
falling kingdom

"The kings and the queens are waiting for you in the meeting room", said the banshee maid.

The four protectors, Andrew, Artemis, Greck and Rose of the kingdoms gave come back from their mission.

"My lords and ladies, we are back with some really bad news...", exclaimed Andrew. His voice was filled with terror and sadness. 

"My children  Thank God you are all safe. We will deal with the news later first take a sit and rest yourselves." The queens and the kings were shock to see the eyes of their most precious people in pain.

the four protectors were loved by the kings and queens a lot. They treated them as their one children.

 Andrew was the heir of the  royal family from the Atlantias clan. Artemis his twin sister was the heir of the Lucretian clan. Yes they were hybrids. Their mother was a Lucretian and their dad an Atlantias. Greck was the heir of the second royal family of the angels dynasty. He was treated like the real heir by everyone and if ever something was to happen he would take over the throne of the angels clan. Rose was also the second heir of a royal family. She was the heir of the demons dynasty . Like Greck she would take over the throne if ever something happens.

Lets get back to our story now...

The reason why everyone was so worried was... 

war was ragging outside. River of blood were everywhere. Innocents were being killed. Hatred were beginning to grow between the two main clans. The angels and the demons were in war and the other kingdoms were divided and each one of them took their respective side. The Atlantias were supporting the demons and the Lucretian were supporting the angels. A poisonous war had break down without informing the royal families. The preparation for this war took place in the back of the royal families and the people who poisoned the mind of people against each other was nobody else than a dear friend of the royal family...MARIA., a mage working for the royalty and who  was blinded by jealousy. She waited for the royal family to go to their out-kingdom castle and started the war.

It has been nine months since the war started and the royalties could not even go out of their castle because of some problems. One of the main problem were that the Queens of the two main clans were pregnant.... The kings could not leave them alone and go in war because even the castle was not safe anymore. Even through they had an army who was ready to help them to stop the war, they were still being attack from all sides. The babies were not safe and no matter what happen they must live as they were the future of the kingdoms...

The day has come the Queen gave birth to their children. Everyone was very happy and for that only day the whole castle was filled with joy and happiness. There was one thing that everyone was wondering: how is this possible that both queens gave birth at the same time,both of them gave birth to twins  and both pair of twins consisted of one boy and one girl?

Everyone was happy except the royal families, specially the queens.... The queens were shedding tears of pain and grief. Why?, well because they did gave birth to pairs of twins but... the twins were hybrids... hybrids twin angels and demon were impossible specially if both parents were angels and demons.

The truth was that the angel queen, Queen Sonata gave birth to two girls an angel and a demon.

The demon queen, Queen Elizabette gave birth to two boys a demon and an angel.

To protect the twins they told everyone that Queen Sonata gave birth to a pair of twins, a boy and a girl and that Queen Elizabette gave birth to a pair of demon twins, a boy and a girl.

Their name were Angel(the angel boy),Angelus(the demon boy), Angela(the angel girl) and Angelica(the demon girl)....

Unfortunately the Kings and Queens, all died on that same day by a secret attack the only survivors were the four protectors and the babies...

The four protectors promised on the dead body of the royalty to protect the real heirs of the kingdoms and let the secret of the hybrids twin die alongside their parents...

New Governors were decided among the two fighting clans and whereas for the two other clans Andrew and Atemis became the new Governors. As for the twins nobody expects the the four friends knew which two twins were really twins so to prevent more fighting Rose told the Demon that Angelus and Angelica were twins and Greck told the Angels that Angel and Angela were twins.

The four friends promised themselves to protect the twins whatever the circumstances might be ...