take him through Space & the different Subsidiary Dimensions?"

Waving the staff over the writhing body, Towa couldn't get an accurate reading on him. His magic was actually enough to disrupt simple checks. Not daunted in the least, a very large and thick needle was pulled out.

"Let's see if you can scream in the Outside World while if pushed!" Feeling a little petty from his grabby tail, Towa stuck the needle deep watching the air change around him when doing so. Drawing large quantity of samples. "Oh, this works wonderfully for later!"

Outside the room built next to Old Gohan's house was Kakarot's house and Laboratory. The malevolent magic kicked a small wave that alerted the old martial artist.

"I say, Kakarot you ok?" Having knocked on the door not hearing any answer, the ripple of power was defintely different than before. "Has he succumb to "Evil" like what was feared?"

Waiting for over 10 minutes, curiosity got the better of the man. He went to get the key that was given in case of emergencies. Never thinking it would be needed for this.

*Crrk!* Opening and moving in carefully, Old Gohan was on alert. Moving to the Training Room after not detecting anything in the other rooms. The lights were still on at least.

"I say.. Kakarot.." coming across the young man twitching a little with protruded veins was a sight. The other was the white-haired woman a tail. Towa used a disguise in the event something like this would happen. "..are you that wife he was searching for?"

"Hmm?" Looking over the process to the Champion so closely, she was only guarded against those with a high power level. "I am not Valencia, I am his Magic Teacher Towa. Do not worry, he will be fine."

"I see." Grandpa Gohan looked thoughtful for a moment. He was told over a bit but never introduced to the woman before really. The air about her was defintely not of someone normal. "Tomorrow he will go out and test his capabilities."

"Is that wise so soon? I am not as young as I use to be and he may say he is older than he looks and older than me, but this is not like when he goes out searching the area to help to relax." Rubbing his beard, the man was actually concerned for his young-looking friend. "Alone is not a good idea."

"But it must be done." Towa understood the concern but the present was the best time to test skills and see how well he handles situations. "Have you made contacts with others to get ahold of strong fighters to prepare for the future?"

"Haa.." Shaking his head while sighing, it was not looking good. "..the search for King Piccolo's Sealed Rice Cooker has not been fruitful. I sent word to many Master Kame Roshi and brother disciple the Ox-King but have not heard back from them yet."

"I am to train Kakarot and assist in his development, the stake of this Dimension survival is up to its inhabitants in the end. If they do not offer help, then what good are they?" Towa didn't understand why the old man didn't do it himself to get help personally. It was important enough to warrant it wasn't it? "If we have to do it alone, we will."

Deep in thought and unable to answer, Old Gohan looked over the pain Kakarot was in thinking it over. Towa vanished on spot returning to the Internal Space to go back to working on her experiments.

Sadden that Mira was unable to survive as he was but happy he lived on in a way within Kakarot.


Waking A Few Days Later-


Fortunately, kakarot spent his days in deep sleep. Tossing and turning remembering his life before arriving with the Goddess Jiutian. Towa having pulled out an invention to help speed up his wake-up time by rousing his Soul from dreamland after the first few hours.

"What does this do again?" Old Gohan moved about looking at the large pod seeing Kakarot float inside. "It feels like a type of magic coming off it that is most sinister."

"Magical Medicine Machine will help nourish his Magic to synch with his body while resting. Any excess will seep into the area changing the environment." Towa typed away checking a few readings. A scouter plugged into the side that uploads data back and forth. "Took a lot of fine-tuning and he reached the state that was the bare minimum to get inside."

*Bloop! Bloop!* Two bubbles popped out of the side as his eyes opened. Inside the red liquid that felt almost like jello, supringsly didn't panic. The memory gained more than making him use to it.

'Well, this feels really good. How long was I out?' The use of Telepathy defintely helped a mask was covering over the mouth. Thinking to them easily enough to Link with the two for conversation. 'Definitely like the use of this Telepathy.'

"Just a few days. Everything reads fine. How do you feel exactly?"

'I feel good. Ready to stretch my legs for one. Memory is strong and no longer fuzzing out. My Sense defintely applies to Magic, Ki, and those with a strong Spirit. A few other skills have been polished up as well.' Kakarot looked over Towa who looked no different than a Saiyan female. Just with white hair and tail. This part he thought to her only. 'You look better than before. Something good happy while I was asleep?'

Towa just gave a smile and kept working on some readings.

"It is good you are doing better." Old Gohan told him of a few changes that have taken place. "A few students and friends from the past have started making way towards our location. Agreeing to help set up a Martial Arts school to prepare."

'That is really good.' Kakarot nodded happily, they couldn't see the smile but the impression was there from the facial features changing. 'Hopefully, we have enough time to put some of the equipment out before they get here to help train.'

"Hmmm, talk on that after." Towa pressed the drain button and passed over his armor and underclothing. The next part was thought only towards him. 'Focus on your Aspects to try and use them. Any of them.. except Sex and War.'

Getting dressed, Kakarot focused on History while touching his Scouter that was put on last. Information about the make, model and changes to it became clear as day to him.

The Scouter was originally made by the Tuffles and then updated by the Frieza Force Scientist then lastly by himself and Towa. It also revealed a few intended hardware features that were never finished.

'Gap in work most likely, but something to look into later.' Thinking that to Towa, he looked to Old Gohan. "Hold still for a bit." Placing his hand out and feeling a shift in his Magic, Kakarot focused on Longevity Aspect. "Woah!"

Feeling immediately light-headed, he leaned back a little. But the biggest change was the red black wavy energy that hit Old Gohan. Causing immediate changes to his body on the spot.

Hair changing to black a little and a few wrinkles fading away. Years were given to him immediately turning old cells healthy. Not much of a change in his overall magic but enough that the immediate increase of about 5 went down from being in the vat.

"I say!" Old Gohan jumped up with a little extra pep in his step. "That magic didn't feel as dangerous as the magic beforehand."

"Because his intent is not Evil." Towa checked over Kakarot like a diligent test subject. Downloading the vitals from his scouters bio readings. "You will defintely have a hard time if you do not get stronger soon if this goes badly."

"Right.. so let's go train." Getting his bearings back, he looked to Old Gohan who was actually excited more than usual. "I can show you a few more of my moves."

As the two went outside, Towa followed them after taking the samples from the Magical Medicine Machine that filled up a few tubes. From her spear staff, a purple light shined before a few 100 orbs shot out to observe the area and watch the sparring lesson.

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 500,000

Ki: 255

Magic: 160

Styles: Demon Realm, Saiyan, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight, Ki Blast, Sense, Telepathy, Power Up, Ki Shout,

Abilities: Absorption

Controlled Regions:

Linked: 30 Saiyans, Wife???, Old Gohan, Towa

Magmatidecreators' thoughts